Name | extended stories |
Owner | peakie |
Level | 2 |
Topic | Literacy |
Unit | Narrative |
Description | Year 1/2 |
File 1 | 546_Lit30.6.08.doc |
File 2 |
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Name: MissYarwood HLTA: MrsRadwell
Class:2 |
Year Group: Twoand One |
Narrative Unit 4 3 weeks Extended Stories/ Significant authors
Term: 3 Summer2 |
Week Beginning:16th June |
Workcollaboratively in a group to enact a scene from a story andpresent it to the class (teacher observation).
| Year2 and Year 1 Objectives
In orderthat children make effective progress in core skills across theyear, it is important that these Strands are planned for in everyunit: Strand 5 Word Recognition: decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling) atKS1 Strand 6 Word Structure and Spelling at KS2 Strand 11 Sentence Structure and Punctuation at both key stages
These are inaddition to the Objectives listed below
2.Listening and responding Y2 Respond to presentations by describing characters, repeating somehighlight and commenting constructively Y1 Listen to tapes or video and express views about how a story orinformation has been presented 4.Drama Y2 Present part of traditional stories, their own stories or workdrawn from different parts of the curriculum for members of theirown class Y1 Act out their own and well known stories, using voices forcharacters 5.Word recognition: decoding (reading) and encoding(spelling) Y2 Read independently and with increasing fluency longer and lessfamiliar texts Y2 Spell with increasing accuracy and confidence, drawing on wordrecognition and knowledge of word structure, and spellingpatterns Y2 Know how to tackle unfamiliar words that are not completelydecodable Y2 Read and spell less common alternative graphemes includingtrigraphs Y2 Read high and medium frequency words independently andautomatically Y1 Recognise and use alternative ways of pronouncing the graphemesalready taught Y1 Recognise and use alternative ways of spelling the graphemesalready taught Y1 Identify the constituent parts of two-syllable and three-syllablewords to support the application of phonic knowledge andskills Y1 Recognise automatically an increasing number of familiar highfrequency words Y1 Apply phonic knowledge and skills as the prime approach to readingand spelling unfamiliar words that are not completelydecodable Y1 Read more challenging texts which can be decoded using theiracquired phonic knowledge and skills, along with automaticrecognition of high frequency words Y1 Read and spell phonically decodable two-syllable and three-syllablewords 6.Word structure and spelling Y2 Spell with increasing accuracy and confidence, drawing on wordrecognition and knowledge of word structure, and spelling patternsincluding between inflections and use of double letters Y2 Read and spell less common alternative graphemes includingtrigraphs Y1 Spellnew words using phonics as the prime approach Y1 Segment sounds into their constituent phonemes in order to spellthem correctly Y1 Recognise and use alternative ways of spelling the graphemesalready taught Y1 Use knowledge of common inflections in spelling, such as plurals,-ly, -er Y1 Read and spell phonically decodable two-syllable and three-syllablewords Continuedoverleaf | ||||
(Reading,response, analysis): Begin reading an extended story by asignificant children's author as a serial story. Continuethroughout the unit and have other longer stories available forchildren to read independently. At key moments in the story, useimprovisation and discussion to explore what could happen next.Children note their own ideas and check and confirm theirpredictions as you read on. Keep a record of key events and reviewthe structure of the story. Discuss techniques used by the authorto sustain the reader's interest. (Writing):Children work independently to plan and write their own sustainedstory with a logical sequence of events. They include elements fromreading, for example characterisation, setting, story language, andadd detail and dialogue to sustain the reader'sinterest. (Speakingand listening): Groups of children work on a short dramatisedpresentation of a key moment in one of their stories. They decideon roles and practise to produce a polished performance for therest of the class.
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Checkthat children can already:
Explainreasons for events in stories with reference to characters' actionsand motives. Workcollaboratively in a group, taking turns and reachingagreement. Identifystory elements: characters, setting, and key events. Plan astory by making notes under the headings Opening, Somethinghappens, Events to sort it out, Ending. Writesimple and compound sentences. Usetemporal connectives. Usethe third person and past tense consistently in narrativewriting.
Phase1 approx 12 days to run alongside phase 2
Readan extended story by a significant author as a serial. Summarisethe plot and look at links between events. Make predictions at keymoments in the story. Track a particular character and notice waysthat they change. Analyse pieces of dialogue, re-enact andimprovise new dialogue. Evaluate the story and discuss techniquesused by the author to sustain the readers interest.
Phase1 Learning outcomes
Children canmake predictions about a text and discuss the way charactersdevelop across a story.
7.Understanding and interpreting texts Y2 Give some reasons why things happen or characters change Y1 Make predictions showing an understanding of ideas, events andcharacters 8.Engaging with and responding to texts Y2 Engage with books through exploring and enactinginterpretations Y1 Visualise and comment on events, characters and ideas, makingimaginative links to their own experiences 9.Creating and shaping texts Y2 Sustain form in narrative, includinguse of person andtime Y1 Use key feature of narrative in their own writing Y2 Select from different presentational features to suit particularwriting purposes on paper and on screen Y1 Create short simple texts on paper and on screen that combine wordswith images (and sounds) 10.Text structure and organisation Y2 Use appropriate language to make sections hang together Y1 Group written sentences together in chunks of meaning orsubject 11.Sentence structure and punctuation Y2 Compose sentences using tense consistently (present andpast) Y1 Compose and write simple sentences independently to communicatemeaning 12.Presentation Y2 Wordprocess short narrative and non-narrative texts Y1 Use the space bar and keyboard to type their name and simpletexts |
Phase2 approx 12 days to run alongside phase 1
Childrenplan and write a sustained story independently. Provide story ideasand support for planning and writing by working with groups duringthe writing process. Discuss and agree success criteria based onlearning in previous units. Provide class teaching on particularaspects of writing: composing compound sentences and usingsubordination; temporal connectives. Children review their ownwriting and decide how it should be presented to the class (onpaper or on screen).
Phase2 Learning outcomes
Children canplan a story that has a logical sequence of events. Children canwrite an extended narrative with: a logicalsequence of events sentencesgrouped together temporalconnectives consistentuse of the third person and past tense.
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Phase3 approx 3 days
Groupswork together to dramatise a scene from one of the stories theyhave written. They present it to the class who then evaluate theperformance and make constructive comments.
Phase3 Learning outcomes
Children canwork as a member of a group to present a scene from a known storyto an audience. Children canrespond to presentations by making constructivecomments.
Developingearly writing, Ref: 0055/2001 Aspects ofnarrative: extended stories |
Literacy Weeklyplanning | Class2: Years 1 and2 | Unit: ExtendedStories / Significant authors (year 1 / 2) 3 weeks | Week:16.6.08 (Week 1 of3) | |||||
| Shared reading /writing | MA | A | LA | Plenary | |||
Monday | LO:Read anextended story by a significant author as a serial. Summarise theplot and look at links between events Read Katie Morag andthe two Grandmothers identifying the settings andcharacters. | WALT:understand characters and settings. Writedown into two lists the characters and which setting they live.Ext describe a little about each character. | WALT: understand characters andsettings. Cut andstick and name the characters from Katie and Morag on which settingthey live. | WALT:understand charactersCut andstick and name the characters from Katie and Morag. | Summarise the plotand look at links between events. | |||
Tuesday | LO: To be able totrack twocharacters and notice ways that they change. Look at the ways thetwo grandmothers change throughout the story.
| WALT: understandcharactersThroughprompts at various parts of the story describe what the twoGrandmothers are like. | WALT: understandcharactersCut andmatch what the two Grandmothers are like at various parts of thestory. | WALT: understandcharactersRoleplay Katie Morag and the Two Grandmothers | Watch the roleplay. | |||
Wednesday | LO: To be able toanalysepieces of dialogue, re-enact and improvise newdialogue. Read Katie Morag andthe Wedding, analysing pieces of dialogue. | WALT: understandspeechLookingat pieces of dialogue, re-enact and improvise new dialogue orallyfrom extracts given.
| WALT: understandspeechRoleplay Katie Morag and the Wedding ensuring there isdialogue. | WALT: understandspeechRoleplay Katie Morag and the Wedding. | Watch the roleplay. | |||
Thursday | LO: Toevaluatethe story and discuss techniques used by the author to sustain thereaders interest. Evaluate katie Morag andthe Two Grandmothers and discuss techniques used by the author tosustain the readers interest.
| WALT: review abookCompletea book review especially asking questions about keeping theirinterest. | WALT: review abookCompletea book review. | WALT: review abookCompletea simple book review. | Share their opinionsas to what kept their interest throughout the book. | |||
Friday | LO: Toevaluatethe story and discuss techniques used by the author to sustain thereaders interest. Evaluate Katie Moragand the Wedding and discuss techniques used by the author tosustain the readers interest. | WALT: review abookCompletea book review especially asking questions about keeping theirinterest. | WALT: review abookCompletea book review. | WALT: review abookCompletea simple book review | Compare the bookswhich did they like best. | |||
Literacy Weeklyplanning | Class2: Years 1 and2 | Unit: ExtendedStories / Significant authors (year 1 / 2) 3 weeks | Week:23.6.08 (Week 2 of3) | |||||
| Shared reading /writing | MA | A | LA | Plenary | |||
Monday | LO: To be able toreview their own writing. Draw up a successcriteria (WILF) for marking the stories in order of importancebased on learning over the block. | WALT: markour stories Marktheir stories against success criteria. Also suggest what theywould like to improve and how they think they are going to dothis. | WALT: mark ourstories Marktheir stories against success criteria. | WALT:mark our stories.Marktheir stories against success criteria. | WINK: ishow to mark my story. Share marking, whatthey would like to improve and how they think they are going to doit. | |||
Tuesday | LO: To be able towrite the beginning of a story. Model how to wrotethe beginning of a story based on plan from Monday. DesignWILF
| WALT: write a storybeginningWritethe beginning of their stories. | WALT: write a storybeginningWritethe beginning of their story. | WALT: write a storybeginning.Writethe beginning of their story | WINK: ishow to write the beginning of a story. Share the beginningsof their stories, reviewing against WILF. | |||
Wednesday | LO: To be able towrite the middle of a story. Model carrying ontointo the middle of the story from Tuesday extendingWILF. | WALT: write a storymiddleWritethe middle of their stories.
| WALT: write a storymiddleWritethe middle of their stories. | WALT: write a storymiddleWritethe middle of the stories. | WINK: ishow to write the middle of a story. Sharethe middles of their stories, reviewing against WILF | |||
Thursday | LO: To be able towrite the end of a story. Model finishing off thestory extending WILF.
| WALT: write a storyend.Writethe end of their stories. | WALT: write a storyend.Writethe end of their stories. | WALT: write a storyend.Writethe end of their stories. | WINK: ishow to write the end of a story. Peermark their stories according to WILF | |||
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Literacy Weeklyplanning | Class2: Years 1 and2 | Unit: ExtendedStories / Significant authors (year 1 / 2) 3 weeks | Week:30.6.08 (Week 3 of3) | |||||||
| Shared reading /writing | MA | A | LA | Plenary | |||||
Monday | LO: To be able toplan a story Model a story plan tothe children based on the setting and characters from Katie Morag.Design WILF | WALT: plana story. Plantheir story. | WALT: plan astory. Plantheir story. | WALT:plan a story.Plantheir story pitorally. | WINK: ishow to plan a story. Share plans, reviewagainst WILF | |||||
Tuesday | LO: To be able todramatise a scene from one of the stories they havewritten. Put children intogroups and draw up a success criteria as to how they can dramatisea scene from one of their stories.
| WALT: act out ourstories.Groupswork together to dramatise a scene from one of the stories theyhave written. | WINK: ishow to act out my story. Share how the groupshave worked together. Is there anything they would like toimprove. | |||||||
Wednesday | LO: To be able topresent their dramatisation from their stories to theclass. Decide on successcriteria the audience will be looking for in seeing their actingout. | WALT: present our actingof our stories to the class.Presenttheir group work from Tuesday to the class.
| WINK: ishow to present our stories by acting out to theclass. Retelleach groups story to the group based on what we saw andheard. | |||||||
Thursday | LO: To be able toevaluate the performances and make constructivecomments. Look at success criteriafrom Weds and edit to evaluate the performance.
| WALT: mark our actingout.Ingroups mark the other groups performances based on success criteriamade at the beginning of the lesson. Decide what they would wantto improve. | WINK: ishow to mark our acting out. Feedbackmarking and how they would want to improve it. | |||||||
Friday | LO: Tobe able to improve our performances based onmarking. Recapimprovements suggested from Thursday and how the children are goingto act on them today. | WALT:improve our acting out. Ingroups 10 mins to improve their performances. Then showimprovements made parts 10 mins.
| WINK: ishow to improve my acting out. Evaluatehow the improvements were made. | |||||||