Name | Calculating, Measuring And Understanding Shape |
Owner | peakie |
Level | 2 |
Topic | Literacy |
Unit | D3 |
Description | |
File 1 | 546_Mathsweek23.6.08.doc |
File 2 |
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Objectives / I CanStatements | Speaking and ListeningObjectives | CurricularTarget | ||
1. Solveproblems involving counting, adding, subtracting, doubling orhalving inthe context of numbers, measures or money, for example to payand givechange. Ican find out which of three objects is the heaviest by using thescales. I canwork out which coins to use to pay the exact price forsomething. I canwork out what something costs when it is half price. 2. Relateaddition to counting on; recognise that addition can be done inany order; use practical and informal written methods to support theaddition of aone-digit number or a multiple of 10 to a one-digit ortwo-digit number. Ican work out how many 10p badges I can buy for 1. 3.Understand subtraction as take away and find a difference bycounting up;use practical and informal written methods to support thesubtraction of aone-digit number from a one-digit or two-digit number and amultiple of 10from a two-digit number. Ican count up to find how much I have left from 50p when I buy anobject. 4.Estimate, measure, weigh and compareobjects, choosing and using suitable uniform non-standard orstandard units and measuring instruments (e.g. a lever balance, metre stick or measuringjug). I can estimate how many straws I need to measure thistable. I can find out how many kilogram weights I need to balance thebig bag of potatoes. 5. Usevocabulary related to time; order days of the week and months;read thetime to the hour and half hour. Iknow that the big hand points to the 6 when it is half past thehour. I cansay the months of the year in order. 6.Visualise and use everyday language to describe the position ofobjects anddirection and distance when moving them, for example whenplacing ormoving objects on a game board. Iknow how to program the robot to move around theskittles. 7.Identify objects that turn about a point (e.g. scissors) or about aline (e.g. adoor); recognise and make whole, half and quarter turns. I canturn myself through a number of whole and half turns. I cantell you some objects that turn, such as windmill sails or awater tap. | Experimentwith and build new stores of words to communicate in differentcontexts. I canretell a story that I have heard. |
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Vocabulary | ||||
problem,method, number sentence, explain, record, compare, order, measure,weigh
count, guess,estimate, roughly, enough, not enough, too much, too little, toomany, too few, more, less, the same number as, equals (=), add,plus (+), sum, total, altogether, subtract, minus (), take away,difference, double, halve, half, quarter, how many ?, how much?
money, coin,pence, penny, pound, pay, change, buy, sell, price, spend
long, longer,longest, short, shorter, shortest, tall, taller, tallest, light,lighter, lightest, heavy, heavier, heaviest, holds more, holdsless, ruler, tape measure, metre stick, balance, scales, measuringjug
time, clock,hands, morning, afternoon, evening, midnight, mid-day, noon, hour,night, day, week, month, year, days of the week, months and seasonsof the year
position,direction, grid, outside, inside, beside, next to, front, back,between, centre, underneath, above, on top of, below, halfway,near, far, whole turn, half turn, quarter turn, right, left | ||||
Prior Learning | ||||
Use languagesuch as more or less to compare two numbers. Relateaddition to combining two groups of objects and subtraction totaking away. Use some ofthe vocabulary involved in adding and subtracting. Use everydaywords to describe position. Use languagesuch as greater, smaller, heavier or lighter to comparequantities. Use everydaylanguage related to time and sequence familiar events.
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Objectives / I CanStatements | Speaking and ListeningObjectives | CurricularTarget | |
1. Solve problemsinvolving addition, subtraction, multiplication or division incontexts of numbers, measures or pounds and pence. I can decide whichcalculations are needed to solve a two-step wordproblem. 2. Add or subtract mentally a one-digit number or amultiple of 10 to or from any two-digitNumber; use practical and informal written methods to addand subtracttwo-digit numbers. I canadd and subtract two-digit numbers using practical equipment orwritten notes to help me. 3. Estimate, compare andmeasure lengths, weights and capacities, choosing and usingstandard units (m, cm, kg, litre) and suitable measuringinstruments. Iknow that a metre is 100 centimetres long. Iknow that a kilogram is 1000 grams. Iknow that a litre is 1000 millilitres. 4. Readthe numbered divisions on a scale, and interpret the divisionsbetween them (e.g. on a scale from 0 to 25 with intervals of 1shown but only the divisions 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 numbered); use aruler to draw and measure lines to the nearest centimetre. I canread scales marked in 2s, 5s and 10s. I can measure and drawlines to the nearest centimetre. 5. Use units of time (seconds, minutes, hours, days) andknow the relationships between them; read the time to the quarterhour; identify time intervals, including those that cross thehour. I know that there are 24 hours in a day. I can use a clock face to help me to count in steps of 5minutes. 6.Recognise and use whole, half and quarter turns, both clockwise andanticlockwise; know that a right angle represents a quarterturn. I knowthat a quarter turn make a right angle. I can point out rightangles in the classroom.
| Listen toothers in class, ask relevant questions and followinstructions. I canlisten to others and ask them questions about theirwork. |
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Vocabulary | |||
problem,solution, puzzle, pattern, method, sign, operation, symbol, numbersentence, equation, mental calculation, written calculation,informal method, jottings, diagrams, pictures, images
one thousand,multiple of, nearest, about
add, plus,sum, total, subtract, take away, minus, difference, inverse
coin, pound(), penny/pence (p), price, cost, pay, costs more/less, change,total, how much?
measuringscale, compare, measure, weigh, metre (m), centimetre (cm), tapemeasure, kilogram (kg), half-kilogram, gram (g), capacity,contains, litre (l), half-litre, millilitre (ml)
direction,route, clockwise, anticlockwise, quarter turn, right angle,straight line, geostrip
time, clock,watch, digital, analogue, hour (h), minute (min), second (s),quarter to, quarter past | |||
Prior Learning | |||
Solveproblems involving counting, adding or subtracting, doubling orhalving. Use practicaland informal written methods for addition and subtraction of aone-digit number or a multiple of 10 to and from a one- ortwo-digit number. Estimate,measure and compare objects, choosing suitable uniform non-standardor standard units and instruments. Usevocabulary related to time; order days of the week and months; readthe time to the hour and half hour. Visualise anduse everyday language to describe the position of objects anddirection and distance when moving them. | |||
Weekly Numeracy Plan | Class2: Years 1 &2 Teacher: MissYarwood HLTA: MrsRadwell | Unit: D3Calculating, Measuring and Understanding Shape | Week beginning: 16thJune (week 1 of 2) | |||||
| Mental & Oral | Main teaching | MA | A | LA | Plenary | ||
Monday | Look at patterns inScottish tartan. | LO: Solve problemsModel how to draw aScottish tartan.
| Drawa tartan person. | Drawa tartan person. | Drawa tartan person. | Sharetartan people. | ||
Tuesday | LO: Parition numbers intotens and ones / hundred, tens and ones. | LO:Estimate, compareand measure lengths, weights and capacities, choosing and usingstandard units (m, cm, kg, litre) and suitable measuringinstruments.
Lookat the relationship between ml and l ie 1000ml = 1 litre. Completenumber sentences eg 2500ml = ?l and ?ml. | WALT: understand capacityComplete numbersentences as per main teaching. | WALT:understand capacity Matchfrom prepared sheet 1000ml = 1 litre, 2000ml = 2 litres etc. | WALT: understand capacityOrder mlgoing up in 10s eg 10ml, 20ml, 30ml to extend numberknowledge. | WINK: Iknow that a litre is 1000 millilitres. Reviewwork. Peer marking. | ||
Wednesday | Make tens and ones /hundred, tens and ones into numbers. | LO:Estimate, compareand measure lengths, weights and capacities, choosing and usingstandard units (m, cm, kg, litre) and suitable measuringinstruments.
Lookat the relationship between g and Kg ie 1000g = 1 kilogram.Complete number sentences eg 4500g = ?Kg and ?g
| WALT: understand mass Completenumber sentences as per main teaching. | WALT: understand mass Match from prepared sheet 1000g = 1kg, 2000g = 2kg. | WALT: understand massOrder ggoing up in 10s eg 10g, 20g, 30g to extend number knowledge. | WINK: I know that aKilogram is 1000 grams. Look at putting workdone into systematic order forwards. | ||
| Mental & Oral | Main teaching | MA | A | LA | Plenary | ||
Thursday | Count in 1000s usinggrams. | LO: Solve problemsinvolving addition, subtraction, multiplication or division incontexts of numbers, measures Lookat language associated with mass and then using this to solveproblems. | WALT:solve mass problems Solve mass problems,some two step. | WALT: solve mass problems Solve mass problems, all one step. | WALT: solve massproblemsSolvesimple number calculations involving mass. | WINK:I candecide which calculations are needed to solve wordproblems Look at putting workdone into systematic order backwards. | ||
Friday | Count in 10s, 100susing cm. | LO: Solve problemsinvolving addition, subtraction, multiplication or division incontexts of numbers, measures
Lookat language associated with length and then using this to solveproblems. | WALT: solve length problems Solvelength problems, some two step. | WALT: solve length problems Solve length problems, all one step. | WALT: solve length problems Solvesimple number calculations involving length. | WINK: I can decide whichcalculations are needed to solve word problems Play some games fromteaching measures. | ||
Weekly Numeracy Plan | Class2: Years 1 &2 Teacher: MissYarwood HLTA: MrsRadwell | Unit: D3Calculating, Measuring and Understanding Shape | Week beginning: 23rdJune (week 2 of 2) | |||||
| Mental & Oral | Main teaching | MA | A | LA | Plenary | ||
Monday | Add and subtract variousnumbers mentally. | LO:Add or subtractmentally a one-digit number or a multiple of 10 to or fromanytwo-digit Number; use practical and informal written methods toadd and subtract two-digit numbers
Practice adding andsubtracting two digit numbers involving measures units usingwhiteboards.
| Walt: add and subtract Add and subtract two digit numbers using measures units. | Walt: add and subtract Add and subtract low two digit units using measures units. | Walt: add and subtract Practice adding and subtracting mentally, is it add orsubtract. | WINK: to add and subtract using measures units. Review work especially against checking the children used thecorrect + or - | ||
Tuesday | Recite the days ofthe week and the months of the year.
| LO: Use unitsof time (seconds, minutes, hours, days) and know the relationshipsbetween them
Lookat units of time and the relationship between them eg 1 min = 60seconds, 1 hour = 60 mins, 1 day = 24 hours, 1 year = 365 days, 52weeks/12 months.
| WALT: understand units of time.Complete numbersentences as per main teaching eg 1 day = hoursetc. | WALT:understand units of time. Completewhat comes next in days of the week and months of the yearquestions given to them. | WALT: understand units of time.Orderthe days of the week and the months of the year. | WINK: areunits of time. Reviewwork. Peer marking. | ||
| Mental & Oral | Main teaching | MA | A | LA | Plenary | ||
Wednesday | Move in clockwise andanticlockwise ways using body parts and in different countingsteps. | LO:understand and use clockwise and anticlockwise.
Lookat numbers 1-36 written in a spiral, answer questions about whichnumbers are clockwise and anticlockwise from numbers givenin
| WALT: understand direction. Asper main teaching answer questions about clockwise andanticlockwise in different steps from 3 digit numbers given inspiral. | WALT: understand direction. Answer questions about which numbers are clockwise andanticlockwise from numbers given. | WALT: understand direction.ICT areaOn IWBdrag pictures of objects to correct box if they move about a pointor about a line. | WINK: is which way isclockwise and which way is anticlockwise.. Look at work LA did,can they be moved in a clockwise or anticlockwise ways. Why? Whichis more common?
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Thursday | Physically move indifferent turn steps given. | LO: recognise whole,half and quarter turns.
Usingmini clocks and big clock on IWB look at making quarter, half andwhole turns from time given. What is the new time. | WALT:understandturns Find the new times ifthe hour hand of a clock makes quarter, half or whole turns fromoclock/half past time given. | WALT: understand turns. Find the new times if the hour hand of a clock makes a whole,quarter or half turn from o clock time given. | WALT: understandturnsFind thenew times if the hour hand of a clock makes a whole or half turnfrom oclock time given. | WINK: isquarter, half and whole turns. Look at times whetherthey are greater than, the same as or smaller than the right anglelinking the fact a right angle is a quarter turn. | ||
Friday | INSET DAY | |||||||