Name | Counting, portioning and calculating |
Owner | queenlit |
Level | 2 |
Topic | Numeracy |
Unit | A2 |
Description | |
File 1 | 540_A2WK2.doc |
File 2 |
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Short termplanning
Teaching andlearning focus | Lessons | Learning focus,teaching notes and resources. Includingoral/mental starter linked to topic taught. | Assessment forlearning Plenary:questions and success criteria |
Introductoryteaching toassess and review learning
| Day5
| Topractice mental addition strategies. UsingFollow Me cards call out questions for chn to write down answerson w/bs in pairs. Write up number3. Ask chn what addition and subtraction facts we know for 3 e.g.0+3=3, 3+0=3, 3-3=0, 1+2=3, 2+1=3, 1+2=3, 3-1=2, 3-2= Write upnumber 5. On w/bs give chn 3 minutes to see how many differentaddition and subtraction facts they can find for that number. Rptfor 8. Tell chn we aregoing to practice some mental addition strategies and learn somenew ones. Revise addition vocabulary and hold up word cards as chnsuggest them. Blu-tack words to board. Remind chn that they alreadyknow how to add up more than 2 numbers by putting largest numberfirst in their heads and counting on. Revisit this strategy bywriting up 3, 6 and 9. Ask chn to put 9 in their heads and count on6 and then 3. Rpt for 7, 8 and 2, and 60, 30 and 70. Now introducelooking for numbers whose digits total 10. Write up 8+4 +2. Choosech to come up and circle the numbers that add up to 10. Demo adding2 numbers to 10 and adding last number. Rpt with 4+8+6, 9+4+1,3+7+9, 2+5+5. Point out that 10 is now the highest number so theyare using counting on from the highest number when they count onfrom 10. Move on toadding 2 single-digit numbers and one 2 digit number 16+8+2.Encourage the chn to hold the larger number in their head and thencount on, but now it is the 10 that must be counted. 16+10. Rptseveral times with different numbers. In pairs on w/bschoose some of the number sentences HA highernumbers LA- Tsupport | Write up16+4+9= Ask how can weuse both strategies to find the answer? Aim for 16+4=20 20+9=29 Rpt for othernumbers. Ask could we have solved this in a different way? |
| UseFollow Me cards to practice multiplication and division facts for2 and 10. Chn work in pairs. Give out all the cards at least 1card to each pair. Choose someone to read out a question. Time howlong it takes to go round the class. Shuffle cards and rpt. Topractice mental addition strategies. Developreview from yesterday. Write up 17+3+8=. Who can remember what wedid? Discuss with partner. Invite ch to circle the numbers thatmake 10. Then ask chn to add 10 to the remaining 10, and then addon the 8. Rpt with 14+6+5=, 7+1+19. Writeup 4+6=10, 14+6=20 Ask chn to call out next line and write up. Rptuntil 94+6=100. Writeup 2+8+10. Chn to write down on w/bs all number sentences inpattern. Rpt for 7+3. Now try somewith 2 2digit numbers and a single digit number Demo solvingnumber sentences - 26+10+4, 15+23+7, 24+6+12. | Ask chn can yousee the pattern? On whiteboards 25+5, 41+9, 54+6, 32+8 | |
Day7 Wed 20thFeb
| UseFollow Me cards to practice multiplication and division facts for2 and 10. Chn work individually (MA) and in pairs ( a and LA). Giveout all the cards. Choose someone to read out a question. Time howlong it takes to go round the class. Shuffle cards and rpt. Tocount efficiently and estimate up to 50. Showthe children a pile of cubes/straws and ask them to estimate howmany there are. Begin to count them, handing them one at a time toa child. As you do drop some, lose count and start again. Rpt a fewtimes and ask Is there a better way to count these? Discuss withpartner and establish that counting in 2s, 5s or 10s would be moreefficient. With chns help count out groups of 10, counting the 10in ones, twos and fives to show the different possible methods.When you have a few groups ask chn how many you have. Add some moresingles and record this e.g. 30+4=34. Carry on counting and recordnew total40+2=42. Chnto work in mixed ability groups of 4. Chn to group in tens and onesand write number sentences. Then ask chn to show 36, 45 etc. Discussestimating and vocabulary of estimating. | Askone ch to hold up 50. Askeveryone to close their eyes while you pick up a few groups. Ask how many do you think I am holding? Am I holding more/less than 50?What can you use to help you answer? Rpt a few times and thenremind chn of point of lesson that there are more efficient waysto count than in ones.
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| Usingcounting stick practice counting on and back from 0-1000. Countin 50s from 0-500 then from 500-1000 Countin 20s from 0-200 then from 800-1000, then from250-450. Toestimate a number of objects. Ask chn to telltheir partner what estimating is. Take responses. Ask can anyonetell me some estimating words? Display the appropriate word cardsand show and discuss any chn leave out. Show dots A2 lesson 5. Ask who can estimate the number of dots? Discuss usingtheir fingers to make a sensible estimate. Are there more dots thanyou have fingers? So we know there are more than 10. Put your handsnext to your partners. Are there more dots than fingers? Takesuggestions for estimate then count by grouping in 10s. Rpt usingother dots sheets. In mixed abilitygroups of 4. Give chn 3string bags/plastic jars They take turns to hold each bag andestimate the number of cubes. Record their name and estimate foreach container. Then count the cubes and record just over/justunder/ too many/ not enough/ about the same as/ exact. Pwrpoint estimating
| Write up 48.Say Mrs Cook estimated there would be 48 chn at a party so she baked 48cakes. Her friends also baked cakes. Mrs Green baked 53,Mrs Brownbaked 60, Mrs Black baked 24.Mrs Red baked 49. Tell chn there were50 chn at the party. Hold up just under, just over, too many, toofew, and nearest. Ask chn which word best describes each estimate.Blu tack the word they agree on beside each estimate. | |
| UseFollow Me cards to practice multiplication and division facts for2 and 10. Chn work individually. Give out all the cards. Choosesomeone to read out a question. Time how long it takes to go roundthe class. Shuffle cards and rpt.
Topartition 2 digit numbers in different ways. Usingcubes/straws ask ch to make 67. Separate the 10s from the 1s Writeup 60+7=67. Explain that there are different ways to make 67 anddemo by saying; If we take 1 10 from this pile and give it to the1s pile what number sentence would that be? Chn discuss in pairs.Establish that 50+17=67. Demo: 40+27=67, 30+37=67, 20+47=67,10+57=67 Choose different number. Ask pairs of chn to write othersimilar sentences on w/bs;. Rpt for another number. Tell chn thatthey are going to practice this concept. Give out straws/ cubes andchn to record number sentences in books.
| Take feedbackand choose some chn to demonstrate what they did. Show me on yourw/bs 2 ways to partition 58. |