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Name Unit 2 Block C
File 1529_Year 4 Block C Unit 2.doc
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Year Group

Miss S.Cooling Year Group 3/4 Unit 2Block C Length/Duration 10 days Startdate:- 17.02.08


Oral and Mental starter

Main teaching & top tips

LA Yr3/ LAYr4

(2a *SEN2C)


MA Yr3/LA Yr 4


HA Yr 3/MA Yr 4



HA Yr 4






3x and 6x tables


Each child draw fav animal on post-it note.Create pictogram on board.


Display pictogram sheet on IWB. Interpret datathrough questioning: how many people visited the chemist? Shoeshop? Discuss key for 20 people.


Display pictogram sheet again how many peoplewent shopping in the high street that week? What else can they tellme about the data? Discuss other possible shops or categories thatcould have been added.


Choose two bar charts from lesson 3 withdifferent scales. Interpret the data who spent most timesleeping? What is the different between the amounts of time thespent eating?












Display chart from Pg 110 Yr 4 framework lessons.Ask class to respond to questions; what is missing from data, canthey suggest a title? What is double the amount who chose red? Howmany liked? If 200 people were asked how many chose green?

Top Tips:

Labelled axes make it clearer to read barcharts.

Pictograms need a

keyto show the


Tally charts is useful for smaller amounts ofdata.

Scales can vary how a chart looks.


Teaching activities:

(1)Using pictogram info, create bar chart.Discuss vocab needed for block. Discuss how it is easier to read.Interpret data from bar chart. Label axes to make it easier tounderstand.


(2)Remind them of bar charts/pictograms/tally charts. When would theyuse a tally chart? (to collect data quickly) Investigate thestatement Half of mags or newspapers are made up of adverts. Howcould they check this? Agree on tally chart, show them how to useit.


(3) ICT suite lesson: Discuss how PC candisplay data in various ways through different charts. Collect eyecolour of class and input into data software to display results incharts etc What make the information easy/difficult tointerpret?


(4) Using their data from lesson 3, explain theywill gather extra information about the class. Ask them to come upwith questions using the data prompt if stuck e.g. Do girls spendmore time reading than boys? Do people with brown eyes spend moretime reading than people with blue eyes? Show how they could make achart


(5)Put class into groups of 3 or 4, provide them with 2D shapes plussome from Regular symmetry sheet (Block B). Call out shape namesand ask groups to hold them up as quick as possible, Ask forproperties of the shapes. Draw 3 different triangles anddiscuss.

Objectives:Answer a question by identifyingwhat data to collect; organise, present, analyse and interpret thedata in tables, diagrams, tally charts, pictograms and bar charts,using ICT where appropriate.

Suggest a line of enquiry and thestrategy needed to follow it; collect, organise and interpretselected information to find answers.

Report solutions to puzzles andproblems, giving explanations and reasoning orally and in writing,using diagrams and symbols.

(1) What are easier to read bar charts orpictograms? Highlight importance of labelling bar charts. How manymore children prefer x to y? If you were asked are x more popularthan y how would you answer this?


(2) Summarise findings using Frequency chart.Compare results, collect all data from groups to complete a classtally chart. Use ITP data handling or Bar chart 2 on IWB to convertdata into a bar chart, discuss scales on vertical axis.

Discuss results- are they what they predicted?What evidence do they have to support their conclusion?


(3) Is the information clear? How could it beclearer? Who spends the most time watching TV? Eating? Playing?Encourage HA children to make statements about their own barcharts.


(4)Discuss their hypotheses and look at their results. How might theybe able to display these results?








(5) Display carroll diagram shape sorting sheet.Ask: How can we sort these shapes? What are the names of theshapes? How many lines of symmetry does a rectangle have? How couldI label this diagram? etc


I can show simpledata in tables and tally charts and interpret tables and orallyinterpret data.



I can think of aquestion to ask about some information and organise the informationusing tally charts.

I can interpret data in pictogramsand tables and answer simple word questions.



I canthink of a question to ask about some information and organise theinformation using bar pictograms.

I can interpret data in pictogramsand bar charts and answer more complex wordquestions.


I canthink of a question to ask about some information and organise theinformation using bar charts.

I can interpret data in pictograms and linegraphs and answer more complex questions.


I canthink of a question to ask about some information and organise theinformation using line graphs.

(1)As a group, using same class bar chart, construct new bar chartwith the key of 1 note = 2 animals. Use Key charts sheet toanswer questions

Using same class bar chart, constructnew bar chart with the key of 1 note = 4 animals. Use Keycharts sheet to answer questions

Using same class bar chart, constructnew bar chart with the key of 1 note = 5 animals. Use Keycharts sheet to answer questions

Using same class bar chart, construct new barchart using different ways and scales.


(2) Put class into six mixed ability groups of four.Provide each group with a pile of magazines or newspapers andcopies of tally charts sheet to complete for each mag/paper theyinvestigate, at end of time each group totals up the tallies tocreate a group tally chart.



(3)ICT suite: With partner from Numeracy group split their day into 24hours provide a list of activities how long do they spend doingeach given activity per day?

Ravenclaw/Slytherin- round to the nearest hour.Give them a chart to fill in.

Griffindor round the nearest half hour

Hufflepuff split day into 10 or 20 minperiods.

Present data as a bar chart thinking about a textfield and number field to use. If PCs are unavailable this can becompleted by hand on paper.



(4)TF -Spend time with this group thinking of a question and creatinga chart


SF- As a group agree on a question toinvestigate and ask other groups

In pairs agree on a question toinvestigate and collect data

Independently think of a question to investigateand collect data

(5)Provide each group with two hoops. Ask them to use hoopsindependently to sort shapes into all equal sides and right angles.Is there a shape that could go in both? On IWB show how to overlaphoops and put square in middle. Ask groups to sort shapes into twonew groups of their choice in the hoops. Can they guess what thelabels are for other groups? Repeat using other possiblelabels

TF-Support groups from Ravenclaw with fewer shapes to start with triangles and quadrilaterals

SF-Support groups from Slytherin to check if they use the middlesections appropriately.

Griffindor/Hufflepuff: Ext: work with polygonsthat are both regular and irregular. Invent own venn diagram andcreate questions about it.



4x tables


Use1m stick, highlight 0cm and 100cm at each end. Point to 50cm, whatfraction is this? How many more cm to make 1m? What fraction isneeded? Repeat with 25cm. Hold it vertically to show 1L.


Write a number on the board and multiply by 100,repeat by dividing by 100. Write up 100cm=1m, call out measures inm and ask class to write them in cm then call out in cm and askthem for answers in m.


Write on the board 1m=100cm. Focus on the use ofdecimals, call out measures in m and ask measures in cm e.g. 0.5m(50cm)



Call out a measurement and ask class to double itand write their answer on their board. Discuss different ways ofwriting the answers, show some on the board.


Revise work on pairs to 100 and 20. Call out anumber and ask for its pair. Repeat with others. Call out a measureand ask how much more to make 1m? 1L?

Top Tips:



Teaching activities:


(6) Measure 1l in a cylinder, show a can ofcoke, a craton of juice, a tablespoon, a cereal bowl and cup. Recap1000ml=1L, discuss other equivalents L=500ml etc

Approximate the capacities of each container: Isit more or less than a litre? Show a range of measuring equipmentfor 100ml, 250ml, 500ml 1L. Which would be best to see how much acarton of juice holds? Ask class to come and match the equipment toa container.


(7)Use coloured water to fill 1L cylinder. 1L=1000ml, how many ml in2L, 5L etc How many in ? Focus on ITP if unclear for wholeclass to see. Highlight 1/10 L Count up in 100mls/tenths of a L.Ask if I had 3/10 how much would I need to make 1L? How many ml in4 L? Discuss ways of recording measures as decimals or mixedunits. Practise with 1 L.


(8)Show class how scales are marked on measuring cylinders, displayreading from scales sheet, look at how scales vary in what theymeasure and how they divide up. Point out when we measure wesometimes have to do so the nearest mark. I groups read scales oncylinders containing water and record.


(9)Witchs cauldron activity. Put class into groups of 3 or 4. Giveeach group a set of clues from witchs cauldron clues sheet. Eachgroup deals out the clues without looking at them to start, oncedealt all look at own cards, but do not show others in group. Writeup on board: How much potion is witch making? (2875ml)Would the potion fit into six bottles, each holding litre?(yes). Everyone share info on their cards without showingthem.


(10) Problems with capacity. Hold up 2L bottleof coke. How many glasses of 100ml could I fill? (20) How couldthis be worked out? What calculation would they use? How many glasses could I fill?(8)

Objectives: Choose and usestandard metric units and their abbreviations when estimating,measuring and recording length, weight and capacity; know themeaning of 'kilo', 'centi' and 'milli' and, where appropriate, usedecimal notation to record measurements (e.g. 1.3 m or0.6 kg).

Interpret intervals and divisions onpartially numbered scales and record readings accurately, whereappropriate to the nearest tenth of a unit.

Compare the impact of representationswhere scales have intervals of differing step sizes.

(6) Compare the capacity of the containers andask If I had a container with a capacity of 980ml, what would itscapacity be to the nearest 100ml? Repeat with other measures to thenearest 10ml/100ml. If time show 1 pint is = 1/2L


(7)Go through answers to capacity table. Reinforce the capacitiesequivalents.



(8) Review childrens readings of scales fromwhole class work. Discuss any problems in reading the scales ineither the practical or sheet work.



(9)What operations did you use when calculating the answer? Whichcalculations did they write down? Which clues were helpful?Unhelpful? Did it help to use the table?



(10) Discuss questions from the MA sheet, whatmethods did they use? Which questions did they find easiest? Werethere any that were difficult?


I canuse a ruler to order different length from shortest to longest andcan measure the shortest/longest object from aselection..




I cancompare graphs with different scales and decide which is the mostuseful.




I cansay which graph is better according to size of scale.





I canmeasure carefully lengths in millimetres and record in mm and cm(without decimal notation.)10mm.1cm, 40mm4cm.


I cancompare graphs with different scales and decide which is the mostuseful.



I canhighlight why some scales are better than other.


I canmeasure carefully lengths in millimetres and record in mm and cmdecimal notation.12mm1.2cm, 48mm4.8cm.



I cancompare graphs with different scales and decide which is the mostuseful.



I canmake suggestions and improvements to graphs that have the wrongscale..


I canmeasure carefully lengths to the nearest millimetre.

I cansay distances in alternative measurements. 4km=4000m.


I cancompare graphs with different scales and decide which is the mostuseful.


I canmake suggestions and improvements to graphs that have the wrongscale..


(6)In pairs, provide containers which hold 1L before starting task ofmaking a container to hold 1L of rice.

In pairs create a container they predict will hold 1L ofrice

In pairs create a container they predict will hold 1L of rice. Iffinished calibrate their container with 250ml, 500ml, 750ml,1L

In pairs create a container they predict will hold 1L of rice andensure it is calibrated to show 250ml, 500ml, 750ml 1L

(7) TF- Capacity Table sheet support version using measuringcylinders and coloured water to look at fractions ofLitres.

Complete MA version of Capacity table independently.

SF- Complete MA sheet independently EXT: Extension sheet in pairsto make 2L

Complete extension sheet of capacity table, independently, lookingat making up 2Litres.

(8( Complete liquid measures support sheet to completeindependently.

Give liquid measure MA sheet to complete independently

SF- Go through liquid measure MA sheet and look at extension sheetif finished.

TF- Go through liquid measure extension sheet together

(9) In groups of 3 or 4 deal out cards, and look at them for 5 minsindependently then all lay cards down to show.

Answer the questions from the board using the table to help themanswer the problem

Answer the questions from the board using the table to help themanswer the problem

Answer the questions from the board using the table to help themanswer the problem, ext: Waldo the wizards scarfproblem.

(10) SF- Complete a capacity for questions support version as agroup. Provide group with equivalent conversion chart.

Complete a capacity for questions MA version, provide withconversion chart

Complete a capacity for questions MA version. Suggest they write aconversion chart first to help them later in the sheet.

Complete a capacity for questions extension version



Teaching activities:

























