Name | stories with famiiar settings |
Owner | vicster79 |
Level | 2 |
Topic | Literacy |
Unit | Narrative |
Description | narrative unit stories with familiar settings |
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COPPULL ST JOHNS COF E PRIMARY SCHOOL | Class:Two | Year Group/s: 1 and2 | Narrative Unit1 Stories withfamiliar settings | Term: Autumn(1st half) | Week Beginning: 3rdSeptember 2007 |
Outcome Sequence1 Children can writethree simple sentences to tell a story.
| Outcome Sequence2 Children can writethree simple sentences to retell events based on personalexperience. | Objectives: (Yr1) Most children learnto: Tellstories and describe incidents from their own experience in anaudible voice Retellstories, ordering events using story language 2. Listening andresponding Listenwith sustained concentration, building new stores of words indifferent contexts 4. Drama Explorefamiliar themes and characters through improvisation androle-play 5. Word recognition:decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling) Recognise and usealternative ways of pronouncing the graphemes already taught Recognise and usealternative ways of spelling the graphemes already taught Identify theconstituent parts of two-syllable and three-syllable words tosupport the application of phonic knowledge and skills Recogniseautomatically an increasing number of familiar high frequencywords Applyphonic knowledge and skills as the prime approach to reading andspelling unfamiliar words that are not completely decodable Readmore challenging texts which can be decoded using their acquiredphonic knowledge and skills, along with automatic recognition ofhigh frequency words Readand spell phonically decodable two-syllable and three-syllablewords 6. Word structure andspelling Spellnew words using phonics as the prime approach Segmentsounds into their constituent phonemes in order to spell themcorrectly Recognise and usealternative ways of spelling the graphemes already taught Useknowledge of common inflections in spelling, such as plurals, -ly,-er Readand spell phonically decodable two-syllable and three-syllablewords 7. Understanding andinterpreting texts Identify the mainevents and characters in stories, and find specific information insimple texts Usesyntax and context when reading for meaning 8. Engaging with andresponding to texts Selectbooks for personal reading and give reasons for choices Visualise and commenton events, characters and ideas, making imaginative links to ownexperiences 9. Creating andshaping texts Independently choosewhat to write about, plan and follow it through Use keyfeatures of narrative in their own writing Createshort simple texts on paper and on screen that combine words withimages (and sounds) 10. Text structureand organisation Writechronological and non-chronological texts using simplestructures 11. Sentencestructure and punctuation Composeand write simple sentences independently to communicatemeaning Objectives: (Yr2) 1. Speaking Speak with clarityand use appropriate intonation when reading and recitingtexts Tell real andimagined stories using the conventions of familiar storylanguage 4. Drama Adopt appropriateroles in small or large groups and consider alternativecourses of action 5. Word recognition:decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling) Read independentlyand with increasing fluency longer and less familiar texts Spell with increasingaccuracy and confidence, drawing on word recognition and knowledgeof word structure, andspelling patterns Know how to tackleunfamiliar words that are not completely decodable Read and spell lesscommon alternative graphemes including trigraphs Read high and mediumfrequency words independently and automatically 6. Word structure andspelling Spell with increasingaccuracy and confidence, drawing on word recognition and knowledgeof word structure, and spelling patterns including commoninflections and use of double letters Read and spell lesscommon alternative graphemesincluding trigraphs 7. Understanding andinterpreting texts Draw together ideasand information from across a whole text, using simple signposts inthe text Give some reasons forwhy things happen or characters change 8. Engaging with andresponding to texts Read whole books ontheir own, choosing and justifying selections Engage with booksthrough exploring and enacting interpretations Explain theirreactions to texts, commenting on important aspects 9. Creating andshaping texts Draw on knowledge andexperience of texts in deciding and planning what and how towrite Sustain form innarrative, including use of person and time 10. Text structureand organisation Use planning toestablish clear sections for writing Useappropriate language tomake sections hang together 11. Sentencestructure and punctuation Write simple andcompound sentences and begin to use subordination in relation totime and reason Compose sentencesusing tense consistently (present and past) | |||
OverviewFour weeks This is the first ofa block of four narrative units in Year 1. It builds on childrensexperience and knowledge from the Early Years Foundation Stage andintroduces new areas of learning that will be developed during theyear. The unit can be linked to many other curriculum areas such ashistory or personal, social and health education. It can be taughtin two sequences each lasting two weeks, as illustrated below, oras a single 4-week unit. The teaching sequence is repeated but thetexts read and the writing outcomes are different. | |||||
PriorLearning Check that childrencan already: Listen attentively tostories being told or read and then identify the main charactersand the setting. Re-enact a story theyhave heard and include the main character and some of the mainevents. Begin to form asimple sentence when attempting writing for differentpurposes. |
Sequence 1
Digitalcamera and PC upload software Selection of storyboxes, puppets, etc. Developing earlywriting, (Ref: 0055/2001) Year 1 unit 4: Where's my teddy? Aspectsof narrative: stories with familiar settings 184Kb) Learning to learn:key aspects of learning across the primary curriculum, (Ref:0526-2004) from Learning and teaching in the primary years Writingflier 1 - Improving writing and 2 - Writing narrative,(Ref: 0532/2001) | ||
Phase 1 approx 3days Read a selection ofstories with incidents and settings familiar to the children.Identify characters, settings and main events. | Learningoutcomes
Children can identifythe main character and setting in a story using evidence from theillustrations and text. | ||
Phase 2 approx 2days Re-enact storiesusing puppets, story boxes, etc. Order events in the correctsequence.
| Learningoutcomes Children can re-enacta story, sequencing the main events and using phrases from thetext. | ||
Phase 3 approx 5days Use role-play toexplore imaginative ideas based on a theme from reading and devisea class story. Take photographs to use as a story plan. Demonstratehow to write the story. Children write their own versions of thestory. | Learningoutcomes
Children can writethree simple sentences to tell a story. | ||
Sequence 2
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Phase 1 - approx 3days As above, usingdifferent stories.
| Phase 1 LearningOutcomes Children can identifythe main character and setting in a story using evidence from theillustrations and text.
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Phase 2 approx 2days As above, usingdifferent stories.
| Phase 2 LearningOutcomes Children can identifythe main character and setting in a story using evidence from theillustrations and text.
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Phase 3 approx 5days Tell a story based onyour own experience. Demonstrate how to compose a short writtenversion. Pairs recount their own experiences and draw asequence of pictures. Children write a story based on their ownexperiences.
| Phase 3 LearningOutcomes Children can writethree simple sentences to retell events based on personalexperience.
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Literacy Weeklyplanning | Class2: Years 1 and 2 | Unit: Narrative 1 (year 1) | Week beginning: Monday 3rd September2007 | ||||||||
| Phonics | Shared reading / writing | Plums | Apples | Bananas | Strawberrys | Blueberries | Plenary | |||
Monday | See separateplanning sheet | Shared reading Read through some ORT stage 2 books(from CD ROM). Discuss setting and characters. | Guidedreading
VW | Read by the stream.Children draw the characters & the setting. | Various ORT books.Children to free read and share with an ORT doll | Children to draw thecharacters & setting from the story on the carpet. (HC) | ICT Area ORT talkingstories | Bananas what has been yourfavourite story can you tell us about it? | |||
Tuesday | Shared reading Read through some ORT stage 2 books(from CD ROM). Discuss setting and characters. | Write a day in Kippersdiary. (describe what he did in the story) | Guidedreading
VW | Children to draw thecharacters & setting from the story from carpet | ICT Area ORT talking stories in ICTarea. | Children to draw thecharacters from the story on the carpet (HC) | Share plums book reviews. | ||||
Wednesday | Place pictures from the storyyesterday into correct order on washing line. Model orallyretelling the story using time words. | match the sentencesto pictures & retell the stories, matching the time wordsto | Children to stickpictures into correct order and match sentence to picture. | Guidedreading
VW | Children to cut and stickthe pictures into the correct order | Children to cut and stickthe pictures into the correct order (AB) | ORT card sentences children toorder them on washing line | ||||
Thursday | Quickly order pictures again onwashing line from yesterday. Model blending to read the sentencesand match with the pictures. | Use stick puppets toretell the story, but adding extra detail.(carpet) | ICT area ORT talkingstories | stick pictures intocorrect order and match sentence to picture | Guided reading
SH | ORT game (frombox)
HC to guide | Watch Plums retell the story withpuppets | ||||
Friday | Use ORT stick puppets to retell anORT story. Model using time words and story book language. | Long vowel soundcomprehension sheet. (see phonics plan for sounds) | Long vowels. Select acard and write in a sentence (see phonic plans for sounds)(AB) | ICT area ORT talkingstories | CVC pictures and magneticletters. | Guided reading
VW |
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Literacy Weeklyplanning | Class2: Years 1 and 2 | Unit: Narrative 1 (year 1) | Week beginning: Monday 10th September2007 | ||||||||
| Phonics | Shared reading / writing | Plums | Apples | Bananas | Strawberrys | Blueberries | Plenary | |||
Monday | See separateplanning sheet | Shared reading Read through Red Planet on CD ROMand discuss characters and settings. Add extra ones to workingwall. | Guidedreading | ICT area
ORT Talkingstories | Children to draw thecharacters and settings from the Red Planet. | CVC pictures children towrite the word. | Play dough and lettercutters to spell the ORT characters names. (names on cards tomatch) | Hot seat Main character from RedPlanet (me) | |||
Tuesday | Introduce story mountain on IWB. Plotthe Red planet story on it and focus on time words. | Select an ORT book andplot the 5 main parts on a story mountain. | Guidedreading
| ICT area
ORT Talkingstories | Draw the 3 main parts fromthe Red Planet | Draw 3 pictures to showwhat happened in the Red Planet | Act out the story. Strongly focus ontime words | ||||
Wednesday | Shared writing Share marking grid for yr 1 / yr2 Using five key points in the story,look at pictures an model writing the beginning and buildup. | Children to write thebeginning and build up to retell the Red Planet. | Draw the 5 main partsfrom the Red Planet and add time words | Draw the 5 main partsfrom the Red Planet and add time words | Guided writing Using pictures drawnyesterday, write sentences to match. | ICT area
ORT Talkingstories | Hot seat Main character from RedPlanet (Children as characters) | ||||
Thursday | Shared writing Recap story so far and model writingproblem and resolution. Take oral examples from children and writeon IWB. | Children to write theproblem and resolution to retell the Red Planet. | Children to begin towrite the 5 main parts to Red Planet. Time words on cards toprompt | Guidedwriting Begin to write thebeginning and build up to Red Planet. | Complete sentences if notfinished.( If completed play dough letters) | Magnetic letters and CVCpictures | Share the stories so far can wehear time words? Can we see all the features? | ||||
Friday | Shared writing Children with whiteboards in pairs towrite the ending of Red planet | Children to completetheir story and complete marking grid. | Children to completetheir sentences and then complete the marking grid | Children to completetheir sentences and then complete the marking grid | ICT area
ORT Talking stories | Guided writing Children to cut up thesentence Kipper went to the red planet & stick in books & copy.Extend to Biff went to the etc | Read stories & share. Hand out badgesetc | ||||
Literacy Weeklyplanning | Class2: Years 1 and 2 | Unit: Narrative 1 (year 1) | Week beginning: Monday 17th September2007 | ||||||||
| Phonics | Shared reading / writing | Plums | Apples | Bananas | Strawberrys | Blueberries | Plenary | |||
Monday | See separateplanning sheet | Think about some of the settings forthe ORT stories we have read about and list. (For working wall)Verbally choose 1 setting and talk through a story using ORT stickpuppets, using time words. | Children to draw thebeginning, build up, problem and ending of a story. Add labels andtime words. | Children to draw abeginning, middle & ending of their stories. Add time words. | Guidedreading
VW | ICT area
ORT talking stories | Magnetic boards andletter to write CVC words | Read all of the plums story boardsand discuss good and bad parts. | |||
Tuesday | Recap from yesterday and draw a storyboard to tell the story. (3 parts beginning, middle andend) | Children to choose 1 oftheir stories to act out for us in the plenary | Guidedreading
VW | Children to draw 3pictures to show events from a setting from the list | Children to draw 3pictures to show events from a setting from the list | Children to draw 3pictures to show events from a setting from the list HC | Watch the plums play what do wethink? | ||||
Wednesday | Using story board, model writing thebeginning and adding time words. Children in pairs to write themiddle sentence on whiteboards. Heavily push for fingerspaces. | Children to write thebeginning and build up to their stories. Heavily push fordescribing the character. | Children to writesentence for the first picture in their story board (time wordscards) | Children to write asentence to describe their first picture in their story. AB | Guided writing Children to write asentence to describe their first picture in their story.VW | ICT area
ORT talkingstories | Read stories so far and discuss. Lookfor finger spaces and full stops etc | ||||
Thursday | Complete modelling to write finalpart of story. Model reading through to check for mistakes andmodel basic editing. | Guidedwriting Cont with writingstory. Push for time words & describing setting & characters.VW | Children to completetheir stories. (Time words on cards) | ICT Area
ORT talkingstories | Children to complete theirstories. | Write a simple sentencefor the first picture. (Draw word lines to help) HC | Read through plums stories and pullout describing characters and settings. | ||||
Friday | Read through story. Hot seatcharacters and model asking questions and answering. Invite a fewchildren to act in role. | Book corner Children to read a bookfrom the book corner and complete a book review form. | ICT Area
ORT Talkingstories | Children to completetheir stories.
AB | Children to use ORT dollsand stick puppets to retell their stories. | Guided writing children to write asimple sentence to match to their pictures (HFW on cards)VW | Watch strawberries retelling theirstories using the stick puppets. | ||||