The QueensKnickers Paddington Bear The Hunter,Tiger Child Tiddilick how the Kookaburra got his laugh How theBunjip | |
Locate Melksham, England onmap. What is in Melksham?Favourite place in Melksham. Other local places Discuss and locate othercities and countries. | |
Background picture ofjungle or mountain moving picture of skier animal etc | |
Sand tray desert animalsand plants Water tray ocean animalsand boats | |
Visit Alps Suitcase activitiesplants/sports/ how to get there etc. | |
Visit Kenya compare villagelife with our life. Animal/plant diversity. Compareflora/fauna Africanmask/patterns | |
Animal patterns andprints | |
Sculpture /naturalmaterials Andy Goldsworthy | |
Visit Australia Australianstories Pack a suitcase Make passports Tourist leaflet Fauna and flora | |
CompareLondon/Melksham City/town/village | |
Fact sheet on Melksham /London Letter to Queen Postcard from London etc | |
Around the World. Summer 6 2008 | |
Week 1 I cantalk about how people communicate
Week 2 I know why Hannah likes topray
Week 3 I know the story ofSamuel
Week 4 I can talk about when Sarah mightwant to talk to God
Week 5 I can discuss a time when Jesusprayed.
Healthy LivingWeek 16th - 20th June
D & T FruitSalad
Science Day 16th