Name | Perimiter and area of compound shapes |
Owner | nas |
Level | 6 |
Topic | Numeracy |
Unit | A2 |
Description | |
File 1 | 253_Maths 3 week.doc |
File 2 |
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St. Andrew & St. Francis CE Primary SchoolWeekly Numeracy Plan Key Stage 1 and 2
Teacher: Mrs. Wright /Mrs Iqbal Term: year 6 Week Beginning: 7/01/08Week
What do I want the majority of my class toachieve by the end of the term? Class Curricular target
To calculate perimeterand area of compound shapes | Linked springboardmaterials
| Inclusive checklist Culturally relevant andaccessible material (numbers/key vocab. In homelanguages) Visualsupport multimedia, models and images, number lines, counting sticketc Roleplay, practical activities and hand on resource, e.g. measuring,playing games Developing vocabulary: wordbanks, picture prompts, displayed apparatus ICT:for demonstrating and enhancing learning Scaffolding and modellingstrategies, (oral rehearsal, teacher/pupil demonstration, thinkingaloud, response partners, deliberate mistakes) | ||||||
| OMS Objective Oral/ Mental activity
| Resources and keyvocab | Learning Objectives for MainActivity Main Activity | LowerAttainers | Middle Attainers | Higher attainers | Key questions forPlenary/HW | |
M O N D A Y | OMS Objectives:Calculatementally with integers and decimals: U.t U.t, TU U, TU U, U.t U, U.t U. | . | Learning Objectives for Main Activity:Explainreasoning and conclusions, using words, symbols or diagrams asappropriate. |
| Inability pairs, children work to write a what am I question, toswap with partner to check [partner must explain verbally how tosolve problem | As middle | Check through some of the number puzzles producedby the class, discuss strategies used to solve theproblems.
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Oral/mental activity: Show PV cards, and ask children what do I add tomake .
2.7 what do I add to make 3 then 5
| Main Activity: Explain to the children that they re going toplay what am I games, in which they think of a number ,provideclues to its identity and then get their partner to say what it isand how they found the solution. Work through some examples,encourage children to use their reasoning skills., I am thinking ofa number, write a ? on the board, I add 3 to the number andmultiply the result by 4. The answer would be 36, what is thenumber ? repeat with other egs | |||||||
| OMS Objectives: Calculatementally with integers and decimals: U.t U.t, TU U, TU U, U.t U, U.t U. | .
| Learning Objectives for MainActivity:. Use knowledge ofplace value and multiplication facts to 10 10 to derive relatedmultiplication and division facts involving decimals (eg 0.8 7,4.8 6). |
| For given decimals, children find otherfamily members | Asmain but with decimals up to 3 places | Review, once 1st family member wasknown how quickly was it to find others ? | |
Oral/mental activity:
Repeat previos day assessing ch to see who arefinding difficult. | Main activity: tell the children we shall be playing agame called Keep it in the family using decimal numbers. Explainthat this activity will revise the close relationship between xand division. , revise the term, inverse, write or use interactiveno sentence builder, if, 12 x 9 = 108, and 9 x 12=108 then theinverse is true that 108 / 12= 9 and 108 /9 = 12. Write on boardanother similar calc, 3.65 x 4 = 14.24 explain that keep it inthe family rules will apply. Give ch. A few sec. torecord
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| OMS Objective Oral/ Mental activity
| Resources and keyvocab | Learning Objectives for MainActivity Main Activity | LowerAttainers | Middle Attainers | Higher attainers | Key questions forPlenary/HW | |
| OMS Objective . Usedecimal notation for tenths, hundredths and thousandths; partition,round and order decimals with up to three places, and position themon the number line. |
| Learning Objectives for MainActivity Solvemulti-step problems, and problems involving fractions, decimals andpercentages; choose and use appropriate calculation strategies ateach stage, including calculator use. | As main |
| Display several questions on board-ask children to decide and explain verbally the best method forfinding answer | ||
W E D N E S D A Y | Oral/mentalactivity Ask ch to enter 4.764 on theircalculator,ask, what is 10th more than the number on thedisplay ? What is 100th more/less Repeat with other examples | MainActivityExplain that in this lesson ch willbe choosing and using suitable operations to solve word problemsinvolving numbers and quantities. Discuss key words that may comeup total, product, less than etc. Ask, can you calculatementally/ ? do you need help with jotting ? Are formal calculationslike adding and subtracting in columns necessary ? Ensure that eal children understandwhat each question requires . provide several examples for eachtype of question | ||||||
| OMS Objective Calculatementally with integers and decimals: U.t U.t, TU U, TU U, U.t U, U.t U. |
| Learning Objectives for MainActivity Solvemulti-step problems, and problems involving fractions, decimals andpercentages; choose and use appropriate calculation strategies ateach stage, including calculator use. | Children tosolve single step problems | Children to solve multistep problemstarget maths | As msiddle | Check solutions for the problems .discuss strateigies used | |
| Oral/MentalActivity Play think of anumber | MainActivityReacap previous days work. Explainthat today we shall be applying what we have learnt as we shall besolving multistep problems. Show children a display sheet, how tosolve word problems. Discuss steps provide a question go throughanswer- ensure that all children understand EAL may need additionalsupport | ||||||
| OMS Objective
| Learning Objectives for MainActivity Solve multi-stepproblems, and problems involving fractions, decimals andpercentages; choose and use appropriate calculation strategies ateach stage, including calculator use. Usea calculator to solve problems involving multi-stepcalculations. |
| Children to write a variety of wordproblems for |
| Different groups to read out thereproblems. Discuss solutions | |
| Oral/MentalActivity Mental maths | Main Activity Continue recapping yesterdayslesson. Display a real problem. Mrs. Graham has decided to take thewhole school to Thorpe Park. Each child ticket will cost 14.00 andthe coach will cost 3.50 . How much would it cost altogether? canwe work out the question ? why not ? Tell the ch that there are 443children in the school. Give a few minutes for children to work out. | ||||||
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St. Andrew & St.Francis CE Primary School Weekly Numeracy Plan Key Stage 1 and2
Teacher: Mrs. Wright /Mrs Iqbal Term: summer 1 Year 6 WeekBeginning:14/1/07Week
What do I want the majority of my class toachieve by the end of the term? Class Curricular target
| Linked springboard materials
NNS Framework Ref:
| Inclusive checklist Culturally relevant andaccessible material (numbers/key vocab. In homelanguages) Visualsupport multimedia, models and images, number lines, counting sticketc Roleplay, practical activities and hand on resource, e.g. measuring,playing games Developing vocabulary: wordbanks, picture prompts, displayed apparatus ICT:for demonstrating and enhancing learning Scaffolding and modellingstrategies, (oral rehearsal, teacher/pupil demonstration, thinkingaloud, response partners, deliberate mistakes) | ||||||
| OMS Objective Oral/ Mental activity
| Resources and keyvocab | Learning Objectives for MainActivity Main Activity | LowerAttainers | Middle Attainers | Higher attainers | Key questions forPlenary/HW | |
M O N D A Y | OMS Objectives:Calculatementally with integers and decimals: U.t U.t, TU U, TU U, U.t U, U.t U.
Oral/mental activity: Complete a question a minute . Children solve 10 quick questions and go throughanswers | . | Learning Objectives for Main Activity:Use efficientwritten methods to add and subtract integers and decimals, tomultiply and divide integers and decimals by a one-digit integer,and to multiply two-digit and three-digit integers by a two-digitinteger.MainActivity: Explain that we shall be revising the columnmethod for addition and subtraction write a couple of egs forchildren to try 493 599 106 - 495 ____ + ----------- 599 104
Write 3265-1746 explain decomposition methodworking through together. Provide an e.g. for the ch to try- quickly scanand assess to see all ch understand.
| Children to answer addition and subtractionquestions using column method | As main but with 43 and 4 digitnumbers | answer questions from test base | |
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| OMS Objectives: Recall number facts of numbers tohundred. | .
| Learning Objectives for MainActivity:.
Write on board, 426 Xxx ______ 1413 Howcould we work out what the missing numbers are .elicit that theycould subtract 426 form 1413 inverse carry out calculation andcheck using column method Write XXX 493 ------------ 106 Howcould we work out XXX ? repeat with several examples givingchildren 5 minutes to work out
| Children to complete opposites attractworksheet form year 6 maths CD | Asmain but more challenging | Display 3 questions with incorrect answers.Children to work out where the children went wrong. | |
Oral/mental activity: Play Guess my Number. The teacher says, I amthinking about a number between 1 and 100. You can ask mequestions to which I can only reply yes or no. How quickly can youguess what my number is?
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| OMS Objective Oral/ Mental activity
| Resources and keyvocab | Learning Objectives for MainActivity Main Activity | LowerAttainers | Middle Attainers | Higher attainers | Key questions forPlenary/HW | |
| OMS Objective Recall number facts of numbers tohundred. |
| Learning Objectives for MainActivity To practice multiplication usinggrid method | Children to answer thesame questions from yesterday this time using the gridmethod | Children to answer multiplicationquestions using grid method |
| Work through a few examples onboard. | |
W E D N E S D A Y | Oral/mentalactivity Ask how many 25s are there in 100 ,what is 25 multiplied by 40 repeat with others | MainActivityRecap different methods formultiplication. explain that you will be teaching them to use thegrid method to multiply use 248 x 53 as an example estimate1st 250 x 50 = 12500 Draw a grid and work together. Get achild to work out same question using column. Discuss bothmethods. Give children an example to practice in pairs onwhiteboards. | ||||||
| OMS Objective To solve simple percentagesmentally |
| Learning Objectives for MainActivity Useefficient written methods to add and subtract integers anddecimals, to multiply and divide integers and decimals by aone-digit integer, and to multiply two-digit and three-digitintegers by a two-digit integer. | To dividenumbers without remainders | Children to answer division timesheet, estimating 1st. | As middle but writinganswers as decimal or fraction. | Review answers children selfmark. | |
| Oral/MentalActivity
W board activity. Children to write and show answer tofinding 10%, 25 % and 75 % of given numbers | MainActivityRevisediving HTU by U , If 158 toy trains have been made and are packedin boxes of 6, how many boxes are needed ? approximate1st then calculate using chunking method the answer is26 r2 compare this with estimate. remind that the answer would haveto be rounded up as 27 boxes will be needed
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| OMS Objective
Mental maths test |
| Learning Objectives for MainActivity Useefficient written methods to add and subtract integers anddecimals, to multiply and divide integers and decimals by aone-digit integer, and to multiply two-digit and three-digitintegers by a two-digit integer. | Children to answer divisionsentences | Children to answer divisionsentences, using method used during whole class |
| Work together 845 / 24 . discusslinks between yesterday method. Which do children prefer? | |
| Oral/MentalActivity
| Main Activity Ask ch to approximate 768 / 30 inrder to help check reasonableness of answer. Remind ch work of year5 where they used multiples of the divisor for division worktogether, 768 300 - (10 x 30 ) ---- 468 ==== 300 - (10x 30) 168 150 - (5 x 30) == 18 ans= 25remainder 18 Refer to childrensoriginal estimation. Where they close ? repeat with anotherexample | ||||||