Name | The Tudors |
Owner | sal 26 |
Level | 5 |
Topic | History |
Unit | The Tudors |
Description | |
File 1 | 182_Yr 5 Medium Term Planner History - The Tudors.doc |
File 2 |
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MediumTerm Year Group Planning Sheets
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Subject: History
Topic: The Tudors |
Year Group: 5 |
Term: Autumn | ||||||||
Key Learning Objectives Nat. Curr.History KS2 Study Unit 2: Life in Tudor times (Nat. Curr. refs. 2.a, b, c, d, e, f). Children learn about: * Henry VIII andthe break with Rome, eg. the divorcequestion, the dissolution of themonasteries; * Explorationoverseas, eg. the voyagesof Sebastian and John Cabot, Francis Drake and WalterRaleigh; * Elizabeth I andthe Armada (1588); * Courtlife, eg. theprogresses of Elizabeth I, the role of a personality such as ThomasMoore or the Earl of Essex; * Ways of life intown and country, eg. home life,work and leisure, health and trade; * Arts andarchitecture, including Shakespeare, eg.Elizabethan theatres, music, paintings, town houses, manor housesand country houses and their estates. | ||||||||||||
week unit | LearningSteps | Activities/skills | Resources | Organisation | Differentiation | IntendedOutcomes/ Assessment Activities | Cross Curric.Links | I.C.T | ||||
Unit 1 | Compare presentWindsor royal family with the Tudors. How it all began.Introduction to Henry V11. | Class discussionabout the present royal family; its main members and the familyname House of Windsor. Link with House of Tudor, explain originsof the name. Teaching input introducing Henry VII. | Landmarks BBCvideo. The Tudors - HenryVII
| Whole classdiscussion I Video I Activity I Plenary | Differentiation byquestioning. Less able are encouraged to recall what they canabout the current royal family. More able link with theTudors. | Childrendemonstrate through discussion and in the set activity theirunderstanding of the founding of the House of Tudor and the originsof its name. Children show they understand the main aims of HenryVII & success/failure. | This unit links tothe Database unit in ICT. Children learn about making a Tudorsdatabase.
Children watch avideo about the unit.
This topic alsolinks to our work in Music. | |||||
Unit 2 | Children learnabout Henry VIII, his wives and the reasons for the break with Romeand the establishment of the Church of England.
| Children learnabout Henry VIII:- how he became King, his interests eg. huntingand music, his religion, his reasons for wishing to re-marry, thePopes refusal and the setting up of Church of England. | Landmarks BBCVideo: The Tudors: Henry VIII. | Whole classdiscussion I Video I Activity I Plenary | Less able areencouraged to recall any reasons why Henry might have married asoften as he did. More able recall the variety of reasons and themain effects eg. C of England. | Childrendemonstrate their understanding the power of the King compared withthe modern day monarchy and their understanding of Henrys nature,his reasons for wishing to re-marry, the establishment of theChurch of England. | This unit links tothe Database unit in ICT. Children learn about making a Tudorsdatabase.
Children watch avideo about the unit. This topic alsolinks to our work in Music (planner refers) personality) and in Art(miniature painting). | |||||
Unit 3 | The Mary Rose.Background story and archeology. What have the artifacts taught usabout Tudor life, sailors, etc. | Video followed byclass discussion. Background to Mary Rose, reasons for voyage andher sinking. Artefacts found and what they teach us about Tudorlife, the sailors and life on the ship.
| Landmarks BBCVideo: The Tudors: Mary Rose | Video I Whole classdiscussion & teaching input I Activity I Plenary | Less able describesome of the items found aboard the wreck of the Mary Rose. Moreable are encouraged to recall the artifacts found in more detailand to show they understand the importance of artifacts and whatthese tell us about Tudor life. | Childrendemonstrate their understanding of the sinking of Mary Rose andwhat we have learned from the recovered wreck. | This unit links tothe Database unit in ICT. Children learn about interrogating theirTudors database.
Children watch avideo about the unit.
This topic alsolinks to our work in Music. | |||||
week unit | LearningSteps | Activities/skills | Resources | Organisation | Differentiation | IntendedOutcomes/ Assessment Activities | Cross Curric.Links | I.C.T | ||||
Unit 4 | Edward VI and LadyJane Grey. Plotting of nobles to take over the throne. Peoplesreaction to the Nine Days Queen. | * Story of Edwardsreign, his life, health etc. * Plots to take overthe throne on Edwards death, * Politics ofpower * Lady Jane Grey -her story * People power forMary | Resourcebooks. | Teachinginput I Classdiscussion I Activity I Plenary
| Less able areencouraged to think about how Lady Jane Grey may have felt. Moreable are encouraged to show their understanding of the politicsunderlying events. | Children showtheir understanding of * the plottingbehind the throne and the reasons for it * how the peoplemade their voices heard and why | ICT & Literacy:Children create - A Tudor Newspaper based on the Tudor DayWorkshop.
Children alsocreate a booklet about the Tudors based on the Tudor DayWorkshop. | |||||
Unit 5 | Queen Mary(Bloody Mary). Religious persecution. Imprisonment ofElizabeth. | Marysreign, Reasons fornickname Bloody Mary - religious persecution, reasons for thepersecution, Marys standing inthe country and her death | Resourcebooks. | Teachinginput I Classdiscussion I Activity I Plenary | Less ableencouraged to recall key facts about Marys reign. More able showtheir understanding of the political and religious aspectsunderlying events. | Childrendemonstrate that they understand: * the reason forMarys nickname * the reasons forreligious persecution * Marys feelingsfor her sisterElizabeth. |
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Unit 6 | Elizabeth I.Characteristics and abilities. Stability in the country. Lengthof reign. End of the Tudor era.
| Elizabeth Ischaracter, Feelings about aQueen rather than a King to rule, Advantages of herreign, Length of reign -stability in country Final Tudor- endof an era | BBC Landmarksvideo Elizabeth I | Teaching input &video I Whole classdiscussion I Activity I Plenary | Less ableencouraged to show their understanding some key features ofElizabeths reign. More able show their understanding of some ofthe effects of Elizabeths reign. | Childrendemonstrate that they understand: Elizabethscharacter, The enormity ofher job and her achievements of her reign, The ending of anera. |
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Unit 7 | The SpanishArmada. Reasons for invasion, battle tactics (Spanish & English).End result.
| Reasons behind theSpanish invasion. Timescale of planning, Tactics -English/Spanish, Events ofinvasion/battle/storm etc, What happened toSpanish.
| BBC Landmarksvideo - The Armada | Teaching input &video I Whole classdiscussion I Activity I Plenary | Less able areencouraged to show their understanding of the purpose of theSpanish Armada. More able develop a broader understanding of whatoccurred and it effects. | Childrendemonstrate that they understand, The reasons behindthe invasion and The events of theinvasion and the result
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week unit | LearningSteps | Activities/skills | Resources | Organisation | Differentiation | IntendedOutcomes/ Assessment Activities | Cross Curric.Links | I.C.T | ||||
Unit 8 | Exploration inTudor times. Teaching input onthe reasons for and results of exploration in Tudor times. Children researchand write about the variety of goods traded during this period andtheir source. Children plot these on a map of the world. The route Draketook in circumnavigating the globe is plotted. | Using a map of theworld children illustrate and label the goods traded in Tudortimes. Drakescircumnavigation of the globe is plotted on the map. | Resource booksincluding atlases & maps | Teachinginput I Activity I Plenary | Less able identifysome of the goods traded in Tudor times and the names of somefamous explorers. More able show they grasp the reasons forexploration and demonstrate an understanding of famousexplorers. | Childrendemonstrate their understanding of: * of the reasons forand the results of exploration in Tudor times * some of the greatexplorers of the time eg. Sir Francis Drake | This unit linkswith Geography. |
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Unit 9 | Rich and poorTudors - comparison of their lives and their homes. Childrendevelop their understanding of the lives of rich and poor:- food,education, clothing, jobs etc. from our Tudor day.
| Looking atrich/poor Tudor lifestyles - comparisons with each other andtoday Homes of the richand poor compare and contrast
| Time line video -Henry Moreton built this house
| Teaching input &discussion I Activity I Plenary | Less ableencouraged to volunteer differences between rich and poor today.More able undertake detailed comparisons of rich and poorTudors. | Children showtheir understanding of the contrastsbetween life in Tudor times for rich and poor, the contrastsbetween life in Tudor times and modern day life.
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Unit 10 | Tudor costumes -rich and poor - comparisons with today. Children developtheir understanding of the lives of rich and poor:- food,education, clothing, jobs etc. from our Tudor day.
[Choice timeactivities: to make and decorate a model of a Tudorbuilding; to make a Tudor board game]
| Comparisons ofcostumes of rich and poor Tudors Compare/contrastwith todays
| Resourcebooks | Teaching input &discussion I Activity I Plenary | Less ableencouraged to volunteer differences between clothes worn by richand poor today. More able undertake detailed comparisons of theclothing of rich and poor Tudors. | Childrendemonstrate that they understand: the differencesbetween costumes of the rich and poor Tudors and what they tell usabout Tudor life
| The Tudor topiclinks with art:
Children learnabout Tudor artists & apply some techniques toportraiture; children makeTudor talismans. |
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Unit 11
| WilliamShakespeare and the theatre in Elizabethan times. Teaching inputon William Shakespeare. Overview of the story of Macbeth.Children write up the story of Macbeth in their own words.Children do some further research on William Shakespeare andElizabethan theatre for homework. | Children writetheir own versions of the story of Macbeth. Children carry outsome research on William Shakespeare and the theatre in Elizabethantimes.
| The plot ofMacbeth. Writing frames forthe research work. Notes. | Teaching input &discussion I Activity I Plenary | Less able areprovided support to write a simplified version of Macbeth. Moreable are expected to write a detailed version of the story and toproduce some detailed work on Shakespeare. | Childrendemonstrate their understanding of: WilliamShakespeares importance as a playwright One ofShakespeares plays and Some aspects ofthe theatre in Tudor times.
| Literacy and ourwork on story writing and plays | Children can useICT to research Shake-speare. | ||||