Name | Circuit training |
Owner | lemmie |
Level | 4 |
Topic | PE |
Unit | Circuit training |
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File 1 | 384_circuit training.doc |
File 2 |
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Medium Term Plan for: PE Circuittraining
| Year Group/ Set: Y3/4 | Name: | Date: |
Aims: Tolearn to perform exercises that can develop cardiovascular health,flexibility, muscle strength and endurance. To develop anawareness of the importance of keeping fit.
Resources stopwatch, exercise cardsshowing various circuits exercises, benches, mats if necessary forsome exercises, background music (optional) |
Teaching Objective(Knowledge,skills, understanding that will be introduced, consolidated,practised) | Activity(A Briefdescription of what children will be doing note keyresources) | PoSand Crosscurricular Links | P.E. Links NC PoS | Differentiation/ Groupings | Evidence of Learning and AssessmentOpportunities(How will youdecide if the learning outcomes have been achieved-written,observation, focused questions. Which evidence of learning torecord specific achievements?) |
1.To learn toperform exercises that can develop cardiovascular health,flexibility, muscle strength and endurance. To develop anawareness of the importance of keeping fit. | Talk aboutkeeping fit and why it is a good idea. Explain what circuittraining is. Ply videorecorder warm upgame. Play walk around, Rewind turn around and go back in the direction you came from, FastForward jog around the room Pause jump up and downon the spot, Eject one big jump in the air. Split chn into 6groups for different exercise stations. Give each group an exercisecard and ask them to practise the exercise shown for 30seconds. Stop the groupsand go round getting each group to demonstrate the exercise to theclass to ensure they are doing all exercises correctly and everyoneknows how to perform all exercises. Explain that weare now going to go around the room in a circuit, spending 30seconds at each station. When pupils have performed all 6 stationshave a breather. Use this time to discuss how they found theexercises, which were the easiest / hardest and why? Could thewhole group perform the exercises together or did they have to takeit in turns? Mix the exercise cards around so the circuit is in adifferent order and perform again.
| Keeping healthy Science. | 1. a) b)
10. a) | Mixedabiltiy | Discuss whichparts of the body each exercise was working. How could we tell? Canchildren help each other to read and learn the exercises in groups?Are they performing the exercises correctly? |
2.To perform aseries of exercises in the form of a circuit. To identifywhich exercises work specific parts of the body.
| Warm up - Followthe leader Pair upand number yourselves 1 and 2. 1 willfollow 2 wherever 2 goes performing the same action. Chn tomove in various ways at different levels varying theirspeed. Teacherto call out levels high, middle and low. Changethe pupils roles. 2 will follow 1 wherever 1 goes. Ask chn in theirgroups to choose and exercise they can remember from last lessonand demonstrate. Give out any exercise cards not used last week andget chn to practice in groups and demonstrate. Perform circuitusing different exercises (6 stations) for 30 seconds then change.Mix up cards and repeat circuit. Make sure chn have a break betweencircuits and water if needed. |
| 1. a) b)
10. a) | Mixedabiltiy | Can they rememberany exercises from last week? Are they able to learn and performthe new exercises? |
3.To perform aseries of exercises in the form of a circuit. To identifywhich exercises work specific parts of the body. To evaluate ownand others performances.
| Warm up- Stuckin the mud - Two people are'on'. They have to chase the people that are not 'on' and tag them.When they have tagged another child who was not on, that person is'stuck in the mud'. They stand with legs and arms out and theycannot move. The only way to release them is if another person whois not stuck goes under the student that is stuck to free them.They can go through the person's legs, or under their arms. Use all theexercises and increase the number of stations in thecircuit(smaller group sizes). Get chn to evaluate their own andother group members performances. Are we improving? |
| 1. a) b)
3. a) b)
10. a) | Mixedabiltiy | How can we tellif we are performing exercises correctly? Think about good form.Can children identify where they need to improve? |
4.To perform aseries of exercises in the form of a circuit frommemory. To evaluate ownand others performances. | Warm up Videorecorder Play walk around, Rewind turn around and go back in thedirection you came from, Fast Forward jog around the room(be careful of others and make sure you jog into a space),Pause jump up and down on the spot, Eject one bigjump in the air. Have the chn learnt the exercises? See if they canperform them without the cards. Are they able to do any more repsthan last week? |
| 1. a) b)
3. a) b)
10. a) | Mixedabiltiy | Are we gettingfitter? How could we tell if we were? more reps / finding iteasier / not getting as hot, out of breath etc. Can childrenidentify this? |
5.To perform aseries of exercises in the form of a circuit. To design ownexercises in groups and identify part of the bodyworked.
| Warm up using thefollow the leader game, varying the speed and levels. Think aboutthe exercises we have learnt, how could you develop them? Can youthink of exercises of your own? Split chn into groups. Give eachgroup a pencil and paper and ask them to design their own exercisefor the circuit. Have exercise cards available to generate ideas.Record their exercise on the paper can be words and pictures.Groups to demonstrate exercises to class explaining which bodyparts they are working arms/legs? Change stations and get groupsto practise different exercises. Feedback to the designers werethe instructions clear? Is the exercise being performed as thedesigners intended?
Perform thecircuit 30 seconds per exercise then change. Have a break anddiscuss how chn are finding the new exercises. Change the order ofthe stations and repeat the circuit.
Could providechildren with a variety of equipment to design ownexercises?
| 1. a) b)
2. a)
10. a)
| Mixedabiltiy | Are children ableto vary exercises we have been practicing to make new ones? Canthey identify which part of the body their new exercise isworking? |
6.To perform aseries of exercises in the form of a circuit. To evaluate ownand others performances. | Warm up- Stuckin the mud. Use some of thebest exercises from last week and some of original ones. Createmore stations and make the circuit more challenging if needed forHA add harder variations to exercises. Encourage children tocount the amount of reps they can achieve. Is this more than at thebeginning? |
| 1. a) b)
2. a) b)
3. a) b)
10. a) | Mixedabiltiy | Can childrenexplain which exercises they find most challenging and why? |
7.To reflect onimprovement in performances since the beginning of theunit.
| Warm up Videorecorder Play 10 groups - eachgroup to choose a favourite exercise for the circuit this week canbe from original exercises or ones designed themselves.Were the newexercises more challenging? Which exercises were favourites andwhy? Encourage chn to use the exercises they have learnt in thisunit to keep fit in their daily lives. |
| 1. a) b)
3. a) b)
10. a) | Mixedabiltiy | Can childrencomplete the exercises with more ease than at the beginning? Arethey able to recognise improvements in fitness? |