Name | Netball |
Owner | lemmie |
Level | 4 |
Topic | PE |
Unit | Invasion games - Netball |
Description | |
File 1 | 384_netball.doc |
File 2 |
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Medium Term Plan for: PENetball
| Year Group/ Set: Y3/4 | Name: | Date: |
Resources netballs, cones, whistle, |
Teaching Objective(Knowledge,skills, understanding that will be introduced, consolidated,practised) | Activity(A Briefdescription of what children will be doing note keyresources) | Crosscurricular Links NC PoS | Differentiation/ Groupings | Evidence of Learning and AssessmentOpportunities(How will youdecide if the learning outcomes have been achieved-written,observation, focused questions. Which evidence of learning torecord specific achievements?) | |
1.To practise thechest pass in netball. To perform skillsfluently and effectively. To understand andapply basic strategic and tactical principles forattack. | Warm up Use themarkings of each of the thirds on the netball court for the warmup. If not marked use cones to divide the court into thirds. Chn tostart on the line at one end of the court and: 1) Jump with a 2footed take off and landing to the 1st line and runback. 2) skip to the second line and run back. 3) run to the top ofthe court and run back.Do this 3 or 4 times giving chn about a 30second rest. Demonstrate chestpass - roll their wristsback towards themselves so that their fingers are touching theirchest then take a step forward and push the ball towards towardtheir partner's chest. Chn to practice in pairs. Join up withanother pair to make 4 - Child 1 sends the ball to child 2, using achest pass, and then runs to join the queue behind child 4. Child 2moves forward to receive the pass and then passes the ball to child3, again using a chest pass. They then run to standbehind child3, who passes theball to child 4 and so on. Swap groups around. Explain that they arenow going to play a two versus two game. In order to score a point,they need to make five consecutive passes with their partnerwithout the ball being intercepted by the other team. Restrict eachgroup of four to a single third of the netball court so that it isnot too easy to make five consecutive passes. Allow the children toplay for three or four minutes and then swap the pairs around sothat they have the opportunity to play different opponents. Remindthe children how to execute the chest pass properly. Remind themthat they should be looking to move into a space to make thepassing easy for their partner.
| Vary groups soworking with mixed abilities. | Looking for chn toperform an accurate chest pass. Can they throw andcatch without dropping the ball? | |
2.To learn therules of footwork in netball and practise footworkskills. To use footwork andchest passing skills with control in games adapting to needs ofsituation. To know thedifference between attacking and defending skills. To use a variety oftactics to keep the ball.
| Use the court to warmup as previously. Introduce the concept of footwork in netball.Chn to move around courtin random directions. Whistle goes - jump up and land with one footon the ground before the other. When the children have done thisfor the first time, ask them to stay perfectly still. Ask whichfoot they landed with first. Explain that this is known as thepivot foot and it cannot be moved from the spot where it landed.However, you can pivot on this foot - demonstrate this by rotatingyourself on the ball of your pivot foot. The foot that landedsecond can be moved. Demonstrate how you can step with that footany number of times; it will help you to balance. This rule comesinto effect when they have the ball in their hands. They are notallowed to run with the ball. Pivoting is a good way of changingthe direction of play during a game. Practise again. Groups of four - setout four markers per group as in the diagram. Child 1 chest passesthe ball to the child who is the feeder. Then child 1 moves to themiddle marker with a jump, using the footwork rules when they land,and receives the return pass from the feeder.Child 1 then chest passesthe ball to child 2 and runs to join the queue behind thatchild. Child2 now does the sameexercise, but in the opposite direction. Theychest pass the ballto the feeder and move with a jump to receive the return pass,remembering the footwork rules when they land. Child 2 then chestpasses the ball to child 3 and runs to join the queue behind child3 and so on. Remind the children that theycannot run with theball; as soon as theyreceive the ball,they must keep one foot planted on the ground where it landed.Allow the children to practise the exercise for two to threeminutes and then rotate the roles so that the feeder now has theopportunity to have a go at the footwork exercise. Dothistwice more so thatall children have a go at being the feeder. Ask some chn todemonstrate. Now explain to the children that they are going toplay another game to practise their footwork skills. Set up asquare area marked out with cones for each group of four. Explainto-the childrenthatthey aregoing to play a gameof threeattackersversus one defender withinthe area marked out by cones.Theattackers musttry to make15 consecutive passesbut must also remember the footwork rules when in possession of theball. Allow the children to work for about 60 secondsand thenswap theroles. If the singledefending player intercepts the ballthen the three attackers start theirpass count again.Allow each child to have ago at defending. |
| Ability grouped forthe 1st exercise. HA to demonstrate. Teacher support forLA. Mixed ability for 2nd. |
Can children use thefootwork rule and pivot to change direction? | |
| |
3. To choose, combineand perform skills more fluently and effectively ingames. To understand andapply a range of tactics and strategies for defence andattack. To develop theability to evaluate their own and others work and suggest ways toimprove it. | Organise the childreninto pairs in the following way. Ask them to jog around the spaceyou are working in (in any direction). Shout out a number and thechildren must get into groups of that number. Ask them to startjogging around the space again and call out another number. Do thisfour or five times, finishing by calling out 'two. Explain to thepairs that they are going to play a game called 'tail tag. Thisinvolves one player trying to dodge their partner in order to getto a cone before they do. Set up two cones per pair as in diagram1. Child A moves laterally along their line and tries to outwitchild B by suddenly making a move for one of the two cones andtrying to get there first. Child B's task is to try to read theiropponent, guess correctly and beat them to it. Allow the childrento do this five or six times and then get them to swap roles.Repeat the task so that each child has a good go at bothroles. Dodging - Ask thechildren to get into groups of three for the first exercise. Ineach group of three, one person will be the attacker (A), one willbe the defender (B) and one will be the feeder (C). Give a ball tochild C. Child A tries to dodge child B and run to receive a passfrom child C at one of the cones as shown in diagram 2. Remind thechildren to use the skills they learned in the previous lessons todo with footwork and passing (i.e. use a chest pass; pivot on onefoot when in possession of the ball). Allow the children to workfor about two minutes on this and then swap the roles around withineach group. Make sure that all children have a go at each of theroles. As the children are working, move around the groups andsuggest how some children could increase their success rate whentrying to dodge an opponent. Now ask the children to join withanother group of three. Explain that they will be playing minigames of three versus three. The aim of these games is to pass theball between their players to progress towards their goal line (theline at one end of their playing area). They must try to pass theball over the line in order to score a point. The players must useall the netball skills that they now know (Le. dodging, chestpassing, footwork).o Set this exercise as in diagram 3. Use conesto separate the five games. The shaded areas are non-playing zones.Allow the children to play for three or four minutes and then swapthe teams around so that they all get to play each other. If,because of the size of your class/playing area, you have childrenwatching at any time, ask them to look out for specific things inthe games. For example: Are the players ingood positions and using space well? Does the team scorefrequently? Do the defendersintercept the ball? Are the players usingfootwork properly? (keeping one foot on the same spot when theyhave the ball) Which parts of thegame need improving? While the games aregoing on, move around the court giving encouragement to thechildren. Emphasise to the children that they should be using allthe passing, footwork and dodging skills that they have learnedover the last few lessons.
| Ability grouped teamsHA to play HA etc. in game. |
Diag 3
Are children able touse tactical dodging and passing? | |
4.To know how to markan opponent in netball. To use a variety oftactics to keep the ball. To combine and perform skills withcontrol. | In pairs warm-up gamecalled 'glue. Number ones must try to lose their partner by movingaround the netball court, frequently changing direction and speed.It is the job of the number twos to stay as close to their partneras possible (stick like glue) without actually touching them. Whenyou blow your whistle or shout 'change' the pair should swaproles. Play mini games wherethey will use defending tactics when their own team does not havethe ball. If their partner (the player they are marking) does nothave the ball, they must aim to shadow this player, keep close tothem so that they increase their chances of intercepting the ball.If their player gets the ball, they must closely mark them to makeit difficult for them to pass or score. To begin with, ask thechildren to follow their partner as they did for the warm-up but,this time when you blow the whistle, number ones must jump (as ifthey are jumping to catch the ball) and land, using the correctfootwork rules (i.e. keeping the first foot on the spot where itlanded and moving the other foot to help them pivot). The numbertwos must mark their partner by standing in front of them andmaking themselves as big as they can. They must stand no closerthan one metre from their partner. So that the children can get anidea of how to work this out, explain to them that if they were tostand toe to toe with their partner and then take a very big stepaway from them, this would be about the right distance.Allow the children topractise this five or six times and then ask them to swap roles sothat the number ones can practise marking. Ask the children to stopand join with two other pairs. Ask them to stand silently withtheir hands raised to show that they are ready. Set up the playingarea as in the diagram. Use cones to separate the five games. Theshaded areas are non-playing zones. Explain to the children thatthey are going to play in a three versus three situation. Partnersfrom the previous activity should split so that there are now threeon each team within their group of six. The aim of the game is foreach team to pass the ball between their players to progresstowards their goal line (the line at one end of their playingarea). They must try to pass the ball over the line in order toscore a point. When their team does not have possession theymust each mark aplayer on the opposite team (e.g. their partner from the previousexercises). Remind the children to use all the passing, footwork,dodging and marking skills that they have learned up to now. Remindthem to find space and use it to help their team. Allow thechildren to play for three or four minutes before swapping theteams around so that they all get to play each other. While thegames are going on, move around the court to give encouragement tothe children. Remind them how to perform all the passing, footwork,dodging and marking skills that they have learned over the last fewlessons.
| Mixedability teams for games to allow support and demonstration ofskills for LA.
Can children markopponents to prevent passing or intercept the ball? | |
5 and 6. To learn about highfive netball positions and use them in a game. To perform allnetball skills learnt with accuracy, confidence andcontrol. To use attacking anddefending appropriately in a game. | Explain to thechildren that they are going to play games of high five netball.Explain what the positions are and where certain players areallowed to go. Goal Attack (GA) and Goal Shooter (GS) can shoot atthe goal. They can only go in the third nearest their goal and themiddle third. Goal Defence (GD) and Goal Keeper (GK) must defendthe opposition's goal. They can only go in the middle third and thethird nearest the opposition's goal. These four players are allowedin the middle and respective end third. Centre (C) passes betweenall players. Theycan go in all thirdsof the court but not in the circles around the goals. See diagrams.Now that the children know where the positions are allowed to go,explain that you will ask them to jog anywhere on the netball courtand then call out the name of one of the high five netballpositions. When you do this, the children must run in and out ofall the areas of the court where that player is allowed to go.Choose one end of the netball court and ask the children to imaginethat their team is shooting towards that goal. Ask them to runanywhere on the court and then call out a position, for example,goal defence. In this case, the children would run around the twothirds furthest away from the chosen goal end. Do this severaltimes so that the children really begin to understand where thepositions are and where they are or are not allowed to go. Youcould also change the goal end and ask them to imagine that theirteam is shooting in the opposite direction.
Organise the classinto equal teams of seven. Explain to the children that they aregoing put all the skills that they have been learning over the lastfew lessons into practice with a game of high five netball.Emphasise the importance of accurate passing and good dodging andmarking. Remind them that they must use the footwork rules. For thefull game of high five netball, two teams of five play each otheron a full netball court. For each team of seven, allocate positionsto five players, ask one to keep score and one to act as the hoop.Allow one Centre to start the game by standing in the middle andpassing the ball to one of their team mates. Players must pass toeach other in order to progress towards their goal. Only the GoalAttack and Goal Shooter can score and they do this by passing theball to the hoop player, who must successfully catch the ball forthe goal to count. Explain to the children that when you blow yourwhistle they must all move round one position as follows: GK to GD to C to GAto GS to Hoop player to Scorer. Allow the games to play for threeor four minutes each then blow your whistle. If necessary, you cansplit the netball court in two with a line of cones down the middleso that four teams can play on the court at once. Although thecourt is now narrower, it requires the children to become moreaccurate and controlled with their passing. They can ignore thecircles but GA and GS still score by passing the ball to their hoopplayer on the back line. Keep reminding the children of all theskills that they have been learning over the last few weeks andencourage them to put these skills into practice in the games.After playing the games, encourage the children to evaluate theirwork. Discuss some of the following questions: In what ways wasyour team effective? (e.g. goals scored frequently, successfulpasses, good tactics, creating space) How did you involve all yourteam members in the game? Which skills/aspects still needimproving? What practices could you do to improve?When you revisit thislesson introduce the four second rule to the children's games. Thismeans that once a player receives the ball they must pass it withinfour seconds or they lose possession and the ball must be given tothe opposing team. |
| Mixed abilityteams |
Looking for childrento use all the skills developed in a game situation. | |