Name | Viking Presentations using espresso |
Owner | lemmie |
Level | 3 |
Topic | ICT |
Unit | expresso |
Description | Need primary espresso programme |
File 1 | 384_ict viking presentations.doc |
File 2 |
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Medium Term Plan for:ICT
| Year Group/ Set: Y3/4 | Name: | Date: |
Aims: Touse espresso to select and use various information sources tocreate a presentation based on the Vikings. ICT - Links toQCA unit 4A: Writing for different audiences. Literacy Linksto non-fiction unit on information texts. History Linksto Vikings.
See additionalnotes on how to use the presentation creator in espresso accessthrough espresso site.
Teaching Objective(Knowledge,skills, understanding that will be introduced, consolidated,practised) | Activity(A Briefdescription of what children will be doing note keyresources) | PoSand Crosscurricular Links | I.C.T. Links NC PoS | Differentiation/ Groupings | Evidence of Learning and AssessmentOpportunities(How will youdecide if the learning outcomes have been achieved-written,observation, focused questions. Which evidence of learning torecord specific achievements?) |
1.To navigateeffectively around espresso. To identifyappropriate information. | Introduceespresso. Explore Vikings information on espresso with a partner.What information is there? Think about format of info videos,text, pictures? What have you learnt? Watch videos etc. Get used tonavigating around espresso. To find go to channel guide ks2 history Vikings. | Links to LiteracyNon-fiction unit 1 To be able to read and navigate variousnon-fiction ICT texts. | 1. b) c)
5. a) b) | Mixed abilitypairs
Ext Think aboutwhich formats of information are most effective and record reasonswhy. | Are children ableto effectively navigate around the site and watch the videos,select text etc? Can they find specific information about Vikingswhen directed e.g. information on Viking home life? Effective use ofthe mouse to select. |
2.To recognisethat presentations use a variety of visual and written features toinform their audience. To consider whichfeatures are most effective. | Introduce conceptof a presentation. Talk about aims, qualities of goodpresentations. Look at presentations on espresso. Channel guide ict- presentation creator presentation index look at ks2ones. Which ones are most effective and why? What do we want toinclude in our presentation? Record effective features on IWB tocome back to. | Links to LiteracyNon-fiction unit 1 To identify key presentational features in anICT text. | 1. b) c)
5. a) b) | Mixed abilitypairs
Ext List waysto improve presentations already on espresso. | Are children ableto identify effective features and explain their reasons why theyare effective? Can they suggestother features to improve the presentations? |
3.To select andretrieve key information relevant to a particular area. To navigateeffectively around espresso.
| Working in pairschildren are to choose an area related to Vikings that they wouldlike to do their presentation on (must be an area that espresso hasa good amount of information on). Go through the website and decideon information they would like to use. Make notes on paper. Beginto think about the formats they will use and the layout. Can dorough designs on paper ready for next lesson. | Links to LiteracyNon-fiction unit 1 To select and retrieve key information. | 1. b) c)
2. a)
5. a) b) | Mixed abilitypairs
Ext Detailedslide designs on paper thinking about the layout, font size, typeof information source e.g. picture/video. | Can childrenchoose appropriate information to include? This must be relevant totheir chosen area. Are they thinkingabout which types of information sources to use to make it mostinteresting for the audience? |
4.To understandhow to create a presentation in espresso. To recognise howdifferent features create an effective presentation. | Model how to usethe presentation creator. All create a presentation togetherfollowing the steps so all children will know how to add text,graphics, video etc. See step by step notes on how to dothis. Discuss features such as sub-headings, explanatory notesfor pictures etc. Think about organising information clearly.Record key points and instructions on large paper for next lessonwhen children will be creating their own presentations. | Links to LiteracyNon-fiction unit 1- To use layout, format, graphics andillustration to inform the audience. | 1. b) c)
2. a)
3. b)
5. a) b) | Mixed abilitypairs
Ext Finishdeciding on information to include and begin creating ownpresentation | Can childrenfollow instructions to successfully add text, graphics, videoetc? They should allbe able to create the modelled presentation. |
5.To use ICT toselect and organise key information. To edit text anduse a variety of presentation techniques. | Children to workon their presentation in pairs. Using the information from espressoand any other knowledge they are to think about selecting the mosteffective and appropriate information for each slide. Also considerorganisational features discussed last lesson. Save presentationsto continue working on next lesson. | Links to LiteracyNon-fiction unit 1- To use layout, format, graphics andillustration to inform the audience. | 1. b) c)
2. a)
3. b)
5. a) b) | Mixed abilitypairs
Ext can theyadd in extra information from own knowledge / books they haveread? | Can childrenremember instructions from last lesson to create slides? Are theyable to successfully import information into their presentations?Can they use the help function if needed or refer back to earliernotes? |
6.To use ICT toselect and organise key information. To edit text anduse a variety of presentation techniques. To amend and addfeatures to presentations. | Children tocomplete and self-evaluate their presentation. Finish adding in anyinformation, check what they have already, is there anything elsethat would make it more informative or interesting? Save completepresentations ready for next lesson. | Links to LiteracyNon-fiction unit 1. | 1. b) c)
2. a)
3. b)
4. b) 5. a) b) | Mixed abilitypairs
Ext Go back tochecklist of an effective presentation have they included all thefeatures? | Have childrenincluded enough information to inform the audience on their chosenarea? Have they used a variety of different source type egpictures and text? Have they used organisational featuresdiscussed? |
7.To identify keyeffective features of presentations. | Class to watcheach others saved presentations. Peer assessment think about goodpoints, improvements, effectiveness, content, organisationalfeatures etc. | Links to LiteracyNon-fiction unit 1. | 4. a) b)c)
5. a) b) | Mixed abilitypairs
| Are children ableto give reasons for why a presentation is effective / noteffective? Can they refer back to features discussedpreviously? |