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NameNon fiction
Unitnon fiction
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St. Helens Catholic Primary School

Key Stage 1&2 Literacy Plan


Unit: ManOn the Moon

Date:28/4/08 23/5/08

Year group:2 Miss Clarke and Miss Tucker

KeyLearning Objectives: Respond to presentations bydescribing characters, repeating some highlights and commentingconstructively; Ensure that everyone contributes, allocate tasks,and consider alternatives and reach agreement; Spell withincreasing accuracy and confidence, drawing on word recognition andknowledge of word structure, and spelling patterns; Give somereasons why things happen or characters change; Make adventurousword and language choices appropriate to the style and purpose ofthe text; Use planning to establish clear sections for writing;Sustain form in narrative, including use of person and time;Compose sentences using tense consistently (present and past);Write legibly, using upper and lower case letters appropriatelywithin words, and observing correct spacing within and betweenwords.

LearningOutcome for unit: produce avariety of fiction and non-fiction writing.




Sharedlearning and teaching









Responding to illustration. Show chnfirst page of book (picture of Bob). Hide the text and get chn toask questions about the picture. Who is this man? What does hedo? What does he like?

Chn to write questions in books readyto ask Bob.


TA support for BA

Have the children asked relevantquestions?

Select some children to read theirquestions and discuss which are relevant and which are not.





Introduce text of book and read up topg. 6. Ask chn to predict what they think Bobs job is.

Write their ideas in books givingexplanations for ideas.

TA support for BA option of usingthought shower.


Have they used what they know of thetext to inform their ideas? Have they given reasons for theirideas?

Share ideas with their class.





Read Pg. 7 and look at Pg. 8. Ask chnto bring in newspapers and look at articles. What are the featuresof a newspaper? Look at the sections. What information does itgive?

Get chn to produce a newspaperarticle in groups (3 tables create a sports article; 3 tablescreate other articles, headlines)

TA support for BA

Teacher support A

Have they worked successfully as agroup? Is they layout appropriate to the task?

Read aloud articles to they class.What do we like? What could be improved?





Show chn an advert with Bob in thenewspaper explaining what his job is and something fantastic hedoes. Explain to chn we are going to invite Bob to visit ourschool so we can ask him questions about his experiences Discussformat and layout of a letter and model for chn. in space.

Chn to write their own letters askingBob to come into school.


TA support for BA

Have they used the correct layout forletter writing? Are the questions they have askedappropriate?

In pairs share work. What do we like?What could be improved?





Read two or three poems about themoon and space to chn. Discuss the poems and look for any rhymingcouplets. How are the poems structured? Do they have alliterationand onomatopoeia?

Get chn to create their ownspace/moon poems following a similar format.

Have they used an appropriate format?Is the content relevant?

Share work with the class.






Bank Holiday





Discuss how we can a Man on the Moonthemed book corner/role play area. What could we include? How couldwe make it?

In their groups the children createwhat they need for the book corner/ role play.

Can they work together as a group?Are they providing ideas relevant to the theme?

Discuss how we could use the bookcorner/role play?






Show chn picture of the Aliens in thebook. Show chn some other images of aliens and discuss what theylook like. Create a class thought shower of adjectives to describealiens.

Get chn to create a thought shower oftheir own of adjectives to describe the aliens.

AA to use thesaurus to help them withideas and ambitious words.

TA to support BA

Have they thought of a variety ofadjectives?

Have they used the thesauruscorrectly?

Peer assessment look at partnersadjectives and underline the ambitious adjectives.






Read up to pg. 18 of book and look atevents of Bobs day. Discuss features of a diary.

Ask chn to get into character of Boband write diary entry for that day.

TA to support BA

Teacher to support A

Have they written in the correctstyle? Have they written in first person?

Share work with the class.






Read the rest of the book to chn.Recap the main theme/plot and discuss.

Get chn to write in role as one ofthe aliens hiding in one of the craters on the moon. What do theysee? What do they think of Bob coming there everyday?

TA to support BA

Teacher to support A

Have they written detaileddescriptions? Have they written in role?

Self assessment 2*s and awish.






Look at some diary entries anddiscuss features. Recap on work done during session 8.

Chn to write in role as the alien adiary entry describing what they do in a typical day.

TA to support BA

Teacher to support A

Have they written in the correctstyle? Have they written in first person?

Share work with the class.






Read story again to chn recap. Showchn some pictures of different planets and give information aboutother planets.

Encourage chn to role play differentcharacters eg. Man on Mars; woman on Venus and create a plan for astory about an adventure they have on Venus or Mars. Who will theymeet? What will they do? What happens on that adventure? What doesthe planet look like?

TA to support BA

Teacher to support A

Have they included beginning, middleand end?

Share ideas with the class.






Discuss story structure and whatmakes a good story. How can we incorporate this in the stories wehave planned?

Chn to use their plans from previousday to write their stories about adventure on Venus or Mars.

Independent story writing

Have they followed their plans? Arethey using capital letters/full stops correctly?

Share with the class.






Discuss part of the story where Bobgets the shop ready for tourists. What is a tourist? What willthey be looking for on the moon? What will they do?

Encourage chn to pretend they are oneof the tourists visiting the moon. Get them to write a postcardfrom the moon.

TA to support BA


Have they written in role? Have theystructured their work correctly?

Peer assessment read through anddiscuss what they liked and what could be improved.




Recap on the story of Man on theMoon and revise what chn know and remember.

Get chn to sequence the story inwords.

TA to support BA

Have they sequenced the storycorrectly?

Talk through the correct sequence ofthe story.




Look at features of instructionalwriting and discuss with chn. Discuss what procedures Bob has tofollow in order to fly his rocket to the moon.




Get chn to write instructions inbooks.

TA to support BA

Teacher to support A

Are they using the correct layout?Are the instructions in the correct sequence?

Share with the class.




Chn to discuss in groups what willhappen if Bob met the aliens on the moon. What will the firstreaction be? How will Bob feel? How will the aliens feel? Whatwill they say? What will happen?

Chn to practise using dialogue andemphasise tone to create excitement.

Have they used tone correctly?

Each group perform for the rest ofthe class.




Tell the children that the aliens arethrowing a party on the moon for Bob. What sort of party would itbe? What would they do? What would they eat? What games would theyplay?

BA write a menu for the party

A write about the music the alienslisten to.

AA invent alien party games and writeinstructions for how to play it.

Have they used their imaginations tocreate alien menu/music/games?

Share with the class.




Explain that we need to learn theparty games for the alien party.

Choose 3 games from previous sessionfor the children to learn.

Chn explain and demonstrate to theclass how to play their games. Class plays each game.

Have they listened to and followedinstructions?

Say what we like about the games andany ways they could be improved.



































EMA Codes














Key Words

Use ofinteractive whiteboard every day.





Space, moon,alien, role play, tone, instructions, diary, dialogue,


Speaking & Listening


Opportunitiesin Literacy Lessons

15minutes S&P lesson

outsideLiteracy Hour - Activities

Teacher Focus Group:

(note book tile or range & any activities)


Other groups :

(note book tile or range & any activities)