Name | Traditional Stories |
Owner | thfc125 |
Level | 2 |
Topic | Literacy |
Unit | Plot and Setting Focus |
Description | |
File 1 | 390_Mufaros Beautiful Daughters.doc |
File 2 |
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St. Helens Catholic Primary School
Key Stage 1&2 Literacy Plan
Unit:Fiction: Traditional stories | Date:25/2/08 14/3/08 | Year group:2 Miss Clarke and Miss Tucker |
KeyLearning Objectives: To prepare and re-tell stories individuallythrough role play in groups, using dialogue and narrative fromtext; To write character profiles eg, simple descriptions, posters,passports, using key words and phrases that describe or are spokenby characters in the text. To re-read own writing to check forgrammatical sense (coherence) and accuracy (agreement) identifyerrors and suggest alternative constructions. To secureidentification and learn new words from reading particular subjectsand build up individual collections
LearningOutcome for unit: discuss story settings; to compare differences;to locate key words and phrases in text; to consider how differentsettings influence events and behaviour; To investigate andrecognise a range of other ways of presenting texts eg; speechbubbles, enlarged, bold or italicised print, captions headings andsub-headings
Session& Date | Sharedlearning and teaching | Independentlearning | Assessmentcriteria | Plenary Guidedlearning | |||
| Donot read the story or the title of the book to the children. Showa picture of the three main characters: Mufaro, Nyasha and Manyarato the children and tell them these are the names of thecharacters. Get children to talk to partners and think ofquestions they might want to ask the characters. Write thequestions around the picture on the board. Tell the children thatthe story is set in an African village many years ago. Get childrento visualise the village where the story is set What can theysee, touch, taste, hear, smell? | AA To write their own beginning of the story usingthe setting and characters discussed.
ADescribe the setting of the story using their imaginations fromwhat was previously discussed.
Ext: To introduce the characters in thestory.
BAShow children a picture of the setting and get them to describe thesetting using their senses. What can they see, hear, smell, touch,taste? Writing frame given
TAto assist | Have they used the settings andcharacters discussed? Have they included ambitious wordsand their imaginations? | Teacher to freeze-frame one of the characters inthe picture and let children ask questions. Then get child tovolunteer to freeze-frame one of the characters and other childrenask questions. | |||
| Read the story up to page 10. Discuss thecharacters in more detail. Are they similar to what was discussedpreviously? What characteristics are coming out? Scribe the listof adjectives to describe the characters. Brainstorm some of the ambitious words used inthe story so far. Scribe on the whiteboard and encourage childrento use in their writing.
| Children write character descriptions for roleon the wall. Write descriptions on post-it notes.
TAto assist BA
| Have they correctly described thecharacters?
Have they used the ambitiouswords? | Children share what they have on their post-itsand stick on the characters on the wall. | |||
| Literacy SATspractice paper | ||||||
| Discuss what a plot in a story is and what itmeans. Why do we need a plot? Does it make the story moreinteresting? Show children a diagram of a story hill and discussthe different parts of the story hill Introduction,build-up, climax, resolution, ending. Look at a traditionalstory eg. Little Red Riding Hood and get children to put the partsof the story in the correct part of the story hill. Identify words containing double consonants eg.across, small, tall, fluff etc. | AA Using the story of Jack and the Beanstalkchildren to complete the story hill by inserting parts of thestory into the correct parts of the story hill AUsing the story of Beauty and the Beast children to complete theStory hill by inserting parts of the story into the correct partsof the story hill. BA Using the story of Cinderella children tocomplete the Story hill by inserting parts of the story into thecorrect parts of the story hill. Frame given children to cut and stick.
TAto assist Tto assist | Are the parts of the story on thecorrect part of the story hill? | Children to discuss their story hills and whatmakes the stories so exciting. | |||
| Re-read up to page 10 of the story. Discuss howthe story could start differently maybe a different setting?Different characters? Maybe they will live in a city instead of avillage? How will things be different? Re-write a new opening tothe story together on the board. Tomake a list of exciting adjectives and scribe on the board forchildren to use in their writing. | AATo write an alternativeopening to the story. Focus on a different setting and differentcharacters or new characters. A To write an alternative opening tothe story. Focus on different setting and newcharacters.
BATo write an alternative opening to the story. Writing frame given.
TAto assist Tto assist | Mark as practiceSAT | Children to read their alternative openings tothe story. | |||
| Re-read pg. 10. What do you think will happennow? Why do you say so? Read pg 11. What do you think will happennext? Read on to pag 14. Role play Manyara and the advisors (pg11 14) Can chn think of other advisors? Demonstrate how to changeindirect to direct speech using speech bubbles and speechmarks. | AA Write own predictions of what happened afterManyara met the man with his head tucked under his arm. AWrite own predictions of what happened after Manyara met the manwith his head tucked under his arm. BARewriting the conversation between Manyara and the old woman usingspeech bubbles. | Have they used their knowledge of thestory to inform their predictions? | Achild from each group shares what they have done. Chn highlightgood aspects and give suggestions for improvement. | |||
| Read through to pg 21. What do you think happenednext? How would you have taken Manyaras advice? What are theimportant aspects of the plot so far? Scribe for the children. Whatwould you change/add to make the story? What do you think about theway the story ends? Can you think of alternative endings? | AA Use ideas from the main plot to plan one of theirown. (Chn can change / add events and characters) AUse ideas from the main plot to plan one of their own. (Chn canchange / add events and characters) BAUse information from the story to design a passport for one of thecharacters. | Have they used ideas from the mainplot to inform their planning?
| Chnfrom the A and AA groups share their new plots with the rest of theclass. Chn highlight good aspects and give suggestions forimprovement. | |||
| Literacy SATspractice paper | ||||||
| Useconnectives, adjectives and correct punctuation when writing ownplot. (Chn to use the plans made in previous lesson) Recap on themain events in the plot. Highlight the important words and phraseschn might use eg. suddenly, although, because, meanwhile, howeveretc. | AA Children to use their plans to write ownplot. AChildren to use their plans to write own plot. BAHelp the children to make a poster advertising for a wife for theking. | Have they followed their plans towrite the plot? | Chnfrom the A and AA groups share their new plots with the rest of theclass. Chn highlight good aspects and give suggestions forimprovement. | |||
| Re-read pg 17 of the story. Explain the wordtransfixed. Scribe on the board, oh my father shecalled. Draw the chns attention to she called Whatother words can be used in place of called? Write them on the whiteboard. Get a children to take on the role of Nyasha and take turnsto describe the city. Usewords other than said in sentences. Speech marks. | Useown imagination to write a vivid description of the city as seen byNyasha. | Mark as Practice SAT | Chn say what they likeabout own work and where they can improve.
| |||
| Re-read the first paragraph on pg. 26. Ask thechildren who has been invited to a function? What was it? Whoinvited you? Why? Who do you think were invited to the wedding?Why? What foods were served at the wedding? Where do you think thewedding took place? What time? Show examples of invitationcards/letters. Highlight the important features. Demonstrate how towrite an invitation. Highlighting all the important features.Discuss the importance of each feature. Features of an invitation.The address, recipients name, venue, time, what sort ofentertainment/food, RSVP PS, polite words, please, etc. | Children to write an invitation to thewedding TAsupport for BA | Have they included the features of aninvitation? | Children to share their work with eachother. | |||
| Revisit the different people who were invited tothe wedding pg. 26. What roles will they play? Tell the chn. We areall invited to the wedding and we all have different roles. I amthe my job is to . I will need .because/so that ..I willwear..and I will arrive.. Chn to think of their own rolesand take turns to say who they are. | Children choose own roles and write about whatthey will be doing, why, when and how. TAsupport for BA | Are the children using futuretense? | Freeze framing. Who did you say you are? Chn inrole. Freeze. Tell me who you are and what you will bedoing. | |||
| Literacy SATspractice paper | ||||||
| The wedding day. All in role. Dress up.Food and music. Have fun. **As preparation for next lesson. Chn to watch out for VIPs. Try totalk to them. Catch up on old gossip. Meet new friends. Dosomething exciting eg. Dance with the bride, bridegroom. What youremember? (30 minutes only)
| ||||||
| Look back at yesterdays lesson. How do you feelabout the wedding? Did you meet new friends? Were there somespecial guests? Who were they? What did you enjoy the most? Tellthe chn that we need to write a thank you letter to the one whoinvited us. Revisit the features of a letter. Demonstrate. Featuresof a letter. Address, date, salutation, the body, signature. Words that express gratitude, Thank you,sincerely, fun, etc. | Children to write thank you letter. TAsupport for BA | Mark as practice SAT | Children from each group to share what they havewritten.
Highlight good points. Give suggestions forimprovement. | |||
EMA Codes | SEN/ EAL Refs |
PK,VS, S & L, V, TM, SW, OQ, DDQ, CA, PW, AR
ICT | Key Words | |||
| Setting, plot,introduction, climax, ending, build-up, resolution, character,role, freeze-frame, story hill, adjective, traditional. Village,bad temper, tease, respond, millet, Nyoka, snake, bountiful, yams,plot, beneath, transfixed, silhouetted, foretold, chanted,uppermost, plumed, stand, guard, descended, hysterically. | |||
Speaking & Listening | GuidedReading | |||
Opportunitiesin Literacy Lessons | 15minutes S&P lesson outsideLiteracy Hour - Activities | Teacher Focus Group: (note book tile or range & any activities)
| Other groups : (note book tile or range & any activities)
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| M |
Monday Group 1
T |
Tuesday Group 2
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W |
Wednesday - Group 3
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TH |
Thursday Group 4
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F |
Friday Group 5