Name | Street Child |
Owner | vjackson |
Level | 5 |
Topic | Literacy |
Unit | Literacy - Text Based |
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File 1 | 387_Street Child - Week Four.doc |
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VCOP WritingPlan Text for the term: Street Child BerlieDoherty
Term: Autumn Year group: Five
| Introduction (brief) State learningobjectives and success criteria for theday/week | Task: relate to VocabularyConnectives, Openers and Punctuation.
| Plenary |
M | Giveeach child a copy of the first three pages of Chapter 3 from 'Jimand his mother walked for most of that day' until 'The boy pushedhis cart out and slammed the door shut'. Duringshared reading, use an enlarged version of the text displayed on aflipchart or IWB to demonstrate how to mark this up as a script.Give individual children sections of dialogue or narration toread. | Askchildren to work collaboratively to mark their own scripts to showthe parts that they will be reading. Rehearse the reading and thendiscuss with the class ways this could be improved, for example byreading some parts all together, some parts loudly and some softly,or by adding sound effects. Provide guided support as appropriate. Then perform the script again. Discuss with children whatthey know about how Jim was feeling at this point in thestory. | ReadChapter 5 'Behind Bars', Chapter 6 'Tip' and Chapter 7 'The WildThing'. |
T | Havea whole-class discussion about what they have found about Jim'slife in the workhouse and note the information they find on a largesheet of paper. Model how to use evidence from across a text tosupport ideas and retrieve helpful information. Organise thechildren into groups of three or four and give each group anillustration showing a scene of life in the workhouse, stuck onto alarge sheet of paper. See resources for images of life in theworkhouse. Ask the children to talk in their groups about what theycan see in the image or how it makes them feel and then ask them tomake notes around the image on the paper. Share these as aclass. | Vocabulary and PunctuationWork | Posethe question 'What is a home?' and encourage the children toexplore this idea.
Thenask children to make their own annotated drawing of Jim in theworkhouse. Ask them to write a caption for their drawing. Encouragediscussion of the finished drawings, focusing on what Jim wouldhave been missing about his life before entering theworkhouse. Finishthe lesson by asking the children to write about the things thatJim would be missing about his life before he entered theworkhouse.
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W | Beginthe session by reading aloud Chapter 8 'The Carpet Beaters'. Duringthe shared part of the lesson, talk with the class about reasonswhy Jim should try to escape from the workhouse and reasons why heshould stay. Then organise the class into two lines facing eachother and, with one child in role as Jim walking along theconscience alley, ask the children to call out from one sidereasons why he should escape from the workhouse and, from theother, reasons why he should stay. For example, they might say,'Stay, you've got a roof over your head!' or 'Go, this is no way tolive!' Finish the session by asking the children to write theiropinions on sticky notes. | Connective Work | Ask the childrento mark their own work according to their WILF use a highlighterto highlight good elements.
Ask the childrento write sentences for two sides of the argument. Encourage thechildren to use these words to help them link their writingtogether. Therefore, so, because, if,means that, and, although, however. Firstly, Secondly,Finally
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TH | Rereadthe last paragraph of Chapter 8 'The Carpet Beaters', which begins'Jim crept forward', asking the children to close their eyes andvisualise the scene while you read. Then ask them which words orphrases helped them picture what was happening. Using an enlargedversion of the text displayed on a flipchart or an IWB, highlightthese words and phrases as the children identify them.
Talkwith them about how these word choices help us imagine how Jim isfeeling. Ask the children to turn to a partner and think of otherwords and phrases to add to this list to show what is happening andhow Jim is feeling. Note these words and phrases on theflipchart.
| Vocabulary work | Rainbowing each member of the class is given a colour. Children form newgroups according to their colours. Within the colour groups,children compare WOW words. Readon to Chapter 11 'The Spitting Crow' before the nextsession. |
Modelhow the words collected can be used to create a list poem, forexample: Escape Invisible Gliding Weakand panting Darting Hiding, Breathbursting Useshared techniques to explore ways to improve the order of the wordsand phrases listed. Then ask the children to work collaborativelyand, using the word collection to help them, write list poems aboutJim's escape. With response partners, the children could work toimprove their poems. Use guided writing to support groups ofchildren writing and redrafting poems. | |||
F | Very brief recap of this weekslearning and todays task. Set WILFs again. | TheBig Write Ask thechildren to write an argument about whether Workhouses were agood idea in the Victorian times. Explain to the children that theywill need to portray two points of view in their argument. | Evaluate/reviewhave they achieved success criteria?