Name | Street Child |
Owner | vjackson |
Level | 5 |
Topic | Literacy |
Unit | Literacy - Text Based |
Description | Weekly VCOP Plan |
File 1 | 387_Street Child - Week Three.doc |
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VCOP WritingPlan Text for the term: Street Child BerlieDoherty
Term: Autumn Year group: Five
| Introduction (brief) Statelearning objectives andsuccess criteria for the day/week | Task:relate to Vocabulary Connectives, Openers andPunctuation.
| Plenary | |||||||||||||||
M | Askchildren what genre of text Street Child is. (Historical) Inwhat period is story set? (Victorian times.
Duringshared reading, read the preface 'Tell me your story, Jim' aloud tothe children. Ask them to work with a partner and, giving them acopy of this section of the story, ask them to think about whatthis tells them about Jim. Who do we think this is? When and wheredo they think this story is taking place? Model using the text tofind inferential evidence to support ideas and responses. Collectthe children's ideas together and scribe them onto the first pageof a class reading journal. | Vocabulary | AFL: Can thechildren describe what life was like for the poor in the Victoriandays?
Ask the childrento share their adjectives and thoughts using RainbowColours. | |||||||||||||||
Giveeach group a copy of an image depicting Victorian Britain, e.g. ofthe homes of the poor, working-class streets or poor children. Askthem to look closely and discuss the images in groups and makenotes about what they can see and what it might have been like tohave lived then.
Ask thechildren to write sentences using powerful adjectives to describethe picture. | ||||||||||||||||||
T | Beginthe session by reading aloud Chapter 1 'The Shilling Pie'. Ask thechildren what we have found out so far about the family from thischapter and make notes on a flipchart as children makecontributions. Then reread the last section from 'But the pie hasgrown cold ...'. Ask the children to close their eyes and try tovisualise the scene as you read it. Talk with them about the thingsthat Jim could hear and how they think he might have beenfeeling. |
Thenask the children to work with a partner and draw a picture of ascene from this chapter. They might choose the last scene of thefamily at night or perhaps draw Jim running through the streetswith his penny pie. When they have drawn their picture, ask them toannotate it to show what is happening and how Jim is feeling.Encourage the children to use the text to support their responsesand ideas. | AFL: Ask thechildren which scene they have decided to draw. Ask them to shareevidence to support their views from the book.
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W | Beginthe session by reading Chapter 2 'The Stick Man'. Have awhole-class discussion about what is happening in this chapter. IsMr Spink right or wrong to ask the family to leave? Organise thechildren into groups of five and ask them to choose a scene fromthis chapter to portray using 'freeze-frame' and ask them to thinkof a caption for their freeze-frame, for example 'No rent, noroom...' or 'The Stick Man arrives.' The children could writetheir caption on a large sheet of paper and place it in front oftheir freeze-frame. Ask each group to show their freeze-frame tothe rest of the class and discuss the ways they have portrayed howthe members of the family are feeling. Take digital images and askthe children to annotate these later on. | Connectives | AFL: Ask acouple of groups to show their Freeze Frame to the class.
TalkingPartners Ask thechildren for their suggestions as to what they family could do toescape their situation. | |||||||||||||||
Then,working in the same groups, ask the children to talk about what thefamily could do to escape their situation and what they themselvesmight do in a similar position.
Askthe children to write a paragraph describing what the family coulddo to escape their situation using time connectives in theirwriting.
Provide thechildren with time connectives and ask them to write sentencesdescribing what the family could do to escape theirsituation.
ReadChapter 3 'Rosie and Judd' before the next session | ||||||||||||||||||
TH | Discusswith children the reasons why Jim's mother left his sisters at thebig house. Working collaboratively, ask the children to imaginethat they are Emily and Lizzie, left behind at the big house, androle-play an imaginary conversation between the two girls. Howwould they feel about being left there? What might they be thinkingabout their mother and brother? | Punctuation | AFL: Kung FuPunctuation to a modelled piece of writing.
Snowballing Ask the children to work in pairs to discuss the dilemma theyhave been writing about. The pairs then join another pairs and theform a group and share findings. | |||||||||||||||
Ask thechildren to write a conversation between the two girls discussinghow they feel about being left there and what they might be feelingabout their mother and brother? The children should use speechpunctuation.
Thengive each child a piece of notepaper and use modelled, shared andsupported composition techniques to support the children in writinga note, in role as one of the sisters, to their mum, showing howthey feel about not being able to look after her when she is ill,and their fears for the future. | ||||||||||||||||||
F | Very brief recapof this weeks learning and todays task. Set WILFs again. | TheBig Write Ask the childrento write Emilys diary describing how she felt after Mr Stickasked them to leave their home up t the part where her motherleaves them. | Evaluate/reviewhave they achieved success criteria?