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Nameww2 Medium term plan
UnitWorld war 2
File 1245_History outline plan - WW2.doc
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Year 4 Creative Curriculum Short Term Plan

Year 4Creative Curriculum Medium Term Plan

Topic:World War Two



  Tounderstand about characteristic features of the periods andsocieties studied, including the ideas, beliefs, attitudes andexperiences of men, women and children in the past. (His2a)

  Toidentify and describe reasons for, and results of, historicalevents, situations, and changes in the periods studied. (His2c)

  Torecognise that the past is represented and interpreted in differentways, and give reasons for this. (His 3)

  To knowhow to find out about the events, people and changes studied froman appropriate range of sources of information, including ICT basedsources, e.g. documents, printed sources CD-Roms, pictures,photographs, music, artefacts, hisotric buildings and visits tomuseums. (His 4a)

  To askand answer questions, and to select and record information relevantto the focus of the enquiry. (His 4b)

  Torecall, select and organise historical information. (His5a)

  Tocommunicate knowledge and understanding of history in a variety ofways. (His 5b)


Photos from WW2day/trip to imperial war museum.




allies, Chamberlain,Churchill, Hitler, Roosevelt, Stalin, Hirohito, Mussolini,aeroplanes, armaments, Blitz, blitzkrieg, bombs, evacuation,evacuees, munitions, air raid, Anderson shelter, Morrison shelter,siren, billeting officer, gas mask, host family, ration book,coupons, ARP warden, blackout, propaganda, identity card, landarmy,

Dancevocab: motif= a simple movementor action, which you can develop or link with other motifs to makea phrase; unison = everybody does the same action at thesame time; canon = dancer A starts the sequence and dancer Bjoins in after A has completed one phrase, and dancer C joins inafter B has completed one phrase etc. gesture, mirroring, levels,rhythm, improvisation.




Review, extend andcelebrate




What was the SecondWorld War?

L.O. To establishwhat we already know, and what we would like to findout.

Intro Historydetectives

Share learningobjective for the lesson (ppt). and give lesson overview: mysteryobject, group discussion to prepare for whole class concept map,short presentation giving an overview of World War Two, summary oflearning so far.

Sort children intofive groups (talking partners together). Explain that each grouphas a mystery object to examine that is associated with the topic.3 mins to explore and then be able to answer 3 keyquestions:

     What is yourobject?

     Who would your objecthave belonged to?

     What would he/shehave used it for?

Report back toclass.


Reminder aboutworking in groups. Go through 6 key questions children willdiscuss in groups. They can jot down notes on paper if they want.(15 mins)

1.    What do you alreadyknow about WW2?

2.    When did WW2 begin? /end?

3.    Why did Britain go towar with Germany?

4.    Why is it called aWorld War? Which countries were involved?

5.    Who were the keypeople in WW2?

6.    What would you liketo find out?

On IWB use 2simplesoftware to record existing knowledge/things to explore.

Follow-up:print this out anddisplay on Working Wall.

Watch presentation ACivilians War. Finish with w/b relay writing up key words thatwe have already used.

Ppt lesson one.Mystery objects from museum loans box (Gas Mask,

Torch, set ofcigarette cards,


gas attack warningrattle), cloths to cover them, history detectives cards and keyquestions.


large sheets of paperfor notes, felt tips.

2simple file Worldwar two overview,

ppt A CiviliansWar from Writing Non-fiction CD-Rom

music and whiteboardpens for plenary.

Concept map ofchildrens current understanding that can form basis for discussionin future lessons.

Children have had abrief look at objects which can then be placed in the I wondercorner.


Dance: During theBlitz Lesson 1

L.O. To explore andcreate characters and narratives in response to a range ofstimuli.


Dance to be performedto parents at end-of-unit celebration.


Play NevilleChamberlains speech (CD track 5) use powerpoint presentationfrom lesson one with image of N.C. making speech.How do you think the people mighthave felt when they knew Britain was at war with Germany? What didpeople do when they heard the sirens? How could you show thesefeelings and emotions through facial expressions and bodylanguage? Explain that this is the track that willstart the dance. You will need to think about an interestingstarting position e.g. sitting next to the radio, looking out ofthe window. Hunched shoulders, worried expressions.


Walk to a space,freeze, turn and walk to another space (repeat). Increase the paceand jog on the spot. Jog to a space, freeze, turn and jog toanother space. Encourage children to find a space before theyfreeze. Stretch arms and legs and shake them out. Revise why warmups are important. Repeat activity, this time pretending to slowlyfind your way in the dark, creeping along in silence. Freeze in aninteresting position, changing levels. What might you be doing?e.g. picking up a bag, holding onto a rail. Children in 3 rows,one behind the other. Together, pretend you are creeping slowlydown the steps to the London Underground station. Remind to holdonto rail or someones hand. Repeat until can all creep in timewith each other.


Play track 5 again children to decide on interesting starting position (as discussedin intro). Play track 6 this is when they will have to jump upto grab gas masks and belongings and creep towards Undergroundshelters. Creeping in the dark, but still moving fairly quickly.Listen carefully to the music and pick out the slow, quiet notes ofthe harp. This is when everyone walks in unison down the stairs tothe underground. Practise the movements. Split class into twogroups so children can perform in front of each other. Thosewatching to look for good spacing, facial expressions, changes ofdirection and interesting frozen positions.


Jog gently. Slow toa brisk walk and then a gentle pace, keeping good posture. Freezeand stretch arms up one at a time. Now raise both arms slowlytogether while inhaling. Exhale as you bring arms down again.Repeat.


Introduce dancevocabulary to the class display opportunity

LCP KS2 3&4 DanceCD.

CD player.

Classroom displaydance vocab.


  thought aboutcharacter and narrative ideas, and responded throughmovement.

  linked actions tomake dance phrases.

  used differentcompositional ideas to create motifs incorporating copying andunison.









Leaders andcountries


L.O. To know aboutthe leaders, key events and dates of the war.



Recap learning fromprevious session using presentation features of 2simple softwareand keywords that children listed at the end of last lesson. Havetimeline displayed on the Working Wall, and with children add threekey dates from presentation watched in previous session.

Give overview forthis session, and share learning objective/outcomes. (ppt Lesson2)


Show map of theworld. Remind children that it was a world war because soldiers,sailors and airmen from many countries fought in it, and it wasfought in many places. List with children some of the names of thecountries involved (Great Britain, USA, Australia, Soviet Union,India, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, France, North Africa, Poland,Germany etc). Identify where they are on the map). Children givenenlarged copies of flags and world map (LCP p353). Explain how thekey for colouring them in works, and show how the finished piece ofwork is to look for inclusion in WW2 project book.


Children to copyshared writing of sentences identifying leaders from theWar.

Display pictures ofkey people. Establish who they were shared writing of sentencesthat children can copy for morning work.

key dates to add totimeline.

ppt Lesson2

red, blue, black,green, yellow pens/pencils.

Flags, Finishedexample of how their work should look enlarged, pictures ofleaders, enlarged world map, copies of key people tables forchildren to complete, scissors.




The Blitz1


L.O. To locate wherebombing raids took place and to understand the characteristicfeatures of the Blitz.


Explain that Blitzis short for Blitzkrieg which means lightning war inGerman. What do you think a lightning war is? Talk partners:Imagine you are a german pilot. Rank these places in the order ofimportance for bombing. Be able to explain why you have chosen toput them in that order:

-       munitionsfactory

-       other types offactory

-       ports

-       fields

-       rivers

-       largecities

-       farms

-       historicbuildings

Overview of lesson,including L.O. and outcomes.


Watch pptpresentation the Blitz from Writing Non-fiction CD-Rom. Dividechildren into 3 groups. Each group given series of pictures of theBlitz. Group 1 brainstorms nouns, Group 2 brainstorms verbs, Group3 brainstorms adjectives. Share and write up as whole class wordwebs.

Picture matchingactivity in hometable groups match the captions to the rightpictures of the Blitz.

Follow-up work: Oncechecked, children can do their own versions neatly as morningwork.

Dress the ARP man(primary resources website)

Give children copiesof the match the gas mask activity.

ppt presentation theBlitz from Writing Non-fiction CD-Rom

Enlarged slides fromBlitz Literacy powerpoint.

Englarged captionsand pictures from Blitz Photo Sort, plus copies of this forindividual children.

Match the gas maskactivity sheets.

word webs for futureuse in creative writing about experiences of people in thewar.

Blitz photos forinclusion in World War 2 project books.


Dance: During theBlitz Lesson 2

L.O. To explore andcreate characters and narratives in response to a range ofstimuli.



While children getdressed, show slide show of life in the shelters with soundeffects. Discuss how people kept their spirits up and carried onas normal during the Blitz/air raids.

Warm-up Game: trafficlights. Children respond in different ways to different colouredcards: Green: children steertheir cars in and out of everyone else with quick little running steps; Amber: slow creeping steps; Red: stop the car and put the brake on.Follow with stretches to the music of track 7. Play again, andthis time ask children to improvise in time to the music e.g.pretend to play an accordion, drum or piccolo. Walk in time to themusic, playing imagined instrument, turn and walk in a differentdirection. Repeat the track, this time children work with apartner and mirror each other, doing the movements together. Askchildren to make up some motifs that can be developed into a phrasee.g. mirroring, then skipping off together. Choose children todemo movements and praise. Partners now develop ideas based onwhat they have seen from rest of class.


Children sit andlisten (reminded to sit with straight backs). Recap dance fromlast session, i.e. starting positions listening to radio, thengrabbing gas masks and belongings. Children find a space and creepwith you in the dark, then step slowly together down the stairsinto the London Underground shelters. Ask children to findstarting position. Tell them you are going to play tracks 5, 6 and7. Let children dance to the music and help them by calling outinstructions. Encourage good use of space and changes in directionand levels. Explain that when they hear track 7, they must findtheir partner and do their practised phrases. Split class into twogroups (keeping partners together). One group performs while restof class watches. Remind observers to look for spacing, changes inlevels and direction and good timing. Encourage suggstions forimprovements (3 stars and a wish). Swap over.


Children lie on theirbacks, stretching their arms over their head. Stretch arms andlegs together and feel the tension in whole body. Hold the stretchfor a count of five and then relax. Repeat. Ask children to getup very slowly, keeping eyes looking down at the floor and briningheads up last. Stand in a space and concentrate on good posture.Notice good examples and ask those individuals to line upfirst.

Slide show withimages from the Blitz and London Underground shelters.

LCP KS2 3&4 DanceCD.

CD player.

Red, orange, greencards


  explored anddeveloped a wide range of actions, varying and combining spatialpatterns, speed, tension and continuity when working on their ownand with a partner.

  performed shortdances with expression showing an awareness of others whenmoving.

  remembered, practisedand combined longer, more complex dance phrases.


The Blitz2


L.O. To understandabout the effects of air raids and the causes ofevacuation.


Recap learning aboutthe Blitz, referring to dance lessons and word webs. Watch shortvideo clip from Children in the Second World War. Have enlargedmap of the UK. Stick gold stars on bombed cities and label them.Discuss why they were targets.


Play soundclips ofair raid siren and all-clear. Discuss the difference in the twosounds. Show pictures of the Anderson shelter and Morrisonshelter. Children have w/bs. Read the childs view of theCoventry Blitz. While they are listening, children make notesabout what they could see, hear, smell, feel in the shelter. Shareideas. Now complete the sheet (from Interactive History WhiteboardResources). Less able to do group version shared writing withsupport.

Children read outtheir descriptions.

Shared reading ofgovernment instructions for building Anderson shelter Link toGoodnight Mister Tom DVD.

gold stars

labels formap

Large UKmap.

Video children inthe second world war.

Copies of sheets fromInteractive History (see, hear, smell, feel)


Governmentinstructions (enlarged).

Descriptions of beingin an air-raid shelter for inclusion in World War Two projectbook.


Dance: During theBlitz Lesson 3

L.O. to improvise ingroups, to join movements together to tell a story throughdance.


While children getdressed, show slide show of the war effort. Discuss what peopleare doing in the pictures. Reminder of key dance vocabulary (referto classroom display)


Stretches. Playtrack 7 as follow-my-leader in small groups, miming playingmusical instruments and gradually increasing the pace in time withthe music. Give children time to work with their partner, recaptheir movements to track 7 from last lesson.


Group partners intogroups of 6 max. (mixture of boys and girls). Ask the groups tothink of a war effort theme and make up a dance movement for ite.g. digging for victory, working in a munitions factory, fightingat the front on land or in the air. Play track 8, and ask thechildren to work out a group movement. This could be in unison,mirrored, copied, or in canon). Ensure groups have enough space.Explain that when the all-clear sounds (track 9), the childrenstop what they are doing and make their way out of the shelterindividually, in pairs or in groups. Split class in two (as inprevious sessions) to give opportunities for evaluation andfeedback.


Whole body stretchlying down on floor (as per lesson 2). Hamstring stretch bybending front knee forwards and keeping back leg straight. Changeover.

Slideshow of picturesshowing the war effort.

LCP KS2 3&4 DanceCD.

CD player.



  linked actions tomake dance phrases, working with a partner and in a smallgroup.

  used different ideasto create motifs incorporating unison and canon

  experimented with awide range of actions,

  performed shortdances with expression, showing an awareness of others whenmoving.



L.O. To find outabout the experiences and feelings of evacuees from a wide range ofinformation sources.

Links: Literacy workon recounts, Goodnight Mister Tom video. See file Numeracy ideaslinked to WW2 problem solving, data handling, timeetc.


Show section of TheHome Front ppt presentation (Writing Non-Fiction CD-Rom) thatfocuses on evacuees. Play whole class game I packed my suitcasefor the country, and in in I put Discuss fact that childrencouldnt take everything and had to leave some belongingsbehind.


Use suitcasetemplate from Whiteboard History CD-Rom. Children write about theobjects they would pack in their suitcase.

Follow-up:Write a postcardhome to tell your family about your first day. (Teastained?)

Play steam trainsound clip.

What have you chosento put in your suitcase? Why?

Play soundclip ofPrincess Elizabeths radio broadcast.


Images ofEvacuation

Copies of suitcasetemplate.

Postcards forfollow-up work (tea stained?)

Children have list ofwhat they would pack in their suitcase. Links to literacy work,visit to Imperial War Museum and WW2 day children will haveempathised with what it would have been like for them 70 yearsago.


Dance: During theBlitz Lesson 4

L.O. to performdances with awareness of rhythm and expression; to describe,interpret and evaluate their own and othersdances.


Stretchesfollowed by game: One Behind children each in a space. Teacherbegins performing an exercise or stretch as the children stand atattention. When the teacher switches to a different exercise, thestudents begin performing the exercise the teacher did previously.(e.g. jumping jacks, jogging on the spot, punches in frontetc)


Ask children tosit near you and, while listening to the music, talk through eachsection of the dance worked on in previous session. Talk aboutbeing in character, and discuss how the children could refine theirdance e.g. facial expressions. Decide together how the dance isgoing to finish when they hear the all clear. What are your feelings when you come out of theshelter? Think about creating interest through useof different levels, spacing and body shapes. Give children timeto practise in their groups. Watch each group in turn teacher tovideo each group.


Stand in aspace and stretch out arms at the sides. Bend elbows and bringhands into chest. Now rotate upper body to the left and to theright. Repeat. Follow with leg stretches.


With eachgroup, watch the video of them dancing. Discuss possibleimprovements and what aspects work really well.

LCP KS2 3&4 DanceCD. Warm up music.

CD player.




  remembered, practisedand combined longer, more complex dance phrases.

  communicated throughdance and performed with fluency and control, showing sensitivityto the music.

  incorporateddifferent dynamics into their dance.



L.O. To explain whyrationing was necessary, and its impact on the lives of peopleliving in England during WWII.

Maths link:converting lbs and oz to kg and g, weighing (1oz = 25g, 1lb = 500g,1pint = 20 fl oz)

PSHE link savingmoney


Look at pictures of1940s food packaging which brandsdo you still recognise? Key questions:What was rationing? Do you think itwas a good idea? Why? What foods were/werent rationed? Couldpeople grow these foods themselves? Where? Adddates to timeline 8th January 1940 food rationingintroduced, 26th July 1942 rationing of sweets began.Show examples of ration books. Look at world map. Where do youthink certain foods came from? e.g. cocoa (Brazil), tea (India),rice (China), Bananas (Jamaica), Meat (New Zealand), potatoes(Britain). Talking partners: list 5 of your favourite foods/drinksthat you would find it difficult to be without, or have to eat lessof.


Divide children into5 groups. Give each group a thinking hat. How do you think people would have felt about rationingfrom this perspective? What kind of things would theysay? Fill in speech bubbles.

White hat facts andfigures; Black hat being cautious, identifying problems; Red hat emotions; Yellow hat looking for the advantages; Green hat creative thinking, suggestions. Feed back to class.

Weigh out with thechildren one adults food ration for a week (link to maths weighing and measures). Explain that in addition to this simplerationing, there was also a points system for things like tinnedgoods, biscuits, syrup and treacle etc, and that some foods e.g.milk, dried milk, eggs, dried eggs and oranges were made availableto those who needed them most. Whichgroups of people would that be?

Watch sections fromChildren in the Second World War video: How did Everyonehelp? and What was rationing?

Carry out theRationing challenge on bbc website:

Follow-up:Sheet on Potato Peteand Dr Carrot. Homework?

The sailorsgave nicknames to the food or ingredients. Ask the class to guesswhich words match up? Ask them to draw a line to join up the pairsof real- and nick-names. Rum = grog; Butter = slide; Sweets =nutty; Cocoa = kye; Biscuits = hard tack; Haddock = yellow peril;Steak and kidney = baby's heads.


Enlarged world map;images of foods to guess where they came from.

Speech bubbles forthinking hats

Weighing scales,adults food ration: 100g bacon/ham, 50g butter; 50g tea; 3 pintsmilk; 225g sugar; 350g meat; 100g cheese; 50g margarine; 75gsweets; 1 egg.


Digital photos ofchildren measuring out food ration for a week. Children haveexplored a question from a range of perspectives.








Dance: During theBlitz Lesson 5

L.O. to performdances with awareness of rhythm and expression; to describe,interpret and evaluate their own and othersdances.

Having watched videosof group dances, use time to perfect performances.

LCP KS2 3&4 DanceCD. Warm up music.

CD player.



  remembered, practisedand combined longer, more complex dance phrases.

  communicated throughdance and performed with fluency and control, showing sensitivityto the music.

  incorporateddifferent dynamics into their dance.


The HomeFront

L.O. To explain howthe war affected peoples everyday lives.


Go through The HomeFront ppt presentation (Writing Non-Fiction CD-Rom). Look atvarious examples of WW2 propaganda posters. Who is the target audience? Men, young people?mothers? workers? How do you know? Why was this message importantto get home to people?


Design your ownWW2 propaganda poster. Think about thecolours and the images you use. Do they speak for themselves? Whatwords will you add? (The minimum the better for a clear message).Discuss the difference between the images on the poster and thereality, e.g. with respect to enlisting for the armed services -what would it really be like tofight?


     Keep wearing your gasmask, the wars not over yet.

     Waste not, want not(keep people fighting fit and healthy, or to encourage people tosave food for the nation or war effort)

     Not to spreadinformation or gossip about the war

     Protect your family -Evacuate children

     Enlist for war work /one of the armed services

     Plant morevegetables

     Only use publictransport unless vital

     Keep the children inthe countryside!

     Keep Britains futuresafe!

Share some examples.Which ones stand out he most? Why?What message is it trying to convey?

Examples of WW2propaganda posters

felt tips/colouringpencils


Posters fordisplay/inclusion in World War Two project books (take colourphotocopies/laminate?)


Dance: During theBlitz Lesson 6

L.O. to performdances with awareness of rhythm and expression; to describe,interpret and evaluate their own and othersdances.

Having watched videosof group dances, use time to perfect performances.

LCP KS2 3&4 DanceCD. Warm up music.

CD player.



  remembered, practisedand combined longer, more complex dance phrases.

  communicated throughdance and performed with fluency and control, showing sensitivityto the music.

  incorporateddifferent dynamics into their dance.


The end of thewar/Review

L.O.To review whatwe have learned during the topic.


Look at photosshowing everyday life just after the war. How do you think people felt at thistime?


WW2 quiz ingroups.

Go back to conceptmap from beginning of topic, and review learning. What aspectshave you enjoyed the most/least? why?

Finishing off projectbooks ready to show parents.


Quiz, prizes,pictures of life in the aftermath of the war.

Finished project workbooks.

Ready forpresentation to parents.