Name | Literacy: Ancient Egypt |
Owner | gizmo |
Level | 5 |
Topic | History |
Unit | Ancient Egypt |
Description | |
File 1 | 357_History 11.01.08#.doc |
File 2 |
☝️ Download Planning |
PreviousKnowledge and Understanding | ||
SpecificLearning Intentions To familiarise children with some of themajor Egyptian gods | ||
Planned LearningExperience
Divide the class into the 4groups which they will be in on their school trip to the museum in2 weeks time.
Place a variety ofartefacts on each table and give the children approx 7 mins tolook at the different items popular in the Egyptian times. Where dothey think they came from? When? What are the functions of some ofthe items? Do they look similar to anything we use today?
Watch video (20mins)
Give the same 4 groups 1god to look at each. Amun, Anubis, Bes and Thoth. Back ground infoonsheet plus information printed off from the internet. After 20minutes get each group to tell the rest of the class about theirchosen god
| Process ofassessment
| SuccessCriteria
I can annotatewriting and identify what it important for discussion and for myown writing
I can make goodguesses at what different artefacts are |
PreviousKnowledge and Understanding | ||
SpecificLearning Intentions Use calculator to solve problems includingthose involving decimals or fractions | ||
Planned LearningExperience
Resources:Labels for wall, hieroglyph alphabet; slideshow on ManchesterChildrens University website; SMART board
Review anyartefacts children may have brought in and discuss
Explain thattoday the children will be making Hieroglyphic labels that aregoing to be displayed on the Ancient Egyptian wall.
Talk thechildren through the Hieroglyphic Slideshow. Includes interactivework so children can actively participate
Main activity:Children to use hieroglyph alphabet charts to make up their ownname tag for the wall
Extension: Ifchildren finish get them to write sticky labels in hieroglyphs forthe museum visit
Plenary: Review childrens work | Process ofassessment
| SuccessCriteria
I can identifyhieroglyph letters that will make up my own name (and otherwords) |
PreviousKnowledge and Understanding | ||
SpecificLearning Intentions Use calculator to solve problems includingthose involving decimals or fractions | ||
Planned LearningExperience
Review anyartefacts children may have brought in
Introduction Explain to the children that when archaeologists uncovered tombs inEgypt they found the bodies of people that had been preserved asmummies. Tell the children that these mummies had been placedinside a sarcophagus or coffin. Discuss with the children that theythink the archaeologists could learn about Ancient Egyptian lifefrom looking at the mummies that they found. Tell the children that the Ancient Egyptians believed that whenthey died that they would travel to another world. The idea behindmummies was to preserve their body so that it could be used in thenext world. The Ancient Egyptians also put into their tombeverything that they thought they would need in the next world suchas furniture, games and food.
Show slideshow on mummification on whiteboard from ChildrensUniversity website.
Use whiteboard to display a set of jumbled up instructions abouthow to make a mummy. Read through the instructions with thechildren and get them to sort the instructions into the correctorder. You can also get the children to mime each of theinstructions so that they can explore what happened.
Activity Leave out the set of mummy instructions that the children workedwith in the introduction to the lesson. Ask the children tosimplify the instructions to make them easier to understand. Theycan also add illustrations to show what is happening in eachinstruction. If the children have time that can also add some hieroglyphics totheir scroll to make it look authentic. Tell the children to usehieroglyphics to match with the instructions about making amummy.
Differentiation Support some children by providing them with a set of simplifiedinstructions to sort and to use on their scrolls. The children canadd pictures to illustrate each of the instructions. Some childrencan be extended by getting them to research in history topic booksabout the process of mummification and to write their own set ofinstructions.
Plenary: Review childrens work | Process ofassessment
| SuccessCriteria
To write in aninstructional format
Recognise thatthings need to be ordered in order to work properly |
Ancient Egypt:Important websites