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NameNarrative Unit 2 Week 1
DescriptionNarrative based on Robin Hood
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Marshfield School Literacy Planning



Class: 5

Teacher: Mrs Gallagher

Term: Autumn 2

Week: 3

Monday 12thNovember

Unit: Narrative: Myths andLegends



1to identify andclassify the features of myths, legends and

fables, e.g.the moral in a fable, fantastical beasts in legends;

2to investigatedifferent versions of the same story in print or on film,identifying similarities and differences; recognise howstories

change overtime and differences of culture and place that are expressed instories;


3to exploresimilarities and differences between oral and written storytelling;




17to locate informationconfidently and efficiently through

(i) usingcontents, indexes, sections, headings (ii) skimming to gain overallsense of text (iii) scanning to locate specific information (iv)close reading to aid understanding (v) textmarking (vi) using CDROMand other IT sources, where

quote andadapt;



8to revise and extendwork on verbs (see Y4 objectives),


tenses: past,present, future; investigating how different

tenses areformed by using auxiliary verbs e.g. have, was,


forms: active,interrogative, imperative;

person: 1st, 2nd,3rd. Identify and classify examples from

reading;experiment with transforming tense/form/person in

these examples. discuss changes that need to be made and

effects onmeaning;


8to identify wordroots, derivations and spelling patterns, e.g.

sign,signature, signal; bomb, bombastic, bombard; remit,permit,

permission, in order toextend vocabulary and provide support for





To identify the keyfeatures of myths/legends and fables.


To understand thefeelings of characters and explain these.


To order a storycorrectly.

















Discuss with classthe meaning of a traditional tale. Read Hare and the tortoise(Greek fable) what is the message in the story? (Cheats dontwin).


List othertraditional stories eg King Arthur and Knights of the round table,Robin Hood etc. How might the content have changed overtime?


Draw grid with 3sections. Write myth, legend, fable and as a class work out adefinition for each type of writing.


Write the work bombon the board. Ask children to identify that this is a root word.How many words can they think of which have bomb as the rootword.


Give childrenPandoras box and Garden of Eden to read. Use the bones of a storyand write in the correct order. Use photocopiable p44


Provide children withPandoras box and Garden of Eden text to read. Ask children to cutup the bones of the story p44 and stick in the correct order intheir books.



EBRead Pandoras boxand text to the group. Using the enlarged copies of p44 work as agroup to put the story in the correct order.

Reviewwith class the order that they placed the bones of the 2stories.


Reviewwith class the definitions for the 3 types of text (myth, fable andlegend)




Read togetherPandoras Box Extract 1 and discuss the authors use of language todescribe the different characters, settings, narratorsvoice.


How does the writershow Pandoras curiosity about the box?









Ask children toidentify the adjectives in the writing. What would happen if lesspowerful adjectives were used? How would this affect thewriting?

Guided work withCG


As a group writecompound and complex sentences describing Pandoras box.

Read the extract ofPandoras box. Underline all of the words which describe thebox.

* Find 3 phraseswhich show what Epimetheus is feeling.

* Find 5 examplesthat show Pandora is curious about the box.

Read Garden of Eden.Put the bones of the story in the correct order.



Ask children in commagroup to explain to the rest of the class which

* 3 phrases showwhat Epimetheus is feeling.

* 5 examples thatshow Pandora is curious about the box.




Use Pandoras extract1 and


Read the 2 versionstogether as a class. Create a class chart with 2 sections andheadings: Background to the story, Story telling techniques,insight into characters feelings and motivations, descriptivelanguage, events of the story.



Ask children toidentify the verbs which have been used in the writing. Underlinethese. Ask the children to write on MWB what these would be inpast/future tense.

Provide group withcreation story grid and complete using the 2 stories from Mondayslesson.

Guided work withCG



Ask children toidentify a simple sentence. Work together as a group to developthis simple sentence into a compound sentence.



As a whole groupcomplete the creation story sheet remember target


* I can use capitalletters and full stops correctly in my writing

Ask children toreview what the similarities and differences they identifiedbetween the 2 text.




Re-read Pandorasextract and focus on the differences between the characters andtheir relationship with each other. Ask children to identify thedifferences between the characters.



Ask children tocreate a list of words which describes both of the characters draw2 columns in their books).


Explain that they aregoing to interview the 2 characters to get their view point forwhat happened. Write 5 questions that they want to ask Epimetheusand Pandora.


Children to work iwhta partner and complete the interview. One being Pandora and theother being Epimetheus.

Role Play


Create a short roleplay between Epimetheus and Pandora as if it was the morning afterPandora opened the box.



Guided work withCG


As a group, write alist of questions that they could ask to Pandora. Write 6questions and then ask them to their partner.



Choose 2 children tobe Epimetheus and Pandora. The rest of the class asks themquestions and they must respond as if they were thatcharacter.





Go through thespelling patterns for Unit 10



Nelson SpellingTest



Complete NelsonSpelling Activities.


If children finishthen use a dictionary to find words which have their spellingpattern.



Complete NelsonSpelling Activities.


If children finishthen use a dictionary to find words which have their spellingpattern.



Complete NelsonSpelling Activities.


If children finishthen use a dictionary to find words which have their spellingpattern.


Review the new wordswhich children have found in the spelling pattern