Name | Our local area |
Owner | Rohirrim |
Level | 4 |
Topic | Geography |
Unit | Local area |
Description | Study of town which can be adapted to suit own location. It incorporates an environmental issue and village settlers. |
File 1 | 333_geogsum2007.doc |
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Medium TermPlan Class: 4 Dates: Summer2007 Topic: Southam MainFocus: Geography
Programme ofStudy | LearningObjective | Key Questions /Ideas | Key Activities /Experiences | Time | Organisation andResources | AssessmentOpportunities |
Geography1a)Askgeographical questions;
1b)Collect andrecord evidence;
1c)Analyse evidenceand drawconclusions;
1d)Identify andexplain different points ofview;
1e)Communicate indifferent ways;
2a)Useappropriate vocabulary;
2b)Use fieldwork skillsand instruments;
2c)Use globes, atlases,maps and plans at a range ofscales;
2d)Use secondarysources of information inclgaerial photos;
2e)Draw plans and mapsat a r range of scales;
2f)Use ICT to helpin geographicalinvestigations;
2g)Develop decisionmaking skills;
To investigate places; how Southam fits into wider geog.context; to use maps, atlas, globe. Make maps/ plans. Use Gridrefs. Use 2ndary sources
Identify human andphysical features; learn about main land uses in towns; use, makeand interpret maps; use 2ndary sources; collect evidence; usefieldwork skills; communicate and present findings; use ICT.
To investigate places;to observe and askquestions with maps; understand link human / physical features;features of settlements. |
Where is Southam?
Where is our school?
What is Southam like?
What are the main land uses in Southam?
Why is Southam as it is? | Locate on globe, atlas, map of UK, map ofregion, OS map, town map. ICT map Demonstrate 4 fig grid refs. And OSsymbols. Chn locate different places/features on OS map. And thenon local map. Use aerial photo find school. On local map find different locations,give grid ref (eg.4A), directions to location noting other featuresin sequence, plot on map.
Match photos of main human and physicalfeatures of Southam to a map, naming the feature. Use ict ifposs.
Chn to identify main land use of school onplan of school. Discuss -how can it be recorded? Mark and devisekey. (prep-and rev- for land use ofSoutham).
Use aerial photos identify main land usesand features in Southam. Mark on plan main boundaries andfeatures. Discuss main land use types in towns etc,devise key. Walk around Southam in grps, identify (photograph?)main land uses in an area, record on plan. In class collate andrecord on plan of Southam. ?Record on database, graphs, pie charts?Discuss findings and relate to previous findings.
Discuss and make a class list of the needsof early settlers. Discuss placenames as clues for origin ofsettlements and origins of placenames (NLS suffixing). Look at OSmap, find names that show evidence of early settlement, part ofname giving clue.(ict) |
| Globe, Atlases, Map ofUK, County maps, OS maps, Maps of Southam. ICT multimap or sim
Aerial photos, gridded maps of Southam
Photos of features of Southam, Maps ofSoutham(prev used) ICT Plans of school and grounds, clipboards, Adults
Aerial photos, Maps of Southam
ADULTS, Camera(s), Maps of Southam, clipboards,Enlarged map of Southam for display, Computer, NumberBox/orother spreadsheet/data/graphing software
P/c of placenames and meanings ofsuffixes OSmaps ict | Skills of location; Use of symbols; How Southam fits into wider context; Use of 2ndary sources;
Read a map Identify main human/ physical features
Enquiry/fieldwork skills Devise keys Communicate and present findings Use 2ndary sources
Ditto Use of ICT to present findings
Knowledge and understanding of origin ofsettlements Extract information from maps
Medium TermPlan Class: 4 Date: Summer2007 Topic: SouthamMain Focus: Geography
Programme ofStudy | LearningObjective | Key Questions /Ideas | Key Activities /Experiences | Time | Organisation andResources | AssessmentOpportunities |
3a)Identify anddescribe what places are reallylike;
3b)To locate placesand environments;
3c)To describe whereplaces are;
3e)To identify why andhow places change and howthey may change in thefuture;
3g)to recognise howplaces fit within a wider geogcontext.
4a)Recognise and explainpatterns made by physical and human features in theenvironment;
5a)Recognise how people can improve theenvironment, how decisions about places and environments affect thefuture;
| Analyse evidence andcommunicate findings; develop understanding that a settlement havespecific features and are located in response to human choice/physical features; making maps.
Understand how a placeis changing / has changed; use a range of sources.
Fieldwork skillscollect and record evidence; decision making exercise; changes inthe environment; look at an issue arising from how land isused. |
How and why Southam haschanged? How can we find out?
Is the Bypass effective? What are the advantages/ disadvantages ofthe Bypass? | Use old/new maps to identify and discuss whypeople settled in Southam. Write an advert promoting the site andsituation , including reasons why it is suitable forsettlement. (NLS Y4Adverts). (ict) Devise own village based on blank map except fora river, use names to identify areas, OS symbols to representfeatures, include housing, PO, church, PH, telephone, pond,school, Use ICT if poss.
Use old maps/photos to find out and discuss howland use in Southam has changed. Chn to find 5 changes to add to aclass Interesting facts about Southam. Use ict if poss.
Conduct traffic survey of Bypass and HighStreet. Use tally charts, datafiles, graphs to compare data. (ICTfor some grps). Draw conclusions and write short report to answerquestion. Draw up questionnaire and conduct survey ofopinions on local people on Bypass. (Shopkeepers, children, olderpeople, businesses, other adults). Look at route of Bypass. Why was this routechosen? Look at other routes that could have been chosen or otheralternatives? Discuss these points and using survey findingsdiscuss if Bypass has been the best idea/use of land. |
| Old maps and photos ofSoutham Current ditto A4paper ICT A3paper OSsymbols ICT scan/photo/ softteach software?
Old maps and photos of Southam Paper to record changes ICT
ADULTSClipboards Computer NumberBox or other Data handling software Paper for agreed questionnaire
Maps of Southam OSmaps | K&U of origin ofsettlements
Make a map to show patterns of settlementinfluenced by physical features and choice
Can chn extrct information from a range of mapsand photos to make comparisons?
Choose and record relevant data. Draw conclusions.
Carry out survey to find different points ofview
Discuss an issue using a range ofevidence Make an informed decision |
Medium TermPlan Class: 4 Dates: Summer2007 Topic: SouthamMain Focus: Geography
Programme ofStudy | LearningObjective | Key Questions /Ideas | Key Activities /Experiences | Time | Organisation andResources | AssessmentOpportunities |
5b)Recognise how and why people may seek tomanage environments sustainably and to identify opportunities fortheir own involvement.
| Enable chn to assessand record environmental change; increase awareness of how featuresin the area affect the environment; increase awareness of proposedchanges in the locality; how and why people respond to changes;making informed decisions; how an area could be improved.
Use of geographicalvocabulary. | What is it like to livein Southam? How can we improve an area? Are the proposed changes the best?
How would we describe this? What is it?
What jobs do people do in the local area? | Choose a recent issue arising in Southamregarding a change in land use or choose an area of Southam thatcould be improved. Visit the area concerned. Carry outenvironmental audit, focusing on information from senses. Sketch.Discuss ideas for change/improvement. Who would be affected? Writea piece of persuasive writing outlining plans for area/ for oragainst proposals for change of use. (NLS Y4 persuasivewriting).
Throughout topic chn will be introduced to newvocabulary relevant to context.
Investigate what jobs people do in the area, howfar they travel. Prepare questionnaire, input into database,produce graph (ict and hand). Identify on map where people work andplot (ict with dtp?). question data what is furthest distancetravelled? What is the most common place people work? |
| ADULTSClipboards Paper Camers(s)
Ict- w/p, database, data handling/graph, maps,dtp Maps,
| Make careful observationsto make an audit. Use findings to write a persuasive piece ofwriting
Dochn understand the types of work people do and that some peoplehave to travel to work? Use a database and graphing?