Name | French |
Owner | nickywin |
Level | 4 |
Topic | Languages |
Unit | French |
Description | Animals and adjectives |
File 1 | 55_2French - animals and adj plan.doc |
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MEDIUM TERMPLAN SUBJECT : French Adjective and animals |
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CLASS: 4 | TERM: Autumn2007 | TEACHER: MrsWinstanley | Wk Fwk Refs Learning Objectives Language Activities Resources& ICT Support/Extension 1 O3.2 O3.2 L3.2 L3.1 L3.3 Recogniseand respond to words Recogniseand respond to sound patterns Makelinks between some phonemes, rhymes and spellings, and read aloudfamiliar words Recognisesome familiar words in written form Experimentwith the writing of simple words Adjectives: long long riquiqui tiny, minuscule gros fat petit small haut high mini very small rond round aplati - flat 1. InEnglish, discuss adjectives with pupils. Perhaps show pictures ofanimals to elicit suitable adjectives. These could be collated onboard, to see if French words can be matched up later. 2. Teachadjectives using actions. Playphysical response game, teacher calls out adjective and pupils doaction. Ifpupils are confident reverse to play verbal response game teacherdoes action, pupils say adjective. 3. Showpupils written form of adjectives and discuss pronunciation (eg:silent letters, i sound, etc). 4.Display adjective word cards on board. Pupils take it in turns tocome to board to point to words which have: - silentletters at beginning / end of words) - thei sound - theon sound Variation:play in 2 teams, one representative from each team has to touch aword which fits the category called out by teacher (eg: silentletter) first to do so correctly wins a point for team. 5.Pupils work in pairs, with a set of adjective word cards betweenthem. T calls out a word, ch race each other to touch the correctword. T checks by holding up correct card. 6. Withadjectives cards displayed, pupils choose one and write it onpartenrs backs using fingertips partner tries to work out whichword it is. IWBfile Animalpictures Adjectivecards Sets ofadjective cards, one set for each pair Reducenumber of adjectives presented in one lesson for weakerpupils. Providevisual support if needed. |
Half-Term:Pack | Subject:French: Animals andadjectives | ||||||
Wk | Fwk Refs | Learning Objectives | Language
| Activities
| Resources
| Support/Extension | |
2/3 | O3.2
O6.2 | Recogniseand respond to sound patterns and words
Follow ashort familiar text, listening and reading at the same time Readsome familiar words and phrases aloud and pronounce themaccurately
Experimentwith the writing of simple words
Writesimple words and phrases using a model and some words frommemory
Memoriseand present a short spoken text
Writewords, phrases and short sentences, using a reference
Matchsound to sentences and paragraphs
Performto an audience
un crocodile une fourmi an ant un lphant une souris a mouse une girafe un poussin a chick un hippopotame un poisson a fish |
1.Briefly revise adjectives using the actions from lesson 1.
2.Display animal word cards. Show flashcards of animals or soft toys can ch work out which word might be the French equivalent?
3. Teachnew animal vocabulary using flashcards or toys. Play variousflashcard games to familiarise ch with new vocab (see presentingnew vocab document)
4. Showpupils poem: Un crocodile, cest long, long, long from Readsentences with pupils.
5. Adaptpoem to show animals first before sentences come into ppt canpupils remember the animals and the adjectives?
Variationsas below:
Y4 Givepupils a paper copy of poem, with words missing. Display all animalwords on board pupils work in pairs / group from memory / withprompts from board to complete gaps.
Y5: Pupilsre-write poem, changing animals and possibly adjectives, eitherusing a bi-lingual dictionary to suggest alternatives, or choosingfrom a list provided by the teacher
Animalflashcards or soft toys
Animalword cards
Adaptedpoem on ppt
Papercopy of poem with words missing
Cut-upwords from poem
CDplayer and CD |
Decreasenumber of new words taught in one lesson
Reduce /increase the number of missing words. Deleteadjectives as well as animals.
Providepicture prompts
| |
Half-Term:Pack | Subject:French: Animals andadjectives | ||||||
Wk | Fwk Refs | Learning Objectives | Language
| Activities
| Resources
| Support/Extension | |
4 |
L4.4 |
Listenfor specific words and phrases
Recognisesome familiar words in written form
Follow ashort familiar text, listening and reading at the same time
Experimentwith the writing of simple words
Writesimple words and phrases using a model and some words frommemory |
le cou neck le nez nose la tte head la queue tail les oreilles ears les pattes (animal)legs/paws
les parties du corps parts of thebody
Numbers |
1.Revise any body parts ch already know in French. Teach newvocabulary by pointing to parts of body.
2. PlayJacques a dit.
3. Showwritten form of body parts and use blu-tak to attach these to awilling pupil or to a large picture of an animal.
4. Teachch song to tune of Row, row, row the boat Le cou,les oreilles Lespattes, le nez La tte,la queue Lesparties du corps.
Ch couldpoint to parts of body as they sing song.
Either: 5.Provide ch with picture of animal (or they draw own) which theylabel in French
Or: 6.Create un monstre on board, according to childrens suggestions(eg: deux ttes, trois pattes, six queues etc). Ch thendraw thei own monstre and label in French, using numbers (NB: nezdoes not change in the plural). |
Bodyparts word cards Blu-tak
Animalpictures |
Lessable pupils just do actions | |
Half-Term:Pack | Subject:French: Animals andadjectives | ||||||
Wk | Fwk Refs | Learning Objectives | Language
| Activities
| Resources
| Support/Extension | |
5/6 |
As above
L6.3 |
Read andunderstand a range of familiar written phrases
Listenfor specific words and phrases
Read andunderstand a range of familiar written phrases
Prepareand practise a simple conversation, re-using familiar vocabularyand structures in new contexts
Understandand express simple opinions
Understandlonger and more complex phrases or sentences (expressreasons)
Makesimple sentences and short texts
Writewords, phrases and short sentences, using a reference
Matchsound to sentences and paragraphs | Colours: jaune yellow gris grey
jaime I like je naime pas I dont like je veux I want tu aimes ? do you like ?
trop too plus more
un nom a noun un adjectif
parce que - because |
1.Revise colours briefly using objects in classroom, ensuring jauneand gris are covered.
2. Teachlike and dislike using colours: eg: Moi,jaime le rouge. Tu aimes le rouge?
Assignan action to jaime, je naime pas, je veux and practice with ch,using physical and verbal response activities.
3. Sharestory with pupils: Je suis trop gros Encouragech to suggest meaning, especially of trop and plus.
4. Makeup action sentences using book: eg: jenaime pas mon long cou (thumbsdown, point to neck and stretching action)
T readsa sentence, see if ch can give correct actions.
Variationsas below:
Y4: Pupilsmatch pictures and sentences from the book and thenre-order them as T reads
Y4: PlayWord Class game Establishnouns / adjectives and add action for each eg: hands on head fornoun and hand wiggling behind ear for adjective. T callsout a word and ch do action according to whether it is a noun oradjective
Y4: Pupilsare shown a sentence from the text and draw a picture to showunderstanding. They can then copy the sentence underneath.
Y5: Showpictures from the story. Askpupils opinions, eg: tu aimes le gris? Tu aimes les oreilles dellphant ? Pupilsreply with jaime / je naime pas. Focus oncorrect intonation in qu form and compare French question form herewith English form (you like ... ? with do you like ?) Pupilsthen practise in pairs.
Y6: As abovebut teach pupils parce que (because) so they can link sentences,eg: je naime pas le cou, prace que cest (trop) long
Y5: In tablegroups, pupils pass around a bag containing cut-up sentences fromthe book Eg: je /veux / un / long / cou Pupilspass round bag while singing song on body parts (cf : lesson4) and pull out one word at a time when song comes to end.
Y5: Providepupils with sets of sentences which they have to put into matchingpairs: Eg: Jenaime pas mon nez Je veuxun nez plus long
Y5 : Pupilsare shown pictures from book with a gapped textbeneath : Eg: Jenaime pas and haveto complete these in French
Y6: T readsfrom story without pupils able to see text. Pupilshave text from each page on separate cards and have to order thesecorrectly as they listen to the T read out the story. |
Text: Jesuis trop gros (Im too big) B smallpublishing ISBN : 9781905710065
Sentencesand pictures from book
Sentencesfrom book
Picturesfrom story
Bag Cut-upsentences
Sentencesfor matching
Picturesfrom text and gapped texts
Textcards from story |
Limitnumber of colours revised this is not the focus of thelesson
Offer achoice of sentences with varying levels of complexity
Encourageuse of connectives such as trop and et and mais
Chooseeasier / more challenging sentences according to table group
Moreable pupils could try and write their own second half of thesentence. | |