Name | Britain since 1948 |
Owner | billygoatgriff |
Level | 6 |
Topic | History |
Unit | Britain |
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File 1 | 292_History Aut term 07.doc |
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NewChapter Primary School
Subject: History (Britain since 1948) Yeargroup: 5/6 Term: Autumn2007
LearningIntention/ Key Questions | Skills/Key Elements | POS AT | Teaching and LearningActivities | Differentiation | Resources | Assessment | Links |
Lesson 1 To know thatchanges have occurred in Britain since 1948.
To begin toidentify some of the reasons for these changes. | chronologicalunderstanding
| 1a 1b 3 | Introduction Through discussion, establishwhat children already know about life in Britain since the SecondWorld War and what changes they think took place. In groups, on large sheet ofpaper, or independently in exercise books, children to complete aconcept map of current knowledge. Feedback to class and pick outkey events asking why they think these were key events and whatconsequences on daily life were. Place these key events on a blanktimeline eg. Jubilee, inventions etc. could be made intoclassroom display. Ask children what they want tofind out about the past 60 years. How are you going tofind out? Briefly discuss different types ofsources of evidence including photographs, maps, films, newspapers,diaries etc. Make a list of sources of evidence to use nextlesson. Homework (thesewill be used in next lesson): Ask children to bring in a bagcontaining items that tell others about themselves. This couldinclude; football sock, CD, certificate, favourite item ofclothing, pictures, postcards of holidays, etc. | Childrento work in mixed ability groupings.
TAto support where required.
| largesheets of paper
| Canchildren identify key events since the Second World War? | Numeracy |
Lesson 2 To know thathistorians use sources of evidence to find out about thepast.
| interpretingevidence
discussion | 1a 1b 3 4a 4b | Evidence How can we find outabout the past? Ask children to giveexamples, remind of list made previous lesson. Explain to childrenthat material we use to find out about the past is calledevidence or historical source. Establish that these sourcesare divided into primary (produced at the time) and secondary(produced later) sources. In pairs completeworksheet, feedback answers. Swap childrensbags they collected for homework with other children anonymously.Have a look at the items and see if they can interpret the evidenceand draw conclusions eg. football sock may mean that they likeplaying football, music certificate means they play the flute etc.Ask children to write whether it is an assumption or fact next towhat they find out. Through discussion, determine the purpose ofthe activity. Which source ofevidence would be the best to use to find out about the past?Why? Discuss thathistorians use more than one source of evidence to draw conclusionsabout the past. Why do you think they do this?
| TAto assist where required. | sourcesworksheet
TheMystery Suitcase poster | Canchildren suggest a variety of sources of evidence? |
Lesson 3 To know thechronology of key events since 1948. | knowledgeand understanding
orderingevents | 1a 1b 3 | Timeline Briefly discuss WW2and clarify each decade with the children. 1940s post war,rebuilding, introduction of Welfare State 1950s coronationof queen, rock and roll begins to influence Britain, DNAdiscovered, space race began, National Service compulsory 1960s rise ofyouth culture drugs, peace movement, flying abroad becamecheaper 1970s economycollapsed, strikes, trouble in NI, microchip invented 1980s computers,microwaves, videos more common, Falklands war 1990s age oftechnology, National Lottery created Children to sortkey events into order, encourage children to justify theirdecisions.
| TAto support LA | timelinesheet
glue | Canchildren sort key events into correct order? | Numereacy |
Lesson 4 To begin toidentify some of the reasons for changes in population inBritain. | knowledgeand understanding | 1a 1b 2a 2c 2d | Population Explain to childrenthat between 1948 and 1997, the population rose from 47 million to58 million. Although a lot of people moved to Britain (immigrated)during this time, many moved from Britain (emigrated) What isthe biggest single reason for increasing population? (longerlife expectancy) also after WW2, due to the end of the was therewas a Baby Boom and Britain needed more workers so a campaign wasset up to encourage people from British Commonwealth countries tomove to Britain. Many people from West Indies and India, who werelegally entitled to live in Britain, moved her particularly to workas bus drivers and conductors or in the hotel industry. Discuss growth inpopulation and look at statistics. Children to createa chart showing the increase in population and write a briefparagraph explaining the reasons for these changes.
| LAto have bar graph template
HAto use squared paper to make own graph.
LAto complete cloze procedure. | squaredpaper
clozeprocedure worksheet | Canchildren use statistics to explain changes in population inBritain? | Geography,PSHME, Numeracy |
Lesson 5 To understand whatlife was like for the youth in 1950s. | knowledgeand understanding | 1a 1b 2a 2c 2d | 1950s Compare images of1950s and 1990s teenager, explain to children that the teenagerbecame prominent in the Fifties and that previously young people,as a group, were not so much the focus of attention how long agowere the Fifties? What type of clothes are the teenagers wearing?What are they doing? Explain to childrenthat even the way people spoke and the language used was differentto today, explain the term slang. Children tocomplete slang activity. Can you think of any new words thathave been introduced this decade? eg. blairism, chav,etc.
| TAto support LA | slangworksheet | Arechildren able to discuss what life was like for teenagers in the1950s? | Literacy |
Lesson 6 To | knowledgeand understanding | 1a 1b 2a 2c 2d | 1960s Discuss what lifewas like in the 1960s and show children images from the1960s. Children to matchthe pictures and names and explain why they were famous in the1960s
| LAto have explanations to match up. | imagesfrom 1960s | Canchildren discuss what life was like in 1960s? |
Lesson 7 To know whateffects that advancements in technology have had on dailylife.
| knowledgeand understanding
| 1a 1b 2a 2c 2d | Communication Ask the children todiscuss modern methods of communication (television, internet,mobile phone etc.), Discuss what communication was like before theradio was invented people relying on delayed information in thepapers and how people contacted each other telegram, postalservice. ( radio advertisements ( radio serials, ( historical broadcasts Listen to someexamples of radio from the past and compare how they have changedover time What is similar/different to modern day radioprogrammes? In groups, childrento make a radio advertisement promoting something of their choiceeg. playstation, chocolate bar etc.
| TAto support LA
Mixedability groups | internet
recordingequipment | Arechildren able to discuss how changes in technology have had aneffect on communication? | Science |
Lesson 8 To understand someof the major advancements in transport technology since1948. | knowledgeand understanding | 1a 1b 2a 2c 2d | Transport Show childrenimages of a selection of aeroplanes( What year do youthink this photo was taken? Why? Ask children to identifysimilarities and differences between each of the planes, and tosuggest for what purpose each was designed: carrying passengers orcargo, fighting in battle. Explain that theyare going to design their own aeroplane that will carry witherpassengers or cargo. Remind children to label their drawings,including what special features, materials etc. Children to sharetheir designs with the class, explaining what features they havechosen to include and why.
| TAto support LA | paper
internet | Canchildren design a futuristic aeroplane? | Science,D&T |
Lesson 9 To use oral sourcesto find out about school life in Britain in the past. | knowledgeand understanding
interpretation | 1a 1b 2a 2c 2d | Education Ask children whatthey think school was like in the past. In pairs, children towrite questions that they would ask a 1950s school child. Whywould you ask those questions? Read 1950sSchooldays text and discuss any differences to day. Children to usequestions to interview different aged adults and write up what theyhave found out about school life.
| TAto support LA | 1950sschoolsdays text (from when I was young: the Fifties by NeilThompson and Pat Scott. | Arechildren able to ask appropriate questions to gatherinformation? | Literacy |
Lesson10 To understand whateffect changes in technology has had on life in Britain. | knowledgeand understanding | 1a 1b 2a 2c 2d | Technology Discusswith children how the use of electrical devices has radicallychanged the way of life. Things that took many people, a lot oftime to do, can now be done by one person in a fraction of the timewith the use of electrical equipment. Inpairs, make a list of jobs that can now be done using technologyeg. at home we can cut the grass, trim the hedge, cut up wood,drill holes and carry out countless other tasks by using electricalappliances. Identifythat we rely on electricity to heat and light our homes, cook ourfood and provide us with entertainment. People take for grantedsomething that before the war was something of a luxury or hadn'teven been invented! Look at images ofcomputers and electrical equipment and discuss how they havechanged. What effect did theadvancements of technology have on industry? How has it affectedemployment/unemployment? What skilled jobs are now no longerneeded? (blacksmith, bakers,potters, car manufactures etc.)
| TAto support LA | images ofelectrical equipment | Canchildren explain how technology has changed? | ICT |
Lesson11 To identify the range ofappropriate sources of information
| knowledgeand understanding
usingevidence | 1a 1b 2a 2c 2d | PlaygroundGames Talk aboutgames played by children today and ask children to think about howthey might find out about the games that their grandparents orgreat-grandparents might have played in the 1950s/60s. List possiblesources of evidence and discuss what was available in the1950s/60s. Compare theevidence for childrens games from the 1950s/60s with today.What has changed? What has stayed the same? What types of evidence did weuse to find out about Roman/Victorian children?Talk aboutthe different sources of information available in differentperiods. What was similar? What was different? What other typesof evidence can we use to find out about the 1950s/60s that is notavailable for different periods? In groups, children to playsome of the playground games. | TAto support LA
| video clips leapfrog,( skipping, it,( in and out of thedusty bluebells(
audio clips frenchskipping(
| Canchildren make comparisons between the past and today? | Literacy |
Lesson12 To understand whateffect changes have on society over time. | knowledgeand understanding
enquiry | 2c 2d 4b | Today Discuss what wehave found out so far about life in Britain since 1948 and what issimilar/different. Children to write some statements explain whatthey have learnt eg. The population in Britain has grown because,encourage children to draw conclusions as to why things havechanged remained the same demonstrating their understanding ofcause and effect. IntroducePresentation Task.
| mixedability pairs | presentationtask sheet | Canchildren describe changes of the past 60 years? |
Lesson13 ASSESSMENT | organisation
communication | 5a 5b 5c | Children to showtheir presentations to the class. Others to evaluatepresentations. |
| Arechildren able to | ICT |