Brenden is Teaching


NameScience - Unit 1D
UnitLight and Dark
DescriptionLight and Dark
File 1281_MTP.doc
File 2281_light_sources_sorting[1].xbk

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Subject: Science

Year Group: 1

Unit: Light and Dark

Topic Castles and Homes





  that light is essential for seeingthings

  that when it is dark other sensescan be used to help us find things and identify things

  that there are many sources oflight

  that light sources vary inbrightness

  to observe and make comparisons ofsources of light

  that objects cannot be seen indarkness

  to observe and make comparisonsof sources of light and to try to explain what they observed

  that sources of light show up bestat night-time

  that the Sun is the source oflight for the Earth

  that it is dangerous to look atthe Sun because it is so bright

  to make observations and to try toexplain these

  that shiny objects need a lightsource if they are to shine

  that shiny objects are not lightsources

  to suggest how to find out aboutwhere a reflective strip will shine brightly

  to make observations and simplecomparisons and to say whether what they found out was what theyexpected


Week1 - Read peace atlast. Talk about the experiences of the character in the book. Wecan not see at night (exclude night lights, street lamps, opendoor, moon etc) promote discussion about the other senses.

Children to useblack paper and chalk to draw a picture of night time.

Briefly look atanimals that are nocturnal e.g badger, owl, bat etc. Discuss chspictures, what can we see?


Week2 - Choose a childand ask them to hide in the stock cupboard, turn the lights off inthe classroom and ask another child to go to the door. Open thedoor slightly and continue to do so until the child recognises whois there.

Ask the ch what theydo if they wake up in the night and need something. Use of othersenses, touch and hearing in the dark.

The ch will passaround feely bags and identify the objects in the bags.

The ch will beblindfolded and will then be given descriptions of the items. CHshould also be blindfolded and should move towards a sound.


Week3 - Walk aroundschool and ask them to look for different light sources. Brainstormfindings and save for assessment at the end of the topic.

On mixed abilitytables ch to cut out and draw different sources of light into theirtopic books. Hap and map children should be asked to try their bestto label their work.

Compare the lightsources and put them in order of brightness. If children do notunderstand, offer an explanation e.g can a candle light the worldlike the sun? See smart notebook programme.


Week4 - Science clips light and dark.

Look at differentsources of light in a lit and dark room.

Ask the childrenabout light sources that we only use at special times, e.g.celebrations.

List ceremonies Halloween, Christmas, Diwali, bonfire night, etc. (ask whyfireworks are shown at night)

Ch will complete ascene from one of these celebrations (using wax crayon and blackpaint effect) and create images and label the light sources in thescene when dry! Haps to write what the light sources are and whythey are used only at night.

Ask the children tohelp you think about the light sources that there might have beenin castle. Discuss natural and man made light sources.


Week5 - Take the childrenonto the playground and ask them to decide where the light iscoming from.

Discuss sources oflight, establish that some are natural and some are man made.Explore the differences.

Haps and maps -Children will be asked to choose 2 light sources, one man made andone natural. The children will then need to write a sentence toaccompany the manmade object explaining the source of its light.E.g the torch is powered by the sun does not need anypower.

Laps the childrenwill be asked to work in groups to separate manmade and naturallight sources sticking them onto the right side of the sugarpaper.

Name man made andnatural light sources and ask the children to stand for man madeand stay sitting for natural.


Week6 - Shiny objects Look at objects that become shiny in light but do not producelight. They reflect it. Use mirrors, shiny paper, jewellery etc putthem in a circle with a candle, torch and ask the children to helpyou sort the items.

Children to thinkabout the main natural source (the sun) tell the children about thedangers of looking at the sun and the effect it has on your eye. UVsunglasses etc and explain to the ch why we should never lookdirectly at the sun and the possible risks of doing this.

Ask the children tohelp you to design a poster to show the dangers and to warn peopleagainst doing this.

Re-visit thebrainstorm from session 3 and ask the children to repeat theactivity, compare the work and save as a form of assessment.


Lesson7 Read why cantyou sleep little bear? Introduce the experiment using a dark cave(sheets covering chairs) and predicting which paper people (madeusing different colours and type of paper) we can see without alight source.

Light box (shoe box)why cant we see? Ask the children to explain what we need to seemore, torches and different materials which is the brightest lightsource.

Children to recordon a basic investigation sheet predictions and findings.


ICT Focus

Smart notebookprogrammes. Science clips.


Self assessmentsheets at the end of the unit and a class investigation. BBCscience clips. Brainstorm of ideas.


Links with Units 1C,1F, 2F, 3F, English, religious education and art. History,castles.


  wordsand phrases related to light and dark eg bright, light,dark, black, night, day, reflect, reflective strip

  namesof light sources eg torch, warning light, Sun, candle,lantern

  wordsand phrases used to make comparisons eg darker/darkest,bright/brighter/brightest

  expressions givingreasons using because.