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NameHistory - QCA Unit 2
UnitWhat were homes like a long time ago
DescriptionCastle planning showing cross curricular links
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Subject: History

Year Group: 1

Spring 1

Topic Castles/light and dark





      To know that peoplelive in different kinds of houses.

      To learn how to talkabout different homes using appropriate vocabulary.

      To recognise commonexternal features of houses.

      To identify thedifferences between a modern and a castle.

      That people live indifferent sorts of houses.

      Identify the rooms ina castle.

      Describe the roomsusing vocab, talk about furniture and objects.

      To answer questionsabout household objects used a long time ago.

      To make inferencesabout aspects of a home a long time ago.

      Describe the keyfeatures of a castle from a long time ago.

      Take part in ourcastle afternoon!

      To describe what Iwould like or dislike if I lived in a castle.


Lesson1 - Ask the childrento tell you where they live, talk about the houses we all livein.

Look at the differenthouses on the smart notebook programme and discuss them.

Why do you thinkpeople live in different types of houses? Discuss.

Ask the children towork in mixed ability pairs and to draw a picture of theirpartners house through instruction and description given by theirpartner. Model on IAWB with Miss A/Miss D.

Plenary choose somepartners and ask them to describe the homes their partner livesin.


Lesson2 - Look at the housesopposite school ask the children to tell you what is similar andwhat is different about the houses. Label an image on smartnotebook ch to identify materials.

Look a photo ofcastle compared to a modern house and ask the children to tell youwhat is different?

Ask the children toon either side of a table highlight the difference between the twohouses. Label one side the castles and the other modern. Chshould;

Laps Use linescarefully showing the difference on either side of the photograph.(e.g. windows in both buildings etc)

Maps As abovelabeling the images.

Haps Writesentences to describe how the windows, doors, roof etc aredifferent.

Plenary Discuss asa group the differences the ch have identified. Relate to the waypeople lived in the different times.


Lesson3 - Introduction Work with the children to create a word bank for castles. E.gturrets, moat, drawbridge, dungeon, tower etc.

Ask the children tobuddy chat about who might live in a castle, record on abrainstorm.

Who were knights? Whywere they important? Who did the cooking and the cleaning? Whoentertained people? Show the children the pictures on smartnotebook programme and ask a question for each one.

Haps Choose 2 ofthe characters and draw, write a description of each and theirjobs.

Maps Children todraw 2 of the characters and write words around the drawing todescribe their work.

Laps Children todraw 2 of the characters with care.

Plenary Talk aboutthe castles that people still live in today. Queen Elizabethetc.


Lesson4 - Show the childrenthe images on the smart notebook look at the different rooms andcompare them to your houses at home.

Ask the children tochoose one of the rooms and then to draw the objects from both ofthe homes making sure they carefully show the differences.

Model the activityfor the children.

Haps The childrenwill choose 3 objects and will write a descriptive sentence foreach object explaining the differences.

Maps The childrenwill choose 3 objects and will list words explainingdifferences.

Laps The childrenwill be asked to draw carefully the objects and label the item thatthey have drawn. Split the page for the laps.

Plenary - Talk to thechildren about the differences. Take an item from one of the roomsand ask the children to help you write a descriptivesentence.


Lesson5 - Ask the childrento look at The objects from the history resources box. Take out thegiant key, say it is for the castle and demonstrate to the childrenhow much bigger the key is than the key hole in our door. How bigdo you think the door is???

Look at the lightsources (Candles) and ask the children if all light sources in acastle were man made or natural? ( link to science light anddark)

Explain to thechildren that they will be going to work in groups (mixedabilities) the children (haps) will then write questions (withsupport from laps) that they would ask a person from medievaltimes. Model. Haps will scribe questions they all plan.

Sit in a circle andask TA to explain that you are going to come in and pretend you arefrom medieval times. Ch question you asking questions about whatyou ate, who made it etc..


Lesson6 Medievalafternoon

Scrolls Thechildren look at writing their name on the scroll which they willstain with tea bags/coffee.


Lances Usingwrapping paper rolls. Decorate with curling ribbon and make ahandle. Allow children to go potty with them!!!!


Food The childrencan make some traditional honey and nuts on toast and eat.


Shields Thechildren will be asked to make shields using paper to create theirdesigns which they will then stick onto the ceral boxshields.


Crowns The childrenwill be asked to make a crown for a king/queen/prince/princess whomight live in a castle use year six children for theworkshop.


Design a coat of arms The children will be given a blank format and will design a coatof arms. Explain to ch before hand.


Medieval role play -Medieval music and jester activities.


Music Listen tosome medieval style music and give the children the opportunity toexplore musical instruments.


Jester activities Ask the children to tell you what a jester does, now how can weentertain each other, jokes, silly dances etc


Lesson7 - Recap on castles;re-visit what we know repeat castles brainstorm. Compare tobrainstorm at the beginning of topic.


As a class ask thechildren to decide what it would be like to live in castle and ifthe children would like it or not. Describe the features of housestoday and ask the children how it would be different in acastle.

Haps To write threesentences about what they would like or dislike about living in acastle.

Maps To write 2sentences (as above).

Laps - To drawpictures to represent what they would like or dislike about livingin a castle on a split page.


Plenary Ask thechildren to help you re-design their bedroom to be similar to thatof a castle.

      To recognisedifferences.

      To identify keyaspects of a castle.

      To compare anddescribe differences of items from different times.

      To empathise withcastle life

      Understanding theroutines in a castle

ICT Focus




Plenary, questioning,History afternoon, ability to empathise with castle life.


Topic Light anddark.








Smart programme,Topic books.

Word bank, castle,drawbridge, Compare, difference, castles, modern homes, Jesters,servants, guards, knights