Name | Year 4 solids and liquidss science |
Owner | teachtigger |
Level | 4 |
Topic | Science |
Unit | Solids and Liquids |
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File 1 | 282_Spring 2 Unit 4D - Solids and liquids.doc |
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Lesson 1
| Toclassify materials into solids / liquids | Provide a selectionof solid material in lump form and ask pupils how they could sortthem into two groups. e.g. appearance, texture, transparency,magnetic properties. Encourage them to use the word property.Change the selection of materials a number of times to encouragepupils to look for new groupings.
Introduce someliquids to the selection prompt pupils to classify materials intosolids and liquids. Which materials are solids, whichmaterials are liquids?
Make sure thecollection of materials includes some solids in lump form and someliquids, coloured and colourless. What are the differencesbetween solids & liquids?
Draw out ideas thatsolids have a fixed shape whereas liquids take up the shape of thecontainer they are in. (This can be emphasized by water in twodifferent shaped bottles)
Introduce somecrystals (sand, salt) and powders (flour) Are these solidsor liquids?
The crystals andpowders are obviously solids but they flow like liquids and, if thecontainer is shaken up they take the shape of the container. Showhow powder & crystals can be formed to make a lump (sugarlump)
Individual Fill in gaps.Worksheet 1, 3, 6, 7 | Coloured Colourless Crystals Liquid Powder Solid Property | Wide range ofmaterials including:- Wood,metal glass plastic, paper, card Sand,salt, sugar (granular & lump), talc, flour Water,lemonade, cola, washing-up liquid, tea coffee Tomatosauce as a viscous liquid Glasses or vases ofdifferent shapes |
Lesson 2
| Changingsolids to liquids | Light a candle andleave it to burn for a short time. What is the candle madeof (wax)? What is the wick made of (string / cord), what is theliquid which forms around the wick whilst the candle is burning?(liquid wax) Where has this liquid come from? (Wax melts) what hasmade the liquid form? (heat from the flame)
Encourage pupils tosee the link between the heat from the flame and the melting of thecandle wax. Emphasis the word melting. What happens whenthis liquid is poured onto a piece of card? Why does it changeback into a solid? What are the lumps that are forming on the sideof the candle? Make sure pupils understand the linkbetween the changes in wax and temperature.
Summarise that thecandle wax has melted with the heat from the flame and formedliquid wax. When this hot liquid cools down it changes back into asolid. This is called freezing. / solidifying. Best justsaying liquid turns into solid.
Organise pupils intogroups You will be given an ice cube of the same size. Yourtask is to decide the best place in the classroom to put it so thatit will melt the quickest. E.g. drawer in the dark etc.Check the ice cubes every 5 minutes use PM2 4D to record.
Whilst recordingthis pg 8/9 sheet
When collectedresults draw bar chart to show the time take to melt the ice cubeplotted against the different parts of the room | Freezing Liquid Melting Solid | Largecandle Sandtray to stand the candle in Matches Pieceof card Icecubes Smallplastic trays Stopwatch Prepared resultstable and grid |
Lesson 3
| Addingsolids to water: dissolving | Ask pupils what theythink happens when salt is added to water. Demonstrate by adding aspoonful of salt to some water in a transparent plastic cup introduce the word dissolve rather than disappear. Doesthe same thing happen when sand is added to water? Try it show that sand does not dissolve.
Provide groups ofpupils with a range of solids to test. Ask them to add one measureof each solid to a fixed measure of water in a plastic cup and thenstir the mixture for one minute. Can you still see anysolid at the bottom of the cup? Can you see any solid floating inthe liquid? Has the solid dissolved? Show results in atable e.g. solids which dissolve, solids which do not dissolve.Explain that when a solid dissolves it mixes with the water andforms a solution. In a solution the particles of solid are brokendown to a very small size and surrounded by water and so cannot beseen.
When salt hasdissolved in water can we get this back? How might this bedone? Discuss whetherthe holes in a range of colanders and sieves would be small enoughto catch the small bits of salt. Introduce the filter paper,explaining that is has very small holes in it. Show the class afunnel and how to put the paper in it. Will the holes letthe water through? Will the holes catch the pieces ofsalt? Show that this does not, in fact work.
How could you tryand get rid of the water? How do you remove water from wetclothes? How does a tumble drier get rid of water from wetclothes? Provide pupils witha small amount of salt solution, pour it into a flat dish and leavein a warm place after about an hour pupils should see thatcrystals of salt have formed.
Individual pg16/17 | Transparent plasticcups Smallspoons Rangeof solids which dissolve and those which do not Colanders Sieves Filterpaper Funnel Saltwater Flatdishes or saucers | Dissolve Filter Solution Evaporation
Lesson 4
| Whichis the best filter? | The pupils shouldnow understand that a solution (a solid dissolved into a liquid)cannot be separated into its components by filtering. Filteringcan be used as a means of separating a solid from water only whenthe solid has not dissolved. Hold up a piece of filter paperWill this separate lumps of soil from dirty water? Will thisseparate sugar from lemonade? When can you use a filter toseparate a mixture? Provide the pupils with a range ofpossible materials for use as filters. Ask them to examine eachitem using a hand lens, to predict which material will make thebest filter and to give a reason for their prediction. Willthis material make a good filter? What can you see when you look atit with a hand lens? Which material will make the best filter?Why have you chosen this material?
Make up some chalkand water mixture and ask the pupils to find out which materialacts as the best filter. (chalk and water works well as thewhiteness of the liquid which passes through the filter willclearly indicate which filter was best) Which filter willremove most of the chalk from the water? Which filter will removemost of the white colour? Encourage children to considerhow they will make sure that their test is fair? E.g. always addthe same amount of chalk/water; always shake the mixture beforepouring it into filter, use the same amount of filtermaterial.
Fill in sheet
Ext pg 19 | Dissolve Filter Solid Solution | Filterfunnels or yoghurt pots with holes in the bottom Plastic cups Materials to use afilters (muslin, cotton wool, paper towels, plastic Chalk/watermixture Coffeefilters
Lesson 5
| Separatingmixtures | Consolidating ideasfrom last two weeks: Afilter contains holes which let some materials through and notothers filters willseparate solid pieces from a mixture of solid and liquid filters will notseparate a solid from a liquid if the solid has dissolved andformed a solution aliquid can be separated from the solid in a solution byevaporation.
Give pupils theproblem that the stock cupboard got messed up and that lots ofmaterials got mixed up it is their job to separate thematerials. Each pair has a cup of sand, salt,pebbles.
What can you see?How would you separate it? What could you removefirst?
Fill in sheet and gothrough process of separating the mixtures prompt children to usedrawings / explanations etc
EXT Revisionquestions 24/25 | evaporate mixture filter sieve | sand salt pebbles sievesof different sizes plastic ups filterfunnels /yoghurt pots suitable filtermaterial spoons sheet |