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File 1271_Art MTP Spring - updated and renewed Autumn 07.doc
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Medium Term Planning YEAR FIVE ART

Medium Term Planning YEAR FIVE ART (Containers)

Term: Spring2008


Learning and assessmentobjective

(What do I want thechildren to learn)

Activities forlearning

(What do I want thechildren to do)

How will the childrenpresent their learning?


  To think about whatcontainers are made of.


  To collect visual andother information to help them develop their ideas.



  1. Ask the children what is a container?
  2. Look at a range of different types of containerson each table e.g. baskets, tubs and bags etc. The children are todiscuss and complete a sheet with the following headings Type ofcontainer, materials it is made from, how it has been madecolours, where and when it was made.
  3. Discuss which containers are functional andwhich are decorative. What are they used for?






Completed sheet. One child from each group canfeed back to the class.




Avariety of different containers on each table group, includingthose from different cultures.

  About the roles andpurposes of artists, craftspeople and designers working indifferent cultures.


  To record from firsthand observation.





  1. Show the children some containers made bycraftspeople. Show them some ceramic containers, weaved basketsand containers made from natural materials such as twigs, skin orcane.
  2. Ask the children to make drawings in theirsketchbooks of the objects they have studied.


MA: Annotate the drawings commentating onthe distinctive features e.g. form, materials, techniques anddecoration.


3. Share work and discuss the features ofeach type of container.


Sketches in sketchbooks (annotated by MAchildren).


Selection of containers from different culturese.g. cane, wicker, ceramic etc.

  To explore ideas forcontainer forms.


  1. Tell the children that their task is to designsome containers. The containers will be water jugs.
  2. Children design their containers in theirsketchbooks. Get them to focus on and experiment with line, shape,form and pattern. They can choose the media with which to worke.g. pastels, watercolours, pencil or a combination.
  3. Share work.


Design in sketchbooks




Pastels, watercolours, coloured pencilsetc.

  To investigate andcombine visual and tactile qualities of materials andprocesses.


  1. Demonstrate to the children how card and papercan be used to create small-scale container forms. Show them arange of forms e.g. cylinders, cubes and pyramids.
  2. Allow the children time to experiment withmaking shapes from paper and card.

      Half way through thelesson, call the children together again and demonstrate how tomake an asymmetric shapes and how these can be joined togetherusing gummed paper strips. Can the children think of other ways ofjoining the shapes together?

      Then give the childrensome time to make some asymmetric shapes.

      The final challenge isto join all of the asymmetric shapes together that have been madeby the children in each group.

  1. Share work and evaluate the shapes that havebeen made and how they have been joined.



Cubes and other geometric shapes made frompaper.










Asymmetric shapes from each child in the group,all joined together to make a group hanging.


Coloured paper and card, different textures,glossy and matt.


Gummed strips.




  About the roles andpurposes of artists, craftspeople and designers working indifferent cultures.



1.     Look at the role thatthe green man has played in history. Who do they think the greenman might be?

2.     Chn work outside todraw natural objects that they find. They write next to eachdrawing what the object reminds them of. E.g. a knot in a tree thatlooks like an eye etc



Sketches of natural objects in the playgroundand on the field.


Pencils, sketchbooks. If raining, then aselection of natural objects brought inside.

  About the roles andpurposes of artists, craftspeople and designers working indifferent cultures.



1.Continue to investigate and recap the history of the Green Man,look at different pieces of pottery that have been made using thegreen man as inspiration.

2.Chn draw portraits of eachother. They embellish the portraits withnatural features, creating green man pictures in theirbooks.

Chn will create a green man style portrait intheir books.



Pencils, sketchbooks.


  To apply theirexperience of materials and processes, developing control oftechniques.






  1. Demonstrate two techniques for building clayforms. Firstly, demonstrate how to roll out and cut slabs of clayand then join them together using tools.

  Then demonstrate how tomake coils of clay by rolling clay into strips. Show them how tomake a three-dimensional form by forming the coils into a spiral tomake the base and then building up the sides by laying coils aroundthe edge of the base, one on top of the other. The insides of theform can then be smoothed to strengthen it.

  1. Tell the children to experiment with thesetechniques and have a go at making small forms using them.
  2. Share and evaluate. Which was the easiesttechnique? Which was the most effective?


Individual experimental clay work.


Clay, boards and tools.

  To apply theirexperience of materials and processes, developing control oftechniques.



  1. Demonstrate to the children how the basic formcan be elaborated by:

      Adding smaller cut-outshapes of clay

      Adding coils ofclay

      Creating surfacetexture or pattern by impressing objects

      Roughening parts of thesurface

      Modelling forms on theinside of the container.

  1. Share jugs so far and discuss the techniquesthat have been used.


Annotated designs in sketchbooks.

Clay, board and tools.

  To use a variety ofmethods and approaches to communicate ideas, and to design and makea container form.


  To adapt their workaccording to their views and describe how they might develop itfurther.



  1. Children continue to make their container fromclay, adapting their design if and where necessary.
  2. Review work so far.


Ifany extra time allows, then chn may decide to paint their jugs whendry.

Completed clay containers.


Clay, boards and tools.




At the end of this unit, most children will beable to explore shape, form, space and decoration, workfrom source material to help them with their work, experiment withand combine materials and processes to design and make athree-dimensional for, compare and discuss ideas, methods and waysof working in others work, relating these to their own ideas,adapt and improve their own work as it progresses.



Some children will also be able toselect visual and otherinformation to help them to develop ideas, manipulate materials,tools and techniques to develop and extend their ideas for athree-dimensional form, combine visual and tactile qualities andmatch these to their ideas and intentions, analyse and comment onideas, methods and approaches used in their own and others work,relating this to their intentions, adapt and refine their work toreflect their own view of its purpose and meaning.