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NameYear 6 Oliver Twist
File 1247_Oliver Twist Year 6 based on Roman Polanski film.doc
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Independent groupactivities



Homework: To write acharacterisation of Bill Sykes


Day 1


Answer questions on anarrative text.

I canexplain how a writer has created a certain mood or feeling, makingreference to the text

I can understand hownarrative perspective has an impact on the reader

Explain to ch that wewill be studying both the film Roman Polanskis Oliver Twistand the playscript. Ask ch to say what they know about

Read OliversLondon -

Extract aboutworkhouses and London in Victorian times.

Explain Dickens setmany of his novels in London.

Answer questions onextract.

Look at sentencesfrom extract. Ask chn to identify the verbs in each sentence. Whattense is the verb? It is past tense?


As per Medium but using second comprehension which uses simplervocabulary.


Ch to answer readingcomprehension questions.



Chn can:

1. Identify theunderlying theme in a story.

2. Adapt sentences tochange their verb tense.

3. Write sentences inthe past tense.

Chn can:

1. Read a text andshow understanding through the answering of questions.



Write a couple ofchns answers on IWB. Choose chn to turn these into present tense!What changes need to be made? Remind chn that with many verbs yousimply add ed, can they think of other irregular verbs?E.g. Swim swam, ride rode.

Day 2


Improviseusing a range of drama strategies and conventions to explore themessuch as hopes, fears, desires

Identifydramatic ways of conveying characters ideas and buildingtension.

Compare playscriptwith film

Improviseusing a range of drama strategies and conventions to explore themessuch as hopes, fears, desires

Identifydramatic ways of conveying characters ideas and buildingtension.


Compare playscriptwith film

Sentence level: Ask ch to change tense of parts of playscript

How is the languagedifferent from how we speak today?

Playsequence where Oliver fights with Noah. Give ch copiesofplayscript for the scene.

Ask chwhat are the differences between the film and the playscript. Howdoes the film create atmosphere in the scene use of light/dark,music etc.

Whydoes Noah call Oliver

Sympathy for Oliver,sound, camera pans in to faces- emotion

Eg. StungOliver looks at him dangerously

Discussdirectors tools with ch camera /music/costume


Ch to act out scenebetween Noah and Oliver focusing oncharacterisation and expression.




Chn can:

1. Identifytechniques director has used to create certain effects

2. Ch can identifyways in which the director has used certain tools to conveyatmosphere and character emotion.


Ch to makenotes on the use of camera / light/dark/music. How are certain effects created using these tools?When does the camera zoom in how does this make us feel about thecharacter


Ch to actout scene from playscript focusing on characterisation andexpression.




Ask ch to talkdiscuss their observations after having studied both the film andthe playcript. What does the director add to the film that ismissing from the playscript?

Day 3

Mainfocus: Setting /Character

Considerthe overall impact of a live or recorded performance, identifyingdramatic ways of conveying characters' ideas and buildingtension

Toanalyse how messages, moods, feelings and attitudes are conveyed inthe film.

Makenotes whilst listening

Discuss setting : Chwatch ch 5 of the film where The Artful Dodger takes Oliver throughthe streets of London. They move along the streets, first goingthrough the well-to-do parts how does director visualise this peoples dress etc?

Jack turns down analleyway and the scenery changes dramatically.



Give chheadings to make notes - mindmap

Settings how do they change

Upperclass part of London to impoverished part, how does the scenechange

Thirdscene entering Fagins den. Surroundings and people what are theywearing, how do they speak. Can Oliver understand them? How doesFagin treat Oliver? Olivers feelings. How do we know how he isfeeling from watching the film?

Chn can:

1. Understand howthe film conveys characters feelings / emotions

2. Understand andexplain how the various settings are portrayed in the film

Day 4



Toanalyse how messages, moods, feelings and attitudes are conveyed inthe film.

Identifyingmoods and feelings

Todescribe characters

Use a range ofappropriate strategies to edit, proofread and correct spelling intheir own work.


Ch watch Ch 5 again.Comment on setting how does Oliver feel as he is walking throughLondon with Jack? The experience is completely new Is he scared,excited? What adjectives can we think of to describe the streets,the people, the alleyways?


Written accountof The Day I met Fagin

Ch write as Oliverin the first person and describe his journey through London withthe Artful Dodger, remembering to writein the 1st person, use paragraphs and appropriatepunctuation.

Chn can:

1. Write a story in aspecified time.

2. Make use of thefeatures of narrative.

3. Use correctpunctuation & spelling.


Read ch workcommenting on sentence structure, description ability to conveythe character and feelings of Oliver




The ch far exceededmy expectations the standard of their writing was high. They hadcaptured the character of Oliver in their writing. One of the SENch who usually finds it very difficult to write wrote the pieceunaided.

More focusneeded on use of paragraphs Also where, wear, were.





Day 5



Tounderstand how a film maker portrays information about acharacter.

Describecharacters in subtle and insightful ways.


To work in groups ch discuss with partners and then report back to teacher.

What can a filmmakerdo to replace the information about character and setting that islost when a narrator is eliminated? (Answers could include usingdialogue, the actors' abilities to communicate emotions and innerthoughts, scenery, costumes, sound.)

Ch watch variousextracts from Oliver how does the character of Oliver developthrough the film. Compare Oliver at the beginning of the film toOliver at the end. Has he changed much. Can experience and ourassociation with other people affect how we behave?




Ch create acharacter profile of Fagin using evidence from the film

Chn can:

1. Describecharacters to create a character profile.

2 Ch can usesupporting evidence from film to emphasise hypotheses.



Discuss chscharacter studies why is it important to back theories up withevidence?

Does Oliverscharacter emphasise the traits of the other characters in thefilm?










Independent groupactivities


Day 6



Tounderstand how a film maker portrays information about acharacter.

Describecharacters in subtle and insightful ways.


To spell unfamiliarwords correctly

Integrate images,words and sounds imaginatively


Explain that usingthe character profile that ch built up yesterday, they are going towrite about Fagin in two to three paragraphs.

Para1 Intro Who isFagin? What does he do? Physical description

Para2 His character,personality good and bad traits

Para3 Examples from thefilm to support his characteristics.


All Ch create aspider diagram using information from yesterday

Ch to write upcharacter study of Fagin focus paragraph

AA to useinformation collected yesterday to write two to three paras including imagery similes

A ch to write 2paras focusing on description.

BA ch to writeparagraph

Chn can:

1. Describecharacters to create a character profile.

2. Ch can usesupporting evidence from film to emphasise hypotheses


Talk about the lackof narrator in the film. How do we find out about characterswithout narration appearance- interaction with other characterswhat other characters say.

Emphasise importanceof variation in language. Avoid list- like description He has..He has.. How can we change the language to avoidrepetition.




Day 7

Comparehow writers from different times and places present experiences anduse language.

Write in the thirdperson( with dialogue)

Explain that ch aregoing to design the front page of The London Echo from1837.

Discuss examples ofvarious newspaper articles from 1830. Discuss difference inlanguage from newspapers today. Explain that London was a muchsmaller place in 1830.

Ch to watch scenebetween Bill and Nancy where Nancy is killed.

Explain that we aregoing to write a newspaper article

Sequence ofEvents.

Bet sees bloodseeping under the door


All Write draftversion of newspaper article reporting Bill Sykes death Warrantfor arrest.

Extn: Include anwitness account from Bet and policeman.

Ch can

Recount events insequence

Use dialogue as partof their newspaper report.

Use adjectives


Discussthe way in which we attract attention to our newspaperarticle.



Select anICT program to present text effectively and communicate informationand ideas

Use a range ofappropriate strategies to edit, proofread and correctspelling

Explain ch are goingto use Publisher to create a newspaper front page. Ask ch what isimportant when designing a newspaper pictures, headlines articles that will persuade reader to read inside. Details aboutcontents of newspaper.


Ch tocreate a front page of a newspaper using Publisher.

1. Ch can use an ICTprogram to create front page of a newspaper

2. Ch can usepowerful headlines.

3 Ch understandnewspaper layout to attract attention

Day 9

Tocomment critically on language and conventions of diarywriting


To rehearse work onverbs past tense, first person

To rehearse usingpast tense in recounting events

To rehearse thegeneric features of diary writing

Using paragraphs forchanges in time, event and action

What is it that makesdiary writing different from other pieces of recount writing andwhat are features of this text type?

Show ch Victoriandiary. Ask ch to give examples of features of diary writing

Explain key points indiary writing

Recount events inchronological order

Use past tense andfirst person

Ch watch part of filmof Oliver in workhouse. Tell them that they are going to write adiary as if they were Oliver.

Remember to describehow you are feeling. Ch to take notes asthey watch the film.


Ch write a diary entry as Oliver Twist based on histime at the workhouse


as abovebut using a writing frame

Chn can:

Recount Events inchronological order

Correctly use pasttense of regular/irregular verbs

Use a chatty orinformal style that appeals to readers

NB Takebooks home to mark comment on chs work tomorrow


Asktargeted ch to read out their work. Ask ch to identify features ofa diary in each others work.


Ch use key pointschecklist to make improvements in their work.

Day 10

To usedifferent narrative techniques to engage and entertain thereader

Read out a few ofchs entries from yesterday. Comment on good writing using correctstructure. Ask ch where writing could be improved. Ask them ifwriting is in past tense. Do we know how Oliver is feeling?

Explain that they aregoing to write a second entry describing his stay with theSowerberrys and his subsequent fight with Noah.

Ch to takenotes as they watch the film.

Ch write adiary entry as Oliver based on his time at the Sowerberrys

BA asyesterday.


PlenaryCh to swap books with partner and mark work using Tickled Pink andGrowing Green highlighting:

Use ofpast tense

Events inchronological order

CommunicatingOlivers feelings


Chn can:

Recount Events inchronological order

Correctly use pasttense of regular/irregular verbs

Use a chatty orinformal style that appeals to readers


Day 11

Selectan ICT program to present text effectively and communicateinformation and ideas.

Explain to ch thatthey are going to edit their work. Ask them what edit means. Theyneed to proofread their work to search for errors and makeimprovements.

They need to condensetheir work to fit onto one side of A4. Explain that they will haveone single sheet of A4 parchment paper to print their work usingWord.

Explain layout ofdiary and heading

Ch to typeup their diary entries using Word.

Ch usecalligraphy pens to add title of their diary after they haveprinted it.



I can use an ICTprogram to present my work in the style of a Victorian diaryextract.






Success criteria




   Identify themes in astory.

   Adapt simplesentences to change the verb tense.

   Write sentences inthe past tense.

   Identify simplestructures in stories.

   Produce a simplecharacter profile.

   Write in the firstperson to extend a diary entry.

   Begin to useparagraphs and punctuation in own writing.

   Read a text and showunderstanding through the answering of simple comprehensionquestions.

   Work in groups tocreate short dramatic scene.

   Write short sectionsof dialogue making use of speech marks.

   Use adverbs tosuggest HOW something is said.

   Use some synonymsfor said.

   Begin to write usingreported speech.

   Edit own work tosearch to make improvements.

   Write complexsentences by using connectives.

   Identify themes in astory.

   Adapt sentences tochange the verb tense.

   Write complexsentences in the past tense.

   Plan a diary extractusing simple structures.

   Express thoughtsabout a story giving reasons for opinions and referring to thetext.

   Evaluate a filmagainst criteria.

   Describe charactersthrough a character profile.

   Write in firstperson to extend a diary entry.

   Use paragraphs andpunctuation to organise writing & ensure clarity.

   Read a text and showunderstanding through the answering of comprehensionquestions.

   Work in groups tocreate short dramatic scene.

   Write short sectionsof dialogue making use of speech marks and associatedpunctuation.

   Use adverbs andadverbial phrases to suggest HOW something is said.

   Use synonyms forsaid.

   Write in the 3rdperson using reported speech.

   Edit and proofreadown work to search for errors and make improvements.

   Write complexsentences by using connectives & adding clauses.

   Identify themes in astory.

   Adapt sentences tochange their verb tense.

   Write complexsentences in the past tense.

   Plan a diary extractusing simple structures.

   Write a diaryextract in a specified time, making use of narrative features &correct punctuation/spelling.

   Describe charactersin subtle and insightful ways.

   Write in the firstperson to extend a diary entry.

   Use paragraphs andpunctuation to organise writing & ensure clarity.

   Read a text and showunderstanding through the answering of comprehensionquestions.

   Identify differencesbetween versions of a story.

   Work in groups tocreate short dramatic scene.

   Write short sectionsof dialogue making use of speech marks and associatedpunctuation.

   Use adverbs andadverbial phrases to suggest HOW something is said.

   Use synonyms forsaid.

   Write in the 3rdperson using reported speech.

   Edit and proofreadtheir own work to search for errors and make improvements.

   Write complexsentences by using connectives & adding clauses.