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Reception Scheme of Work Spring 1



Foundation StageMedium Term Planner - Personal Social andEmotional TermSpring 1 (Toys) Class


Spontaneous learningopportunities and ongoing


Resources, events,outings and visitors

1.     Continue to beinterested, excited and motivated to learn.

2.    Be confident to trynew activities, initiate ideas and speak in a familiargroup.

3.    Maintain attention,concentrate, and sit quietly when appropriate.

4.    Respond tosignificant experience showing a range of feelings whenappropriate.

5.    Have a developing awareness of their own needs, views and feelingsand be sensitive to the needs, views and feelings ofothers.

6.    Have a developing respect for their own culturesand beliefs and those of other people.

7.    Form goodrelationships with adults and peers.

8.    Work as part of agroup or class, taking turns and sharing fairly, understanding thatthere needs to be agreed values and codes of behaviour for groupsof people, including adults and children, to work togetherharmoniously.

9.    Understand what isright, what is wrong, and why.

10.  Consider theconsequences of their words and actions for themselves andothers.

11.   Dress and undressindependently and manage their own personal hygiene.

12.  Select and useactivities and resources independently.

13.  Understand thatpeople have different needs, views, cultures and beliefs, that needto be treated with respect.

Understand that theycan expect others to treat their needs, views, cultures and beliefswith respect.

     Circle time talk,listen, ask questions, contribute own feelings and ideas

     Review of the day share achievements with the group

     Show work to classand in assemblies

     Establish simpleroutines of the day

     Take turns to uselimited equipment e.g. bikes, computer etc.

     Use self help systems- aprons, milk, register

     Choose from a widerange of activities on offer daily

     Respond tosuggestions to try new activities

     Use availableresources to develop own work

     Tell others aboutnew/exciting activities

     Encourage friends tojoin in

     Join in discussionsabout stories and books that emphasise moral issues

     Explore stories aboutcaring for each other through role-play, small world andpuppetry

     Play name games tofamiliarise each other with new class members

     Play game "hide andseek with classroom objects to familiarise new children with theclassroom areas

     Review positive classrules together make up classroom signs to emphasisethem

     Role play rules andmanners to establish class protocols

     Celebrate Chinese NewYear

     Circle time contribute to discussions about looking after toys in theclassroom

     Introduce new ideasfor exploring toys through stories and books etc.

     Ask questions abouttoys that others have brought in

     In small groups, talkabout how toys work

     Look at photographsof old toys and compare to new toys

     Circle time todiscuss moral issues in Pinocchio story

     In a group decidewhat to include in the class shop

     Share food forChinese New Year

     Retell toy storieswith puppets and small world toys in small groups

     Ask a visitor abouttheir toys when they were young

     Empathise with Davein the Dogger story and relate to own experience

     Recount a specialevent about a toy at home to a small group

     In small groupsdiscuss ideas for making toy models

     Find out about thetoys that your parents played with




Foundation StageMedium Term Planner - Communication, Language andLiteracy Term Spring 1(Toys) Class


Spontaneous learningopportunities and ongoing


Resources, events,outings and visitors

1.      Interact with others, negotiating plans andactivities and taking turns in conversation.

2.     Enjoy listening to and using spoken and writtenlanguage, and readily turn to it in their play andlearning.

3.     Sustain attentivelistening, responding to what they have heard by relevant comments,questions or actions.

4.     Listen withenjoyment, and respond to stories, songs and other music, rhymesand poems and make up their own songs, rhymes and poems.

5.     Extend theirvocabulary, exploring the meanings and sounds of newwords.

6.     Speak clearly andaudibly with confidence and control and show awareness of thelistener, for example by their use of conventions such asgreetings, please and thank you.

7.     Use language toimagine and recreate roles and experiences.

8.     Use talk to organisesequence and clarify thinking, ideas, feelings andevents.

9.     Hears and says soundin words.

10.   Blends sounds inwords

11.    Link sounds toletters, naming and sounding the letters of thealphabet.

12.   Use their phonicknowledge to write simple regular words and make phoneticallyplausible attempts at more complex words.

13.   Explore andexperiment with sounds, words and texts.

14.   Retell narratives inthe correct sequence, drawing on language pattern ofstories.

15.   Read a range offamiliar and common words and simple sentencesindependently.

16.   Know that printcarries meaning and, in English, is read from left to right and topto bottom.

17.   Show an understandingof the elements of stories, such as main character, sequence ofevents, and openings, and how information can be found innon-fiction texts to answer questions about where, who, why andhow.

18.   Use their phonicknowledge to write simple regular words and make phoneticallyplausible attempts at more complex words.

19.   Attempt writing fordifferent purposes, using features of different forms such aslists, stories and instructions.

20.  Write their own namesand other things such as labels and captions and begin to formsimple sentences, sometimes using punctuation.

21.   Use a pencil and holdit effectively to form recognisable letters, most of which arecorrectly formed.

     Talk about personalexperiences in class and group circle times, review times, classdiscussions

     Use imaginative talkin role play, small world play, puppet play

     Listen attentively ingroup times, play and to audio tapes

     Converse with othersin all classroom areas

     Develop languageskills through structured and unstructured discussions linked tobooks, topics, routines, events etc.

     Choose to look atbooks alone and with others

     Bring books and takebooks home

     Read class labels,names, signs

     Talk about picturesin books

     Retell familiarstories in role-play and small world etc.

     Join in stories,rhymes and songs

     Talk about ownexperiences related to content of book

     Make up own storiesinspired by books, poems, pictures, music etc

     Make marks to signifywriting

     Write cards,invitations, lists, books, labels, signs, messages, instructions,letters, guessing cards, zig-zag books, flap books

     Write name at everyopportunity sign up for dinner, computer, bikes, as label formodels, on any work on paper

     Practice formingletters and patterns using pens, pencils, crayons, chalks, paints,sand, dough

Texts: Fiction Kippers Toybox, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Dogger,Were Going on a Bear Hunt, The train ride, Poetry MissPolly had a Dolly, Non Fiction Looking at Teddy Bears andother books from the library.


     Develop role playarea into a toy shop

     Make up imaginativestories about toys

     Listen to above textson the tape-recorder

     Retell above textswith magnetic story props/small world toys/puppets

     Make labels andposters for the toy shop

     Make shopping listsfor the class shop

     Write guess whatcards to describe different toys

     Retell Old bear ina teddy shape book

     Contribute to bigclass information book toys

     Make a thank-youletter for a visitor

     Make a zig-zag bookabout journey of a wheeled toy that comes to life

     Contribute to classWheres my teddy? lift the flap book

     Make get well cardsfor Miss Pollys Dolly

     Compose group trainpoems

     Contribute to largeclass outing book about old and new toys

     Write instructions tomake toys move

    Form letters in namecorrectly using pens, paints, sand, by labelling models + signingup for class surveys.


Foundation StageMedium Term Planner - Mathematics Term Spring 1(Toys) Class


Spontaneous learningopportunities and ongoing


Resources, events,outings and visitors


1.     Say and use numbernames in order in familiar contexts.


2.    Count reliably up to10 everyday objects.


3.    Recognise numerals 1to 9.


4.    Use developingmathematical ideas and methods to solve practicalproblems.


5.    In practicalactivities and discussion begin to use the vocabulary in adding andsubtracting.


6.    Use language such asmore or less to compare two numbers.


7.    Find one more or oneless than a number from one to 10.


8.    Begin to relateaddition to combining two groups of objects and subtraction totaking away.


9.    Use language such asgreater, smaller, heavier or lighter to comparequantities.


10.  Talk about, recogniseand recreate simple patterns.


11.   Use language such ascircle or bigger to describe the shape and size of solids andflat shapes.


12.  Use everyday words todescribe position.


13.  Use developingmathematical ideas and methods to solve practicalproblems.

     Sing number songs andrhymes

     Count 1-5, 1-10,1-20

     Count a set ofobjects (5, 10, 20) giving just one number name to eachobject

     Play recognitionerror games with puppet e.g. count same object twice, miss out anobject, make an error in counting sequence, touch but dont name,summarise incorrectly)

     Count in tens andtwos

     Recognise numerals1-9, then 0 and 10, then 10 and beyond

     Recognise numeralsfamiliar to them

     Count numbers on anumber track

     Read numbers fromindividual cards

     Find a number from agiven selection

     Match numbers to setsof objects

     Find a number on aclock face, till, telephone, calculator etc.

     Spot numbers in theclass, school, environment

     Begin to recognise 0as zero

     Use number cards aslabels for sets

     Begin to recognisenumber names e.g. three

     Compare two numbersand say which is more or less

     Say a number whichlies between two given numbers

     Begin to use thevocabulary of adding and subtracting

     Find one more or oneless than a number from 1-10

     Add new children topictogram / graph birthdays in months

     Add new children toage pictogram which changes over the year I am 4, I am 5 picturemoves on childs birthday

     Collect informationin a survey about favourite toys and count responses

     Sort toys into setsof materials they are made of and count and label

     Sort toys into setsof how different toys work e.g. magnetic, non-magnetic

     Label posters forclass toy shop with prices less than 10p

     Solve simplepractical problems and respond to what could we try next? e.g.using money in the class toy shop

     Practice ordinalnumber when racing cars and vehicles down slopes and whendiscussing the Chinese New Year Story

     Compare the weightsof two/three toys guess then check.

     Find a toy that isheavier or lighter than this one guess then check

     Use compare bears toweigh using different classroom equipment e.g. how many unifixcubes weigh the same as 5 small compare bears

     Compare twocapacities of containers in the sand and water trays

     Order threecapacities of containers

     Use full, empty,more, less, half, full, nearly, same as, heavy, light, heavier,lighter when exploring quantities




Foundation StageMedium Term Planner -Knowledge and Understanding of theWorld Term Spring 1(Toys) Class


Spontaneous learningopportunities and ongoing


Resources, events,outings and visitors

1.     Investigate objectsand materials by using all of their senses asappropriate.

2.    Find out about, andidentify, some features of living things, objects and events theyobserve.

3.    Look closely atsimilarities, differences, patterns and change.

4.    Ask questions aboutwhy things happen and how things work.

5.    Build and construct witha wide range of objects, selecting appropriate resources, andadapting their work where necessary.

6.    Select the tools andtechniques they need to shape, assemble and join materials they areusing.

7.    Find out about andidentify the uses of everyday technology and use communicationtechnology and programmable toys to support theirlearning.

8.    Find out about pastand present events in their own lives, and in those of theirfamilies and other people they know.

9.    Observe, find outabout and identify features in the place they live and the naturalworld.

10.  Find out about theirenvironment, and talk about those features they like anddislike.

  1. Begin to know abouttheir own cultures and beliefs and those of otherpeople.




     Explore textures suchas wet/dry sand, dough, sand mousse, gravel, talc, etc.

    Talk about events inhome lives.

    Observe thingsclosely, record through drawing and modelling

    Discuss changes,patterns, similarities and differences e.g. observe and record theweather

    Use computers,calculators, programmable toys, tape recorders, camerasconfidently

     Explore modellingthrough clay, junk, fabric, construction kits, cookery,woodwork

    Use small world androle play to explore other lives and environments

    Visit other peopleand places

     Find out about theworld through looking at books, pictures, artefacts, talking tovisitors

     Develop language oftime through sequencing events and daily routines


     Sort toys into setsof materials they are made of

     Sort toys into setsof how different toys work e.g. battery, not battery

     Sew a puppet andexplore making different types of puppets (string, hand,stick)

     Make a small worldplay mat with slopes for cars and other wheeled vehicles

     Make a moving toye.g. a glider, kite, parachute, robot, car etc.

     Make a magnetic boardgame by attaching a paper clip to a figure above the board andusing a magnet below the board to move it or making a fishinggame

     Take toys apart usingscrewdrivers and spanners etc.

     Sort old and newtoys

     Listen to stories onthe classroom tape recorder

     Make a graph offavourite toys on the class computer

     Draw a teddy or softtoy on colour magic

     Direct a floor turtleor roamer

     Use a remote controlto move a toy

     Take photos of toysto use for guess what cards

     Bring in toys fromhome for a class display

     Recall toys that youplayed with when you were little

     Talk about thejourney to and around the toy museum

     Ask a mum/grandparentto come in and talk about toys they played with and games theyplayed when they were young

     Find out about thetoys that you parents played with

     Compare old and newtoys




Foundation StageMedium Term Planner - Physical Term Spring 1(Toys) Class


Spontaneous learningopportunities and ongoing


Resources, events,outings and visitors


1.     Move with confidence,imagination and safety.



2.    Move with control andco-ordination.



3.    Travel around, under,over and through balancing and climbing equipment.



4.    Show awareness ofspace, of themselves and of others.



5.    Recognise theimportance of keeping healthy and those things which contribute tothis.



6.    Recognise the changesthat happen to their bodies when they are active.



7.    Use a range of smalland large equipment.



8.    Handle tools,objects, construction and malleable materials safely and withincreasing control.








     Explore range ofclimbing, balancing and sliding apparatus, wheeled toys, bats andballs, hoops etc. in the outside area

    Join in PE lessonsthat focus on travelling skills (running, hopping, skipping,jumping) and body parts

     Play sending andreceiving games with bats and balls, bean bags, quoits, hoopsetc.

Fine motor

     Solve range ofjigsaws

     Sewing cards,binca, holes punched in paper

     Threading beads,reels, pasta, shapes etc.


     Make collages/modelsusing scissors, glue, tape, paper, junk

     Use woodwork toolswith support

     Use paintbrushes andmark-makers

     Play with sand andwater toys,

     Use computer keys andmouse

     Model with dough,clay, plasticine rolling pins and cutters, etc.

     Explore textures e.g.gravel, talc,

     Use cutleryindependently at lunchtimes



     Adopt healthy andhygienic routines throughout the school day

     Play games to developspatial awareness

     Explore ways oftravelling under, over and through equipment emphasising body shapee.g. wide, tall, small, curling and stretching

     Represent varioustoys e.g. puppets, jack-in-a-box, cars through dances usingpercussion instruments as accompaniment emphasising dynamics offast/slow, jerky/smooth, tense/floppy etc.

     Make a toy jigsaw bydrawing a picture on thin card, covering it with tacky back andcutting shapes.

     Practice sewingskills by making puppets (hand, stick, string)

     Make toys fromdough

     Complete jigsawpuzzles

     Make a robot junkmodel

     Dress up with toymasks to create imaginative stories

     Thread jewellery fordolls

    Print patterns usingwheeled toys

     Draw old and newtoys

    Make constructionvehicles with wheels




Foundation StageMedium Term Planner - Creative Term Spring 1(Toys) Class


Spontaneous learningopportunities and ongoing


Resources, events,outings and visitors


1.     Explore colour,texture, shape, form and space in two or threedimensions.





2.    Recognise and explorehow sounds can be changed, sing simple songs from memory, recogniserepeated sounds and sound patterns and match movements tomusic.





3.    Use their imaginationin art and design, music, dance, imaginative and role-play andstories.





4.    Respond in a varietyof ways to what they see, hear, smell, touch and feel.





5.    Express andcommunicate their ideas, thoughts and feelings by using a wideningrange of materials, suitable tools, imaginative and role-play,movement, designing and making, and a variety of songs and musicalinstruments.






     Collage withdifferent fabrics, papers, foods and materials

     Painting (finger,bubble, hand, splatter) with different sized brushes, differenttypes of paints on different sized, shaped and texturedpaper.

     Printing with string,shapes, food, leaves, lino,

     Drawing with pencils,pens, crayons, chalks, charcoal on different sized, shaped andtextured paper.

     Modelling with junk,clay, dough, construction, wood

     Look at paintings andother forms of art and discuss content and style



     Recreate and make upnew characters and stories through imaginative and small worldplay



    Make music throughsinging, body sounds, classroom objects and musicalinstruments

    Listen to a widerange of music from around the world and from differenttimes

     Respond to musicthrough painting, drawing and writing

    Dance to a range ofmusic from around the world and from different times

     Make a collage toy tocontribute to a larger class frieze of a toy shop

     Design posters forthe class toy shop

     Observation drawingsof old and new toys using chalks/charcoal

    Paint a favouritetoy

     Sew hand/string/stickpuppets

     Draw a toy picture,cover it with tacky back and cut it up to make a jigsaw

     Design a new toy forthe future

    Make toy masks fordressing up in

     Print patterns usingtoy shapes

     Make a small worldplay mat using collage and junk materials





     Role play scenes inthe class toy shop

     Make up imaginativestories about toys coming alive

     Small world play withpuppets

     Play with small worldtoys imaginatively

     Create dances torepresent different toys e.g. balls, puppets,jack-in-a-box,




    Sing songs relatingto toys e.g. Ive got no strings to hold me down, Teddy bearspicnic, Train is-a coming

    Make music for toydances e.g. bouncing balls, string puppets,

    Use repeated patternsof sound to accompany story of Oi! get off my train


Invite a grandparentin