Name | Science- life cycles |
Owner | beckyf |
Level | 4 |
Topic | Science |
Unit | Life cycles |
Description | Life cyles medium term planning |
File 1 | 38_Medium Term Planning Sheet- Science Life Cycles.doc |
File 2 |
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St. Matthews CE Primary School Medium Term PlanningSheet | |||
Subject: Science | NC PoS (Keyobjectives): Sc1:2c,d,e,f,g,h,I,j,k,l,m,n Sc2: 1a,b. 2f, 3a,d. | ||
Topic: Life Cycles | |||
Teacher: Miss France | |||
Year / Class: Year 4/5 | |||
Date: Autumn 2 | |||
LearningObjectives | Activity | Cross CurricularOpportunities | |
Lesson 1: Fruits andseeds
Lesson 2:
Lesson 3: Lesson 4:
Lesson 5:
Lesson 6:
Lesson 7:
| Intro topic- Life cycles-show children key vocab for topic- can anyone think about what thistopic may involve looking at? Show children a variety of fruits-apples, oranges, tomato, strawberries, beans. Remind children thatall of these fruits come from plants. Discuss which part of theplant we eat, if any? Cut some of the fruits in half and observewhere the seeds are. What are the seeds for- why are they produced?( to produce offspring. Pick a child to play theparent plant- give them balls of paper ( offspring) disperse themfrom outstretched arms- where they land a new plant will grow. Whatwould be the result of this- over crowding- how could this beavoided? Talk about the range of ways seeds can be dispersed- wind,insects. Use the photos frominteractive CD- look at structure of each plant- how do we thinkthe seeds are dispersed?
Activity: each group has arange of seeds- ( runner beans ( explosion), dandelions (wind)strawberries- (animals) etc) Children draw a labeled diagram ofeach seed/ fruit- labeling where seeds are stored and write a briefexplanation of how its structure dictates how it can bedispersed. Children write a briefexplanation of each type of dispersal ( LA: completeworksheets).
Using the interactive CDshow children pictures of sycamore seeds- discuss why they areknown as helicopters- they spin their way to the ground. Readpage 22 of pupil book with class. In pairs discuss how we couldinvestigate the best shape for seed dispersal- what are we going tochange, keep the same, test etc. Show children an example of aspinner- focus on length of wings. Children complete investigationsheet- plan, prediction etc. In groups of 4 children have copy ofPCM 14, blank paper, stopwatch. Children carry out test and recordresults on PCM 15. Write up results on sheet and completeinvestigation sheet. Children use data recordedin table to create a line graph (this will help children drawconclusions about what makes the best spinner) What does this tell us seeddispersal- the larger the wings the further they will travel in thewind?
Remind children of MrsGren- things that all living things need. Read pupil book page 24-discuss the ideas suggested- how can we make the seeds happy?Ensure the class realize that none of the factors discussed in thebook on their own are a fair test- they need to be combined to testthe conditions needed. The challenge is to identify what conditionsa seed needs to germinate quickly. Discuss how to make the testfair and reliable. Agree as a class on a set of growinginstructions- 10ml of water, bed of cotton wool, room temp andlight. ( REMEMBER: only change one condition at a time!) Begin towrite up investigation. Each table plants someseeds- same number of seeds and water etc. Each table will changeone condition.
Create a record chart tomonitor progress in each condition over next five days. Seedsshould be checked every day and count the number germinated eachday. A different child should check each day and record results oncharts and on class graph. After a week give children time tocomplete their own table of results and complete a linegraph. Children given time towrite up results of investigation and begin to make a conclusionabout the results. Which conditions allow the seeds to germinatefastest- why?
( Because children will beplanting seeds and writing up experiment the lesson timing could bealtered- those who finish early can plant their own seed and paintthe plant pot to make a cress head- they decided which conditionthey want to place their plant into grow- take home when fullygrown)
Ask children if they knowwhat pollination means? Pollination is when pollen from the malepart of a flower is transferred to the female part of/ UseInteractive CD to demo pollination. Recap about type of dispersal-wind and insects- if done by insects plant tend to be bright andcolourful- why? Show children grass flowers and roses to highlightexample even further. Use PP- pollination-discuss the male and female parts- use a real flower to help showchildren examples. Children locate the parts on their flowers as wetalk through the presentation. Activity- each child has atulip- take apart the flower as we talk- on paper use the petals tobuild up a circle, remove the stamen and stigma- place on thepaper- cut the ovary in half to reveal the ovules. Stick the wholething done to create a 2D flower- annotate the picture ( use page27 as guide)
Take a photo of eachpicture to stick in each book as evidence.
Use PCM 18- talk throughthe life cycle of plant all children complete HA draw their ownlife cycle with a an explanation of each stage. MA/ LA cut out thepictures and rearrange into the correct order. Label each stage. (Use page 26 of year 5 science as guide)
Show them pictures of babyanimals- Interactive CD- why do kangaroos carry their young in apouch? Why do mothers carry their babies? Remind children of lifecycle of plant- are the stage the same in animals- both produceoffspring, have young which grow older and reproduce. Read page28-29- discuss the ideas. Use PCM 19 children complete theworksheet and questions. Go through frog andbutterfly life cycles on CD. Children look at life cycles of otheranimals- children chose from frog, butterfly- children research thelife cycle of one of the animals- in their science books draw andexplain the life cycle of their chosen animal- focusing on thestages.
Recap life cycle work sofar. Ask children to think about the stages in a human life cycle.Use CD to help explain the stages. Use pictures children havecollected begin to make their own life cycle- stick pictures incorrect order and explain what they learnt to do at that time oftheir life ands what their parents did for them( use two colours todistinguish) . What stages are missing- ask children to think aboutthe future and what they would like to become- draw and explain thenext steps in their life cycle. What job would they like to have,where would they like to live etc?
Complete PCM 21- familytress- can they begin to make their own up.
What have children noticed-as they grow up they become less dependent on their parents why? | Numeracy- bar and linegraphs- present results.
Literacy- explanation ofprocesses in life cycles.
DT- designing best shapefor a spinner.
ICT- presenting resultsusing graphical tools. | |