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NamePoetry Year 4, Week 1
File 1187_Poetry 28.01.08.doc
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Reid Street Primary School: Weekly English/LiteracyPlan

Reid Street Primary School: WeeklyEnglish/Literacy Plan Class 4B/4W Week Beginning28.01.08


Text(s): A variety ofinstructional texts


Whole class sharedreading/writing

Whole class phonics,spelling, vocabulary, grammar, punctuation

Independentgroup/individual tasks






Introduce genre of poetry. Tell chn that poetryhas rhythm derived from syllable pattern and/or rhyme / repetitionof vowel / consonant sounds. Illustrate this through asking chn tochoose a number, which will correspond with a paint colour. Theseto be placed in sequence to create a nonsense poem, e.g. EmeraldMoon and Sky Blue,

Rich Velvet and Blossom White.

Discuss how words and phrases evoke images. Chnto listen to teacher recite The Night Mail, The Wendigo, TheJumblies, stopping after each one to Think-Pair-Share and listvivid images. Talk about soft words and sharp words, refer tosyllables creating the rhythm in The Night Mail.

Chnto examine The Wendigo in more detail suffixes ish andwise.

Discuss images and colours referred to in TheWendigo. Inferential questions such as If it lollops, what kindof legs will it have? Chn will create pastel artwork of theWendigo, having focussed on descriptive elements. Chn will copyout their favourite descriptive lines in besthandwriting.

Refer back to poem on IWB. Showcase some of thepastel works who has best captured the pictures in evoked by thewords?

Understand that poetry needs rhyme, rhythm orrepetition.

Read poetry, identify imagery and offer personalopinions.



Re-read The Jumblies. Small groups of chn toproduce freeze-frames from one then the other.


Examine carefully Lears use of language,imagery, alliteration, rhyme, repetition. Chn to suggest actionsto accompany And they went to sea in a sieve, Far and few,Their heads are green act out as a class.

Discuss how The Jumblies could be translated intoa play / action rhyme. What would we need to include, amend oromit? Shared writing / model first few lines of dialogue onboard. Chn to act out this and next part in groups. Then, smallmixed ability groups to create next part.

Some groups to act out their plays. Self, peerand teacher evaluation, have chn brought poem to life?

Beable to recognise similes, metaphors and other imagery.

Work cooperatively towrite a play based on a poem.



Shared reading of Dancing with Daffodilsand Willow and Ginko. Refer to fact that both havesimiles. Chn to identify similes in small groups comment oneffect. Discuss how these are useful if writers and poets want usto think of something specific. Use starter activity at embed concept of similes.


Introduce The Anglo-Saxon legendary beast: TheGrendel. Say that chn will be writing poems based on thistomorrow. Today they will create similes to help them forthis.

Chnwill create imagery of The Grendel using similes.


LA to have bank of similes as stimulus and Teachersupport.


AA to have bank of similes.


HA to produce own similes using prompts.

Read and share some of the similes. Which do welike best? Why?

Ican describe something using a simile.


Ican write my own similes.

Thurs other potentially suitable similes. Poem to have a refrainsimilar to The Wendigo but based on the legend of theGrendel.

Shared writing of the first few lines, toincorporate the refrain The Grendel, The Grendel.


LA to have adult support and continue poem fromboard.


AA to create own poem with refrain andrhyme.


HA must also consider rhythm and usemetaphors.

Read their poem to a response partner who mustcomment on three positive aspects and one suggestion forimprovement. Refer to success criteria.


Discuss how these can be improved usingPowerPoint.

Write poetry with similes, metaphors (HA),repetition, rhyme and rhythm.


Extended Writing Chn to produce final draft ofGrendel Poem

Success Criteria: similes, metaphor, repetition, rhyme andrhythm.

Other Work

ICT: chn to type up poemsusing PowerPoint. Choose font, text colour, image andanimation.

Art: chn to produceGrendel monster stories in Aboriginal painting style.