Name | Robin Hood - Myths and Legends |
Owner | loobylou |
Level | 5 |
Topic | Literacy |
Unit | Narrative |
Description | Robin Hood1 |
File 1 | 237_Robin Hood 2 4.2.08.doc |
File 2 |
☝️ Download Planning |
Phase 2 | |||||
Phase 2 | Objectives
| Whole-Class SharedSession
| Guided andIndependent Activities | Plenary/SuccessCriteria
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Objectives: Comparedifferent types of narrative text Explorehow writers use language for comic and dramatic effects | Ask chn what they think of when youtalk about legends are there any stories that come to theirminds, hopefully will suggest King Arthur scribe ideas onwhiteboard create a checklist of features of legends *characters shrouded in mystery could be real not sure but set in real places and in realhistoric times Also Repetition repeated phrases,motifs, etc. Use of a set pattern to the verse orto the story (beginning = set up situation, middle = action, end =conclusion, usually amusing or humorous and often with a twist inthe tail.) Use of significant numbers (3, 7etc.) Stock characters: - big, braveside-kick - baddy,villain Perhaps a slightly unconventionalsweetheart
Read and discuss whiteboard file Robin Hood Plot the narrative using a line graphto demonstrate where tension is developed and how (IWB file) Use flipchart suspense techniques(IWB file) | Talk about how legendary stories arepassed on from generation to generation oral storytelling howdoes this affect the story changing it
Read other Robin Hood story -Marion
MUST I can recognise featuresof a legend SHOULD I can explain the featuresof a legend COULD I can give examples offeatures of a legend
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Objectives: Adaptsentence construction to different text types Punctuatesentences accurately | Investigate the useof punctuation within the legend and use IWB tools (undo, redo,annotate, capture, cut and paste) to manipulate and investigatethe effects made when punctuation and sentence structureamnipulated Use pink IWB file- what would would make these sentences clearer? Use yellow IWB file How many different ways could we combine these sentences linkto VCOP
Show 2 clips of RH from film and BBC trailers are these characters portrayeddifferently? Why? What do we know about Robin Hood? Model the start ofa character description about Robin, demonstrating how to include avraiety of sentences and using the most appropriateconnective. | Partner work- .Read Friar tuck story with a partner retell orally story from point of view of Friar Tuck and thenRobin.
Rewrite story from each point of viewapplying complex sentences. | Read Much The Millers son
Success Criteria MUST Use capital letters andfull stops correctly Use connectives SHOULD Choose connectivesappropriate to the sentence COULD Use commas within asentence
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Phase 2 | Objectives: Compare the usefulness of techniquessuch as visualisation, prediction and empathy in exploring themeaning of texts
| Take one centralcharacter Marion, Robin or the Sheriff and further explore thatcharacters personality. What do we think their innermost feelingswould be at given points within the stories. What do we know aboutthe characters so far?
Use Thoughts,feelings, dialogue IWB file
Watch some interviewswith the actors that played the characters in the TV series ????Tell chn that a director would spend a lot of time looking for theright actors to suit the character in the film or show. Whenselected they would be given a detailed character profile so thatthey can get into character. If they are going to be believed bythe audience they actually are that person rather than an actorplaying them, they need to understand who they are. Explain thatchn are going to write a character profile for an actor to play arole in the new TV series Robin Hood.
| Listen to lots of chns profiles others to add in extra ideas that hadnt occurred to them to buildup as bigger picture as possible of their chosen character
Success Criteria MUST I can write a characterprofile SHOULD I can use shortdescriptive sentences in my profile COULD Ican describe a character through their appearance, actions andinnermost feelings | ||
BIGWRITING Adaptsentence construction to different text types Punctuatesentences accurately
| PREVIOUS DAYRecap oncharacters met so far Robin, Little John, Friar Tuck, Allan aDale, Sheriff of Nottingham, and what we know about them. Tell thechn that they will be writing a diary entry for that character fora day in one of the stories they have read.
Remind chn to write inthe 1st person as if they are the character! Encouragechn to use the character descriptions to help. Are they insidetheir character? Think about how they would talk about the othercharacters.
See separateplan. |
| Success Criteria MUST I can write in the1st person SHOULD I can write from the pointof view of a character COULD I can show therelationship between my character and others in my writing | ||
| Objective: Explorehow writers use language for comic and dramatic events.
Experimentwith order of sections and paragraphs to achieve differenteffects
Makenotes on and use evidence from across a text to explain events orideas
| Re-read Story of Friar Tuck (useMarcia Williams cartoon version) and demo how to plot on tensiongraph Talk through howtension ebbs and flows during story how does a storyteller/writerensure he/she keeps audience interested?
Have on the board some of the keyevents of the Golden Arrow story in the incorrect order chn tore-order and to help re-tell the story
Which character could be telling thisstory? How do we know?
How would the sentenceschange if the Sheriff was telling the story? Select some of thesentences and re-write. What type of language would the Sheriffuse? | Different chn to re-tell Golden Arrowstory, using their notes, as the Sheriff
Success Criteria MUST I can retell a story fromthe point of view of a character SHOULD I can make notes usingwords and sentences appropriate to that character COULD I can make notes on allaspects of a text, including events, actions and charactersfeelings. | ||
Evaluation: Notes fornext steps:
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