Name | Y2 Trad Tales |
Owner | NAIRN73 |
Level | 2 |
Topic | Literacy |
Unit | Traditional Tales |
Description | An outline of a three day unit for writing a new version of a traditional tale |
File 1 | 159_Y2 Traditional Tales.doc |
File 2 |
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Termly CurricularTarget
KS1 TraditionalTales |
Learning Objectives/Success Criteria: Genre:
| Sentence
| Text
| Word/ SentenceLevel | Shared Writing andReading
| Activities | Plenary |
Monday | Guess That Fairy Tale. Chn to sit in trayplaces with a piece of scrap paper between 2, then they look at 12picture clues on the IWB and they have to guess the name of thestory being portrayed. From this can they guess what our literacytopic is Fairy Stories / Traditional Tales | Look at final list of fairytales. Can we add tothe list? What makes a tale a fairytale?
Link to work through up to book block graph
Show chart and discuss.
| Inpairs children will complete fairytale characteristics chart, thendiscuss in fours and then in 8s. Snowballing technique. Mixed ability
Selection of books and stories on each table tohelp the children complete the chart
All adults to circulate around children andsupport/challenge as appropriate | Compile class chart of fairytales we know andtheir characteristics.
Display word doc on IWB and complete |
Tuesday | Pips ow
The Ow Poem discuss the different spellingsfor ow but also that not all ow words make the same sound
ow/ou phoneme maker
Talk about tradition of oral story tellingchoose a well known story and tell in a circle one sentence at atime
GandT to complete a Goldilocks SequencingActivity in pairs
| Compare versions of Goldilocks and the ThreeBears Begin with traditional retelling then look at amodern and more humorous Use two whiteboard versions the first startswith Goldilocks The second starts with the bears | Ingroups list things that stay the same and things writers havechanged
Comparing Goldilocks
The Same Different table to be drawn intochildrens literacy books
GTextension what else could be changed but so the story would stillwork? What would you change to make your own version ofGoldilocks? | List stories with 3 or 7 in the title and set achallenge for children can they find another story with thosenumbers in title that we hadnt thought of.
Wednesday | PiPs games ow
Feedback from challenge set yesterday and addany new titles to list.
Read the story the Three Wishes How do we know this is a traditional tale? Tellchildren that we are going to write our own versions of the threewishes
| Using big book orally tell a new version of thestory using prompts provided
Introduce childrens planning sheets anddiscuss | Activities
Toplan a new version of the story
Groups 1, 2 and 3 planning sheet
Groups 4 and 5 tick sheets
| Plenary tell stories to each other in pairssuggest improvements etc
| Word/ SentenceLevel
| Shared Writing andReading
| Activities | Plenary |
Thursday | PiPs games ow
Looking at story language and thinking about ourown story writing what do we need to think about
| Using the plan of a chosen child model writingstory focusing on use of language | Write stories in literacy books
Focus groups on their chosen writingtarget
| Reads stories so far and comment on use oflanguage |
Friday | PiPs games Test on ow compound words Give out oy compound words
| Activities |
High OrderQuestions
Tuesday Word Level Workfocus