Name | Weather around the World |
Owner | scareyfairy |
Level | 3 |
Topic | Geography |
Unit | Weather |
Description | Mt plan Y3 - weather |
File 1 | 233_Weather around the World.doc |
File 2 |
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CLASS: Year 3SUBJECT: GeographyFOCUS :Weatheraround the World DATE:Spring 1sthalf | |||||
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1 | To investigateplaces To use andinterpret globes, atlases and maps with increasingconfidence. | Discuss whypeople go on holiday, identify weather as an important factor.Children identify places they have visited on a world map or globe,reporting on typical weather and leisure activities. | Maps Globes Blank PCMs worldmap Postcards & holidaybrochures
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Upper On a world maplocate popular holiday destinations and write a short paragraphdescribing the place from information they have discovered. | Lower On a world map locatesome Given holidaydestinations And match picturesof Weather to theplace.
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2 | To ask and respondto Geographical questions (S&L) To recognisepatterns To use geographicalvocabulary appropriately To know aboutweather conditions around the world. | Discuss where hot andcold places are distributed around the world. Introduce the idea ofclimatic zones. Model a globe picture and highlight the differentclimatic zones. | Atlases PCM Worldclimates PCM What is weatherlike? |
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Upper Locate a list ofgiven places on a globe/map and decide what the weather would be inthat place according to the climatic zone. | Lower
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3 | To ask and respondto geographical questions To recognise placesand understand how places relate to each other To understand aboutweather conditions around the world. | Look at differentholiday destinations in brochures. Discuss variety. Discuss whattypes of people would enjoy these holidays. Identify places on amap & identify climatic zone. Discuss clothing required for eachparticular holiday. | Holidaybrochures. Figures & Clothespictures. |
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Upper Choose one holidaydestination. Write and illustrate an advert considering targetaudience. Illustrate using appropriately clothed people. | Lower Dress figures forappropriate holiday. |
CLASS: Year 3SUBJECT: GeographyFOCUS :Weather around theWorld DATE:Spring 1sthalf | |||||
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4 | To investigate places. To use secondary sources to locateinformation and facts. To recognise weather conditionsaround the world To identify similarities anddifferences To use ICT to accessinformation. | Revisit fromlast week possible holiday destinations and discuss favouriteholiday in experience of children. Model a posteradvertising favourite holiday destination of Teacher, advertisingthe holiday spot with an emphasis on the weather an appropriateamenities and activities. | Holidaybrochures Books on variouscountries. ICT availabilityincluding Internet. |
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Upper In pairs designa poster. Research using brochures books ICT and ownexperiences. | Lower With adult helpdesign a poster for a particular holiday destination. | ||||
5 | To recognise the effect the weatherhas on human activity. | Discuss differentholiday destinations, weathers and activities. Discuss how theactivities are appropriate to the climate and weather. Discussdifferences in human activity eg sunbathing or skiing. | World Weather PCM22 |
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| Lower Pack a suitcase (cutand stick) using things appropriate for 2 different destinationswith opposite climatic conditions. | ||||
6 | To ask and respond to geographicalquestions S&L To use appropriate geographicalvocabulary. To recognise weather conditionsaround the world.
| Using commonlyrecognised activities and places discuss how activities affect ourbehaviour at home and how other children around the world grow upin different situations with different climates and so developdifferent skills. (Eg going to an indoor pool on a wet day/ goingto the seaside on a hot and sunny day) |
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Upper Write a letter to achild in another country detailing some activities you could doaccording to the weather. | Lower Write a simple letterexplaining what we could do on a wet day. |
CLASS: Year 3SUBJECT: GeographyFOCUS :Weather around theWorld DATE:Spring 1st half | |||||
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7 | To interpret places To use and interpret atlases and mapscorrectly. To consider all the knowledge learnedduring the topic and apply it appropriately. | Discuss weathersymbols used on a weather map Watch someshort weather bulletins, some for the UK othersinternational. Look at weathermaps showing different times and discuss changes in temperature,wind direction weather etc. Discuss skills of presentation.
| Weather maps Symbols
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Upper Using a weathermap and symbols, write a simple weather forecast and present to theclass. (S&L) | Lower Use a map andsymbols to create a simple weather forecast. | ||||