Name | Year 5 PE plans |
Owner | ROSO28 |
Level | 5 |
Topic | PE |
Unit | Gymnastics |
Description | Year 5 plans for PE GYM |
File 1 | 214_gym autumn term 2007.doc |
File 2 |
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Year: 5Term: Autumn2007 Subject:Gymnastics
Week | POS | Skills,Knowledge and understanding (including cross-curricularlinks) | Activity | Resources ICTlinks |
1 | 1b, 3a, 4a, 4b, 4c,4d | To know andunderstand the basic principles of warming up and why it isimportant.
To understand whyphysical activity is good for their health. | Ask children whatthey know about warm up activities. Encourage them to make up awarm up activity that follows basic principles. Help children tounderstand how they can use gymnastics to develop strength andsuppleness. E.g. holding balances, controlling actions etc. Talkto them about specific safe strength exercises e.g. push ups, situps. Ask children which joints need to be stretched forgymnastics? Why? Why do strength and suppleness contribute towardsgood health?
Look at differentways to move from one position to another fluently. Look atstarting positions and ending positions. Importance of pointedtoes. | Mats |
2 | 1b, 5c, 8a, 8b, 1a,3a, 3b | To perform actions,shapes and balances consistently and fluently. | Warm up skippingon the spot, three skip jumps followed by a tuck jump where kneesare pulled up as high as possible.
Ask children toexplore a range of symmetric and asymmetric actions, shapes andbalances e.g. rolling, sliding etc. Help them to control actionsand to learn to combine them fluently. Encourage children to beaware of extension, body tension and control etc.
Children to work inpairs and make a routine together using 2 mats between them andthey have to mirror each other. The routine is to include 2balances and a roll. | Mats Skippingropes
3 | 1b, 5c, 8a, 8b, 1a,3a, 3b | To choose and applybasic compositional ideas to a sequence they create and to adaptthem to new situations.
To choose and useinformation and basic criteria to evaluate their own and otherswork.
To develop the rangeof actions, body shapes and balances they include in theirperformance. | Warm up can yourun and jump up high, run And jump long, using good arm and legactions to help you at take off and landing? Two footed take offsfor upward jumps and one footed jumps for long jumps. Arms tobalance you. Land feet together. With benches bunny hop along thebenches.
Ask children to makeup short sequence with symmetric and asymmetric actions, shapes andbalances. Help them to include changes of direction, speed, leveland rotation. Help them to choose when to mirror and match theirsequence when working with their partner. Children working inpairs are to make up a sequence working at different levels,including a roll and a balance.
Half way throughtell children that their sequence must incorporate something elseso they have to adapt their movement or incorporate a piece ofequipment such as a bench, hoop etc for children to include intheir routine.
Ask children towatch a performance and evaluate its success did the performancemeet the requirements of the task? Was it accurate? Did itincorporate the things asked for? Identify aspects performed welland those that need improving.
| Mats Marking grids |
4 | 1b, 5c, 8a, 8b, 1a,3a, 3b | Travel on differentpieces of equipment
Create a routineusing different equipment.
Workco-operatively. | Warm up carry outa few stretching exercises. Children to come to the front and showan exercise and say which muscle it is stretching.
Equipment set out indifferent sections children are to travel up to and on to eachpiece of apparatus and show a still balance on each one. Movealong the piece of equipment including turns and working atdifferent heights.
Then working inpairs again children need to work together on the differentsections and create a routine. | Equipment benches mats whistle
5 | 1b, 5c, 8a, 8b, 1a,3a, 3b | Be able to perform abridge
Be able to perform acart wheel. | Warm up skippingon the spot, three skip jumps followed by a tuck jump where kneesare pulled up as high as possible.
Show me 3 bridgelike shapes.
Show children abridge with arched back, head straight and legs together andstraight not bent at the knees! Partner A makes a bridge andpartner B has to wind in and out, through or over without touchingA then swap.
Teach how to cartwheel. Left hand on the floor to the side and in line with feet;right hand on floor about half a metre from left and in line withleft; jump off and land on right foot first beyond right hand inline with hands to stretch up and then left foot.
In pairs incorporatethese into a mini routine. | Skippingropes mats
6 | 1b, 5c, 8a, 8b, 1a,3a, 3b | Be able to perform ahead stand.
Work in a group andmake a routine working at different levels. | Warm up carry outa few stretching exercises. Children to come to the front and showan exercise and say which muscle it is stretching.
Show children how todo a headstand. Importance of head down, hand either side and pushup with feet. Do not try and stretch legs up yet. Try to controlbalance so dont fall over. Work up to legs in the air. Childrenneed to work in pairs and support each other. (teach children howto support and not control as can cause injury)
Climbing frameworking in groups of 4 2 start at the bottom corners and 2 start atthe top corners. Children need to climb up vertically and downdiagonally, passing in the centre. Build a matching sequenceincorporating twists and turns. | Climbingequipment mats
7 | 1b, 5c, 8a, 8b, 1a,3a, 3b | To choose and applybasic compositional ideas to a sequence they create and to adaptthem to new situations.
To choose and useinformation and basic criteria to evaluate their own and otherswork.
To develop the rangeof actions, body shapes and balances they include in theirperformance. | Warm up Warm up carry out a few stretching exercises. Children to come to thefront and show an exercise and say which muscle it isstretching.
Children to create aperformance working in groups of 4 working to music selected by theteacher. They must incorporate a balance, turn, head stand, cartwheel, bridge, forward and back ward roll. They have the lesson towork on it and will perform it at the end.
Plenary - Show children clipon Gym routine etc on IWB. Talk about the performance. Showchildren Olympics performance to music etc. | mats IWB Gymnastics cd |
8 | 1b, 5c, 8a, 8b, 1a,3a, 3b | To be able to vaultonto a box. | Warm up - Warm up skipping on the spot, three skip jumps followed by a tuck jumpwhere knees are pulled up as high as possible.
Spring box on tohorse box. Attempt to get one knee on first, stand up straight andthen jump off on to mats. One movement to the end of the mat andfinish in controlled manner. Children then attempt to jump up andland with both feet on the box.
| Skippingropes Vault box Vault spring mats |
Evaluation- |