Name | Block A Unit 2 |
Owner | daisymoo |
Level | 1 |
Topic | Numeracy |
Unit | A2 |
Description | |
File 1 | 215_Block A Unit 2 Draft2.doc |
File 2 |
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| LearningIntention | MentalStarter | Activities | Assessment forLearning/Plenary | SuccessCriteria | Assessment |
Day 1 | Count reliably atleast 20 objects, recognising that when rearranged the number ofobjects stays the same; estimate a number of objects that can bechecked by counting. | Count reliably atleast 20 objects.
Estimate, thencount groups of objects. | The Jolly Postman isdelivering piles of letters. How many do you think that he has todeliver? How could we check that weve counted them all? BAA Estimate thencount piles of envelopes up to10. AA Estimate thencount piles of envelopes up to20. AAA Estimate thencount piles of envelopes up to30.
| How manycrayons do you think there are in the tub? Now count themcarefully. Are there more or fewer than you thought? How couldyou check the number of crayons? How do you knowyou have counted every crayon just once? | Make near estimate(within 2/5). Count up to10/20/30 objects without error.
Day 2 | Compareand order numbers, using the related vocabulary. Ican put numbers up to 20 or more in order | Count reliably atleast 20 objects.
Line up groups ofobjects to count them. | The Jolly Postmanwants to sort his letters into the right order; can we helphim? BAA With cards to20, in groups of 3 play game where players take it in turns toplace the next card in number sequence. AA With cards to30, in groups of 3 play game where players take it in turns toplace the next card in number sequence. AAA With cardsfrom 30 to 60, in groups of 3 play game where players take it inturns to place the next card in number sequence. | Look atthese numbers: 8 3 12 20 Which of thenumbers is largest? Are any of the numbers larger than 10? Whichnumber is smallest? Put the numbers in order, starting with thesmallest. How can you check the order? | Identifies andfinds correct number in sequence. |
Day 3 | Count reliably atleast 20 objects, recognising that when rearranged the number ofobjects stays the same. | Count on or backin ones.
Count on and backusing stop/go cards. | Were going tohelp the Jolly Postman to count his letters. In pairs count out 14envelopes, then paperclip10 envelopes. Revise tens and ones. In pairs, onechild has arrow cards and shows teen number, other child sorts tensand ones in envelopes. Check by partitioning arrow cards. | Pick up a bundleof ten straws and three single straws. Can you say how many you areholding without counting them all? | Sorts objects into tensand ones. Combines tens andones. |
Day 4 | Read and write numerals from 0 to 20, then beyond; use knowledgeof place value to position these numbers on a number track and numberline I know how to writenumbers up to 20 | Read and writenumerals from 0 to 20.
Ask children towrite numbers on white boards. | Look at arrowcards. What would I get if I combined 10 and 7? Model writingnumber sentence. BAA and AA: Takearrow cards (10 and single digit numbers) and write number sentencefor combining arrow cards. AAA Use arrowcards up to 90 and 9 and write number sentences for combining arrowcards. | Look atthese numbers: 13 14 15 18 Whichnumbers are covered? How do you know? Which othernumbers to do you know that have 1 as the first digit?
| Writes correctnumber sentences for arrow cards. Writes two digitnumbers correctly. |
Day 5 | Read and write numerals from 0 to 20, then beyond; use knowledgeof place value to position these numbers on a number track and numberline. I know wherenumbers up to 20 or more belong on a number track | Read and writenumerals from 0 to 20.
Ask children towrite 1 more than, 2 less than for numbers to 20 on whiteboards. | Look at two-digitnumbers. What arrow cards would I put together to make thesenumbers? BAA and AA Ingroup use arrow cards to make numbers to 20 and position thecombined cards on a large number line. AAA In group usearrow cards to make numbers to 50 and position the combined cardson a large number line.
| As thesenumbers get bigger, which digits are changing and which digits staythe same? Where arethe numbers that start with twenty on the 100square? | Uses correct arrowcards to make two-digit number. Positionstwo-digit number correctly on number line. |
| LearningIntention | MentalStarter | Activities | Assessment forLearning/Plenary | SuccessCriteria | Assessment |
Day 6 | Saythe number that is 1 more or less than any given number, and 10more or less for multiples of 10. Iknow the number that is one more or one less than any number up to20 or more | Use knowledge ofplace value to position numbers to 20 on a number track.
Fill in a blank numbertrack using random numbers.
| Look at numbers on a 100square. What is 1 more than a given number? 1 less? BAA and AA Inpairs use blank number track, 1 child takes number card to 20,writes number in middle of track, partner writes numbers 1 more and1 less, continue until number track filled. AAA In pairs useblank number track, 1 child takes number card between 30 and 50,writes number in middle of track, partner writes numbers 1 more and1 less, continue until number track filled. | Use thenumbers 15 to 20. Choose a pair of numbers to make this sentencetrue: is onemore than How many differentpairs can you find that make the sentence true? Can you make thesentence true with other numbers? | Says the numberthat is 1 more or 1 less than a number to 20/50. |
Day 7 | Relate additionto counting on; recognise that addition can be done in any order;use practical and informal written methods to support the additionof a one-digit number or a multiple of 10 to a one-digit ortwo-digit number. Use the vocabulary related to addition and symbols to describeand record addition number sentences. Ican add 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 to numbers up to 20 ormore | Derive and recallall addition facts for totals to at least 5.
Use whiteboards toshow number bonds for 4. | Revise counting onfrom the bigger number. Do lots of practice examples. BAA Use numberlines to add two single-digit numbers (to total of 12). AA Use head to addtwo single-digit numbers. Extend to adding single-digit number totwo-digit number. AAA Use head toadd single-digit number to two-digit number. Extend to addingmultiple of 10 to single-digit number. | What is 19add 5? What can you use to help you find the answer? Someone said 19plus 5 makes 23. Can you show how you know that is not the rightanswer? | Count on frombigger number. Count onaccurately. |
Day 8 | Relate addition tocounting on; recognise that addition can be done in any order; usepractical and informal written methods to support the addition of aone-digit number or a multiple of 10 to a one-digit or two-digitnumber. Solve problemsinvolving adding in the context of numbers. I can solve aproblem or puzzle using adding. | Derive and recallall addition facts for totals to at least 5.
Use whiteboards toshow number bonds for 5. | The FairyGodmother is making up spells and needs to buy the right number ofingredients. Can we help her do this? BAA Solve FairyGodmothers problems for single-digit numbers. AA Solve FairyGodmothers problems for one-digit plus two-digit numbers. AAA Solve FairyGodmothers problems for single-digit plus 10s multiples. | How couldyou work it out? What could you use to help? Could you putsomething on paper to help you remember? How could youcheck your answer? | Counts onaccurately. Uses correctmethod to solve problems. |
Day 9 | Understandsubtraction as take away; use practical and informal writtenmethods to support the subtraction of a one-digit number from aone-digit or two-digit number and a multiple of 10 from a two-digitnumber. Use thevocabulary related to subtraction and symbols to describe andrecord subtraction number sentences. I can use thesigns +, and = when I write addition and subtractionsentences | Derive and recallall pairs of numbers with a total of 10.
Use flip-flaps towork out and record pairs of numbers totaling 10.
| How do we subtractin our head? Do lots of practice examples. BAA Subtractionnumber sentences for numbers up to 10. AA Subtractionnumber sentences for numbers up to 12. AAA Subtractionnumber sentences for numbers up to 20. | What is 15take away 6? How did you work that out? How could you work it out adifferent way to check? Can you makeup another take away/subtraction question that has the answer 9?How did you work out which numbers to use?
| Counts backaccurately.
Day 10 | Understandsubtraction as find a difference by counting up. Describe ways ofsolving puzzles and problems, explaining choices and decisionsorally or using pictures I can work outthe difference between two numbers I can talk abouthow I solve problems using subtracting | Derive and recallall pairs of numbers with a total of 10; work out the correspondingsubtraction facts.
Use pegs on hangerto show addition, subtraction doubles for 10.
| Introduce the worddifference. In her spells the Fairy Godmother likes to usenumbers with a difference of 2. How can we work out pairs ofnumbers that she likes? BAA Find pairs ofnumbers with a difference of 2. AA Find pairs ofnumbers with a difference of 5. AAA Find pairs ofnumbers with a difference of 10. | What is thedifference between 5 and 12? How can you show that using counters?Can you put something on paper to show that? How could you workthat out on a number line? | Uses subtraction asdifference. Counts upaccurately from first number. |
Children extend their countingand calculating skills. They estimate a number ofobjects that can be checked by counting, such as how many countersthey can hold in one hand. Having counted how many of a particularobject will fit into a box, they use this to estimate how many of adifferent object will fit into the box, explaining how they madethe estimate. As their experience grows of using numbers to 20 andbeyond, they begin to understand place value in two-digitnumbers. For example, they count 17 art-straws, use an elasticband to group together a bundle of ten and identify that they have1 bundle of ten and 7 single straws. They count out 34p using 10pand 1p coins. They relate these activities to the way that 17 and34 are written.
Using the correct symbols andappropriate language, children read and write numerals to 20 andbeyond, identifying for example where all the numbers thatstart with twenty lie on a number line or 100-square. They usethis pattern of numbers to locate given numbers and explain how toidentify a hidden or missing number. They continue to compareand order numbers, saying which of two numbers is bigger andwhich is smaller using their knowledge of where numbers lie on anumber line. For example, they give numbers smaller than 20,identify numbers bigger than 9, find numbers lying between 25 and35, and know numbers which are beyond 50 but less than 100.
Children extend theirunderstanding of addition and subtraction.Theyrelate addition to counting on and to combining groups. Theysolve problems such as: There are eight pencils in a pot. Threemore are added. How many are there altogether now? They usepractical apparatus to model the problem or represent the problemin a drawing. Later, they count on using a number line, then counton mentally. They explain orally how they worked out the problem,and record the problem and answer using the + and = symbols. Theyunderstand and use an increasing range of vocabulary related toaddition.
Children relate subtraction totaking away and to counting back. They solve problems such as:There are 15 toys in a box. Six toys are taken out. How many arein the box now? They use practical apparatus to model theproblem or represent the problem in a drawing. Later, they countback using a number line, then count back mentally. They explainhow they worked out the problem and record it using the and =symbols.
Through a range of practicalactivities, children gain experience of difference. Forexample, they find out how many more beads are on a longer stringthan a shorter one, recognising that one way to answer such aquestion is to count the extra beads. They represent the problem ona number line, counting the extra by counting up from the smallerto the larger number. They understand and use an increasingrange of vocabulary related to subtraction.
Throughout the work childrensolve problems involving addition and subtraction, suchas:
Break this rod of eightcubes into three pieces. How many cubes are in each piece? Can youdo it in a different way?
Jane has six pencils. Tomhas two pencils. How many pencils do Jane and Tom have altogether?How many more pencils has Jane than Tom?
Half of the ten apples in abag have been eaten. How many apples are left in thebag?
Children describe how they solveproblems and explain their reasoning.
| Year Term
| 1 Spring | BlockUnitNo.oflessons | A Counting,partitioning and calculating 2 10 | |||
Objectives for theunitChildren willlearn how to: Solveproblems involving counting, adding, subtracting, doubling orhalving in the context of numbers, measures or money, for exampleto 'pay' and 'give change' Describeways of solving puzzles and problems, explaining choices anddecisions orally or using pictures Countreliably at least 20 objects, recognising that when rearranged thenumber of objects stays the same; estimate a number of objects thatcan be checked by counting
| Identifying PriorLearningCheck thatchildren can: solve practicalproblems involving counting, including counting on, measuring,comparing, ordering, adding, subtracting or partitioningobjects say and use thenumber names in order in familiar contexts and recognise numerals 1to 9 know that numbersidentify how many objects are in a set and match sets of objects tonumerals count aloud inones, twos, fives or tens find one more orone less than a number from 1 to 10 select two groupsof objects to make a given total of objects
| Noteson prior learning
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Vocabulary forthe block: pattern, answer,number sentence, sign, operation, explain, show me, read, write,record, count, compare, order the same number as, asmany as, equal to, equals (), sign, more, most, less, least,greater, greatest, larger, largest, bigger, biggest, fewer, fewest,smaller, smallest, before, after, halfway add, plus (),makes, sum, total, altogether, subtract, minus (-), take away,leaves, difference one, two, three,..., hundred; first, second, third, ...; ones, tens, 'teens'number, exchange, digit how many ...?, howmany more to make ...?, how many more is ... than ...?, how muchmore is ...?, how many fewer is ... than ...?, how much less is...?, what is the difference between ...? odd, even, pair,double, near double, half, halve | Speaking andListening: Listen to and follow instructions accurately,asking for help if necessary
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