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NameSound Jan06
File 1208_sciencesoundjan06.doc
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SUBJECT : Science & Technology Sound I Investigations T Technology

FROM : 5 : 1 : 06 TO : 17 : 2: 06 CLASS: P3/4 TEACHER : C.Christie


Programme ofStudy


Teaching Methods and Learning experiences



Subject Links

Listen to and identifysources of sound in their immediate environment




























































































Explore ways of makingsounds using familiar objects















































































































Children will :

Know that there are manydifferent sources of sound


Appreciate that we hearwith our ears


Be able to identify a rangeof sounds


Develop listening andconcentration skills


Suggest difficulties facedin everyday life by people who are deaf and how they try toovercome these.







Be able to identify a rangeof everyday sounds.


Sort sounds into those theylike/dislike.


Explore a variety of soundwords e.g. crash, bang etc









Describe sounds made byanimals


Be able to listen to andidentify a variety of animal sounds.


Suggest why animals makesounds.

























Distinguish between a loudsound and a quiet sound.


Create loud and quietsounds.


Appreciate that loud soundsare easier to hear than quiet sounds.














Be able to make soundsusing their voices


Be able to make soundsusing their body parts


Create a sequence of soundsand perform for the rest of the class.















Examine instruments andsuggest what we do to them to make a sound.


Know how to make sounds bystriking, plucking, scraping, blowing or shaking.


Investigate how to makesounds with everyday objects.





Know that sounds can beproduced by plucking, shaking, striking, scraping andblowing.

Design their own musicalinstrument and record designs and equipment needed on paper.

Be able to join materialsusing a range of adhesives including a low temperature gluegun.

Talk about and demonstratetheir instrument and make suggestions for improvement.




Design a pair of ear muffsand record design and equipment needed.

Develop independence inusing a range of tools safely.

Demonstrate effectivenessand fitness for purpose, making suggestions for improvement asnecessary.




















Prior to lesson tape normalclassroom noise and play back to children identify sounds and theirsources, compare with a quiet classroom what can we hear? Recordfindings


Use pawprints ICT to playsounds found in a classroom, children identify.


Listening walk in theplayground record what was heard, Road safety sounds. Recordfindings


Discuss importance ofhearing, to keep us from danger, ask chn for examples e.g. crossingthe road, fire bell. Imagine what life is like for a deafperson.




Make a range of everydaysounds behind a screen and chn have to identify them. Listen!Listen! A sound is near, Listen! Listen! What can you hear?


Discuss sounds theylike/dislike

Record individually


Explore sound words givechn source they must think of adjectives e.g. dripping tap splash, drip etc




Recall sounds made byvarious people/objects e.g. a baby cries, an alarm clockrings, a horn toots


Sound game each child isgiven a picture of an animals has to move around the room makingthat animal sound until it s/he locates others who are the sameanimal. In groups describe sounds made by animals.


Suggest why animals makesounds try to communicate a message e.g a dog barks if it isinside and wants out or if someone comes to the door. A ewe bleatsif it loses its lamb so the lamb can follow the sound etc


Listening game in groupschn will listen to animal sounds and try to identify theanimal.


Recording sheet fill in themissing animal sounds


Drama - chn perform animalsounds others guess the animal they are.




Clap hands loudly andsoftly what is the difference? Which is easier to hear?


Sort a number of objectsaccording to whether they make loud or quiet sounds, can theybelong to either groups according to how they are made?


Loud & quiet soundsworksheets


Tape of sounds (everydayand animal); identify and classify as loud or soft, discussresults.


Ask chn to create loud andquiet sounds with their voices which are easier to hear?




Recall loud and quietsounds chn made with their voices. In groups think of as manysounds as they can using their voices; feedback singing, shouting,screaming, talking, laughing, coughing, crying, whispering andsquealing.


We can also make soundsusing our bodies in groups think of as many sounds as they canusing their bodies; feedback stamping, jumping, hopping, clapping,clicking fingers, tapping, slapping and whistling.


In groups create a sequenceof either voice or body sounds for 8 counts. Perform for the restof the class.




Identify a few instrumentsand play, what did we do to make the sound? Blow, strike, shake,scrape or pluck? Sort instruments according to action


Use everyday objectsinvestigate what will we do to them to make a sound? Fairtestingwhat will we keep the same?

Record results, discussfindings






P3/4 Technology designand make a sound instrument Unit of work 7


Use tools safely e.g.scissors, single hole punch, safety snips.


Test, how would they modifytheir designs? (if appropriate)












P4 Technology design andmake ear muffs


Use tools safely.


Test if the ear muffs workand suggest how they could be improved.

Tape recorder


Pawprints software


Sound recording w/s


















Objects which makesounds



















Animal picture cards














sound tape including animalsounds

tape recorder


animal sounds sheet












Everyday objects






Loud & quiet soundsworksheets


Sound tape, taperecorder































Musical instruments


Everyday objects


Recording w/s











Sheet materials, paper,card, plastic,

bottles, tubs, rice, milkbottle tops, corroflute, paper fasteners, art straws, sellotape,pritt, glue gun, scissors etc












Fabric, stuffing, stapler,scissors, paper, glue gun etc


















Ability to identify soundsand their sources






















Ability to identify soundsand their sources


Classifying sounds intothose they like/dislike


Ability to suggest soundwords and match words to sources of sound











Listening to animalsounds










Discussion work







Identifying sounds made byanimals












Classifying sounds as loudor quiet



Creating loud and quietsounds



















Creating voicesounds







Creating body sounds







Ability to create asequence of sounds and perform to the class





Ability to make a soundwith musical instruments and explain what they did to make thesound.



Carry out investigation anddraw conclusions.









Ability to design and maketheir own musical instruments.


Evaluate instruments andmake suggestions for improvement.














Ability to design and makea pair of ear muffs.


Evaluate ear muffs and makesuggestions for improvement.













































Describing action necessaryto make sounds on instruments and everyday objects










Describing what vibrates inorder to produce sounds











Ability to design and makean instrument







































































































































































































































