Name | Science Materials |
Owner | lotto2 |
Level | 6 |
Topic | Science |
Unit | Materials |
Description | Medium term plan |
File 1 | 206_SCIENCE - Materials Autumn MTP.doc |
File 2 |
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| Assessment Sc1Assessment Indictors: L3- Can explain howthe planned test is fair. L4- Can plan a fairtest identifying what to change, measure and keep thesame. L5 - Can plan a fairtest independently, identifying the relevant variables and whichwill be changed/keep the same and what will be measured. See end ofpage | ||||||||
Session | Objective | Content | Independentactivities WILF | Plenary | Resources | ||||
1 | To revise the conceptof a mixture and ways of separating materials frommixtures To know that somematerials dissolve in water To know that solidsdo not dissolve in a liquid can be separated byfiltering | Start off with MADONNA Material Girl
StarterActivity Chn findout about the uses of a variety of materials [for example, glass,wood, wool]and how these are chosen for specific uses on the basisof their simple properties
Pose thechallenge questions on the board -Chn are given: flour/currants, gravel/sand, sand/water fine/course sieve challenged to separate the mixtures. Furtherchallenge the chn to separate the sand and water show the chn thefilter paper under a microscope. Question chn about whether sanddissolves in water; is it soluble? How would we use the filterpaper to separate? (revise the vocab which AFL has shown isweak) |
| flour/currants,gravel/sand, sand/water fine/course sieve challengePowerPoint | ||||
2 | To know that adissolved solid can be separated from a liquid byevaporation | Pretend to pour saltinto water instead of sugar for a drink! Ask the chn where the salthas gone- is the salt soluble or insoluble? Can the salt particlesbe seen? Volunteer to taste the water to confirm the salt stillremains. Can the salt be filtered out? demonstrate this withfurther tasting. Why did the salt pass through the filter? Discussshowing cartoon simulation on IWB.
| Higherattainers To independentlyinvestigate how to separate gravel, sand and salt | Remind the chn aboutthe experiment that they have been carrying out all day puddle inthe playground. Look at the pics that the chn have taken on IWB.Has the perimeter of the puddle changed? Why has the puddledisappeared? When would it most likely disappear? Discuss waterturning into a gas. | Cup, salt/sugar(labelled jar), straws Filterpaper Gravel /sand/salt Sieve Chnto use a clean straw to place solution on tongue-permission byJB/AO for tasting Cartoonsimulation website
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Middleattainers To investigate theconditions that are importantfor evaporation to occur TEACHER | |||||||||
Lower attainers &SEN To investigate theconditions that are importantfor evaporation to occur diagram of experiment/word bankTA | |||||||||
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3 | To know that when agas is cooled it becomes a liquid and this process is calledcondensing | StarterRecap Show chn washing line in class with washing link to Testbase question about drying washing using evaporation Discussthe processes from going from solid to liquid etc. Set themagic challenge to get the water from the spoon into the jugwithout pouring it in! Demonstrateto the chn the condensing experiment (heating a solution causingevaporation and then condensation) where else have chn seen watercollect like this in real life? Extend the original flow chart forchange of state (include processes) | Higherattainers Chn record theexperiment and use accurate scientific vocabulary to explain theresults Ext see extensionquestions | Test base questionsin style of a quiz | Spoon Beaker Salt water Cold plate Candleburner
Extensionquestions | ||||
Middleattainers Chn record theexperiment and use scientific vocabulary to explain the results diagram frame/vocabulary
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Lower attainers &SEN Chn complete thediagram of the experiment and explain the results of the experimentusing a cloze pro
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4 | To know howtemperature effects the speed of dissolving To know how stirringaffects the rate of dissolving To carry out aninvestigation: make a prediction; choose apparatus; make carefulobservations and measurements; record results in an appropriatemanner; know that repeating the measurements improves thereliability of results; make comparisons and drawconclusions | Mr Kilgallon tochallenge Mrs Holliday to a race to see who can make the sugar intea (water) dissolves the quickest. Discuss the chnspredictions and ask them to design one way to test this in theirgroups Discuss planning theexperiment (apparatus, measuring , fair testing, how to make theresults more reliable); predicting Repeatthe test for each temperature twice Duringpractical experiment, chn are placed in mixed ability pairs Twogroups in each experiment (stirring/temperature)
Model the conclusionsfor the chn | Higherattainers Chn predict, plan andcarry out the experiment using averages, line graphs and discussanomalous results in their conclusion which is based on scientificknowledge TEACHER |
| Sugarcubes Beakers Thermometers Stopwatch Water at difftemperatures
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Middleattainers Chn predict, plan andcarry out the experiment drawing conclusions bank ofresults/record in a bar chart | |||||||||
Lower attainers &SEN Chn predict, plan andcarry out the experiment drawing conclusions bank ofresults/record in a bar chart Cloze text forconclusion | |||||||||
5 | To understand thatchanges happen when materials are mixed together, and that thesechanges cannot be reversed easily To observe anirreversible change | Thought shower ideasso far- recap the idea of salt water being a reversible change.Discuss changes that cannot be reversed chn work together tocreate plaster of paris (can be used for display whenset) Chn describe whatthey did what happened Show chn addingvinegar/baking soda and liver salts to water. Discuss the gas beingproduced. Espresso science clips creating gases | Higherability Chn write own accountof experiment making sound use of scientific language | Chn classify whichare reversible and irreversible changes
| Water Andrews liversalts Vinegar Bicarbonate ofsoda | ||||
Middleability Chn write own accountof experiment making use of scientific language word bankTA | |||||||||
Lower ability &SEN Chn draw diagrams andwrite their observations TEACHER | |||||||||
6 | To observe howheating can cause an irreversible change To observe howcooling can cause a reversible change
| Break an egg pretend to drop a hard-boiled egg and discuss how it has changed repeat with a potato. Can these changes be reversed? Demonstrate to thechn a number of reversible changes brought about by cooling andirreversible ones by heating.
Readextract from Chemical Chaos by Nick Arnold p142-143 | Higherability Chn research theirown list of reversible and irreversible changes | SAT stylequestions | Eggs Cakes Pics of changes onPowerPoint Ice | ||||
Middleability Chn classifyreversible and irreversible changes | |||||||||
Lower ability &SEN Chn classifyreversible and irreversible changes | |||||||||
7 | To know that burningbrings about changes that are irreversible
| Chnthought shower as many reversible and irreversible changes as theycan against the timer Pretendto set splint alight by accident can this be reversed? Recapchemical and physical reaction. What did the chn just see? Hasthere been a change? What is the change? What is the new materialthat has been made? Can it be reversed?
| Carousel ofactivities
1. Pictures of itemsburning 2. Video clip ofburning 3. Candle burning(teacher demonstration 4. Earlier teacherdemonstration
Chn to recordon a chart what they observe in terms of what they notice when itburns; new materials; reversible/irreversible reaction | Recap and discussobservations | Video Candle Matches Pictures of burntitems | ||||
8 | To investigate howthe content of soil affects its drainage | Discuss the differenttype of soil ask chn to collect from school field (alreadyplaced) Discuss how thecontent of the soil can affect how fast the water can drainaway
Chn completeexperiment to test the drainage of each type of soil | Higherattainers Chn record theexperiment and use accurate scientific vocabulary to explain theresults Ext researchexamples of different types of soil | Discuss recentproblems in the news about flooding look at pictures of landwhere the water has not drained away. Can the chn predict the soilcontent from their own knowledge gained in class? | Sandy soilsample Other soil | ||||
Middleattainers Chn record theexperiment and use scientific vocabulary to explain the results diagram frame/vocabulary | |||||||||
Lower attainers &SEN Chn complete thediagram of the experiment and explain the results of theexperiment | |||||||||
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10 | Evaluate and assessthe chns knowledge of Materials topic Assessments to informfuture revision of the topic |
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Dissolving Should | Recognise that solids remain in the solution when they dissolve andcan be recovered by evaporation; recognise that there is a limit tohow much solid will dissolve in a liquid; identify several factorsthat affect the rate at which a solid dissolves; investigate anaspect of dissolving, presenting results obtained in a suitablegraph and explaining what the results show | ||||||||
Must | Recognise that a solid can be recovered from a solution byevaporation; with help, investigate an aspect of dissolving andpresent results in a suitable table | ||||||||
Could | Present results in a line graph where appropriate and explain whyit is important to repeat measurements | ||||||||
Reversibleand irreversible changes Should | Changes as reversible or irreversible and recognise thatirreversible changes make new materials; ensure that the test isfair by using the same size of candle each time and making surethat the jam jar is full of air before each test; take severalreadings for each size of container and use the median or obtainthe average to improve accuracy make suggestions as to how theexperiment could be improved, for example measure the time taken anumber of times and use the median' | ||||||||
Must | Identify whether simple changes (for example, freezing of water,baking of clay) are reversible or not make suggestions as to howthe investigation should be organised, for example 'put a jar overthe candle and time how long it burns'; measure the time accuratelyusing a stopwatch; produce a bar chart to show the time the candleburned for each type of jam jar; identify a simple pattern in theirresults, for example 'the larger the jam jar the longer the candleburned'. | ||||||||
Could | Explain how careful observation can be used to identify a change asirreversible, for example from the production of a gas; make asupported prediction such as 'the more air in the jar the longerthe candle will burn because the candle needs oxygen to burn'; makea conclusion using scientific knowledge and understanding, forexample 'the candle burnt for the longest time in the biggest jarbecause there was more air'. | ||||||||