Name | Ancient Egypt |
Owner | honey29 |
Level | 4 |
Topic | History |
Unit | Egypt |
Description | Termly plan for Ancient Egypt Topic |
File 1 | 205_Egypt MTP.doc |
File 2 |
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Curriculum areasaddressed | Learning ObjectivesChildren will be able to: | Main teaching andlearning activities
| Resources |
History,geography | Ask geographicalquestions about Egypt. Use and recordinformation from atlases about Egypt and its location. Identify and describewhere Egypt is located and what it is like in terms of climate,landscape, employment and tourism. Ask and answerquestions about Egypt in preparation for further sessions. | Introduction to thetopic. Discusswhat children alreadyknow about Ancient Egypt and what they would like to find out.Record for reference at the end of the topic.
Children to locateEgypt on world map. Children to annotateblank world map to show Egypt. Using atlas children to plot routeto Egypt- how would they travel there, what countries would theypass over, how long do they think it would take to getthere?
Discuss with childrenwhat they think Egypt is like in terms of the climate, thelandscape, houses, people and jobs. Children to brainstorm theirinitial ideas in groups, to compare with what they have found outat the end of the topic.
| Blank grids, blankworld maps, atlases, image boards. |
ICT, literacy,geography | Use ICT to help ingeographical enquiry. Identify and describewhere Egypt is located and what it is like in terms of climate,landscape, employment and tourism. | Recap with childrenwhat they have found out about Egypt so far. Children to work inpairs to use internet and espresso to find out more about Egypttoday, under headings climate, landscape, people, jobs, tourism,cities etc. Discuss note making skills- children to note down keyfacts rather than copying whole chunks of text. N.B.Internet health and safety: all websites will be checked forsuitability before the children are given access to them. Noindependent searching for websites.
| Internet access,espresso, key websites. |
History,literacy | Place events andpeople into correct periods of time through the creation of atimeline. Use dates andvocabulary relating to the passing of time, including ancient andmodern, BC and AD. Write a briefexplanation about what they have found out about Ancient Egypt sofar.
| Establish what ismeant by ancient and modern through discussion with thechildren. Create human timelineto demonstrate how ago the period of time we are looking at,marking out key dates along the way. Children to createtimeline from now to middle of Ancient Egyptian times, marking keydates. Recap on informationfound in previous sessions. Discuss tourism and some of the reasonspeople visit Egypt e.g. the pyramids and the River Nile. Childrento shade base map of Egypt showing the River Nile and location ofthe pyramids and annotate. Children to write a brief overview aboutwhat we know about Ancient Egypt so far | Blank time lines,blank base maps of Egypt, kitchen roll. |
History, ICT,Literacy | Use a range ofsources of information to find out about Ancient Egyptian farmingand food. Explain the AncientEgyptian process of farming, including the reliance on the RiverNile. List foods theAncient Egyptians ate and animals they kept.
Use ICT to locate,recall, select and organise historical information about AncientEgypt. | Farming andFood Focus on the RiverNile and the Ancient Egyptiansreliance on this fora good or bad harvest. Researchhow Egyptians farmed thefoods they ate and their use of animals. Compare a poorpersons meal with rich persons. Activities: Illustrated drawingsof two types of meals Explanations of theuse of the River Nile in farming and information about theanimalsused. Children to researchin books and write one fact on pyramid shaped piece ofpaper. ICT (in ICTSuite) Recap on previoustopic session regarding Farming and Food. Children to researchfurther information using the internet and espresso and makenotes. N.B.Internet health and safety: all websites will be checked forsuitability before the children are given access to them. Noindependent searching for websites.
| Information texts,pyramid shapes. |
History, ICT,Literacy | Use a range ofsources of information to find out about Ancient Egyptianhomes. Write and drawdescriptions of Ancient Egyptian homes, comparing those of rich andpoor people in society. Use ICT to locate,recall, select and organise historical information about AncientEgypt. | Homes Descriptions ofdifferent types ofEgyptianhomes, what they weremade from, who lived together in them, how they were built and thefurniture they had. Activities: Writing adescriptionof homes andthe furniture. Drawing homes andthe furniture. Researching topic inbooks.
ICT (in ICTSuite) Recap on previoustopic session regarding Egyptian homes. Children to researchfurther information using the internet and espresso and makenotes. N.B.Internet health and safety: all websites will be checked forsuitability before the children are given access to them. Noindependent searching for websites.
| Informationtexts |
History,Literacy | Use a range ofsources of information to find out about daily lives for AncientEgyptian children and adults. Compare and contrastthe daily lives of men, women and children in Ancient Egypt,including richer and poorer people in society.
| Children andWork Descriptions of dailylives for children and adults- what work did adults undertake, whatdid the children do? Comparisons between rich and poor and men andwomen. Activities: Writing a diary entryfor typical day Drawing a timelinefor a typical day Descriptions oftypical jobs | Informationtexts |
History, Literacy,Art | Use a range ofsources of information to find out about Ancient Egyptian educationand writing. Explain the AncientEgyptian system of education in terms of who went to school, whatwas studied equipment used. | Education andwriting Discuss who went toschool and who didnt. Investigatingwhat children learntat school and the equipment they used. InvestigatingtheEgyptianstyle of writingin hieroglyphics, what theyused to write with and how they made their paper. Activities: Writing namein Hieroglyphics, explanations aboutwho went to school, what they learntetc Instructionsfor makingpaper. N.BLiteracy sessions this week involve writing newspaper reports aboutAncient Egypt, see Literacy weekly planning. | Examples ofhieroglyphics, information texts, paper making instructions |
ICT | Use ICT to organise,reorganise and analyse ideas and information. Edit text and use avariety of presentation techniques Organise andreorganise text on screen. Use appropriatetechniques to ensure that their writing is clear, well presentedand free of errors. | IntegratedTask Production ofnewspaper article about Ancient Egypt, incorporating techniquesdeveloped over the last half term.
| Newspaper articleswritten during literacy sessions |
History | Use a range ofsources of information to find out about Ancient EgyptianPharaohs.
| ThePharaohs Discuss with childrenwhat they know about the Pharaohs and their position in Egyptiansociety. Children to research the Pharaohs using information textsand the internet. Activities: Illustrations of thePharaohs Descriptions/explanationsof their daily lives, responsibilities, staff, etc | Informationtexts |
Art | Follow instructionsto combine materials to make paper. | Making papyruspaper Children to begin tomake paper (in style of papyrus paper) using instructions writtenbefore half term) | Paper makingmaterials, instructions. |
History, Literacy,Art | Use a range ofsources of information to find out about the pyramids and thesphinx in Ancient Egypt.
| The Pyramids andthe sphinx Investigating how andwhy the pyramids were built, what was contained within them andrecent discoveries by Howard Carter. Activities: Explanations of howand why the pyramids were built Diary entries fromslaves who built them, describing their work and typicaldays Drawings of thepyramids and their contents Maps of the inside ofa pyramid. | Images of thepyramids, story of Howard Carter. |
Art | Follow instructionsto combine materials to make paper. | Making Papyruspaper Continuation of workfrom previous session. | Paper makingmaterials, instructions. |
History, Literacy,ICT, Art | Use a range ofsources of information to find out about Ancient EgyptianMummies Write explanationsand instructions for the mummification process.
| Mummies Investigating how andwhy people were mummified. Exploring whether or not everyone wasmummified, the process of mummification, canopic jars and theEgyptian belief in the afterlife. Activities: Drawings andexplanations about the mummies Making of canopicjars ICT (in ICTSuite) Children to wordprocess instructions for making a mummy, adding in suitableimages/illustrations.
NBLiteracy sessions this week involve writing instructions for makinga mummy, see Literacy weekly planning. | Mummy makinginstructions, images of mummies and canopic jars. |
Art | Follow instructionsto combine materials to make paper. | Making papyruspaper Continuation of workfrom previous session. Completion of paper making. | Paper makingmaterials, instructions. |
History Literacy,Art | Use a range ofsources of information to find out about Ancient Egyptian clothesand jewellery.
| Clothesand Jewellery Children to researchAncient Egyptian clothes and jewellery, comparing clothing of therich and the poor. Activities: Drawing andillustrations of Egyptian clothes and jewellery for both rich andpoor people. ICT (in ICTSuite) Children to searchfor images of Ancient Egyptian clothes and jewellery. N.B.Internet health and safety: all websites will be checked forsuitability before the children are given access to them. Noindependent searching for websites.
| Images of clothes andjewellery |
Art, history | Use a variety ofmaterials to create a hieroglyphic design. | Hieroglyphicdesigns Children to draw outhieroglyphic design- design should create words e.g. their ownname. | Hieroglyphicpatterns |
History | Discuss what theyhave learnt about Ancient Egypt. Discuss how the pastis represented and interpreted in different ways and give reasonsfor this. | Reviewsession How have we found outthis information about the past? Discuss artifacts that have beenleft behind. Review sheets completed at the beginning of the topic,was what we originally thought correct, what new information havewe learnt, is there anything we still want to find out? ICT (in ICTSuite) Children to researchany other questions that have been raised. N.B.Internet health and safety: all websites will be checked forsuitability before the children are given access to them. Noindependent searching for websites.
Literacy | Write and performplayscripts based on Howard Carters discovery. | Playscripts based onHoward Carters discovery. Following previousLiteracy work children to write and perform short playscripts basedon the Howard Carters discovery. NB.During Literacy sessions children will also be writingnon-chronological reports based on what they have learnt aboutAncient Egypt. | Howard Carterstory |
Art | Use a variety ofmaterials to create a hieroglyphic design. | Hieroglyphicdesigns Continuation ofhieroglyphic work. Children should draw design out onto normalwhite paper and colour, using a rangeof materials to decide which works most effectively. When this iscomplete children should draw out design onto paper they madepreviously and colour | Hieroglyphicpatterns |
Art | Use a variety ofmaterials to design and create jewellery in the style of AncientEgyptian jewellery. | Jewellerydesigns Children to designand make jewelry in the style of Egyptian jewellery. 2sessions. | Images of Egyptianjewellery. Jewellery making materials. |