Name | Changing State |
Owner | pemo |
Level | 5 |
Topic | Science |
Unit | Changing State |
Description | Y5 Science QCA unit |
File 1 | 175_Changing State.doc |
File 2 |
☝️ Download Planning |
| WALT/WILF | Introduction/ MainTeaching | Independent GroupActivities/Differentiation | Plenary/Assessment/AFL | Resources |
Class Objectives: make predictions:choose factors to change, keep the same and measure/observe, writea conclusion | |||||
1 | Explain disappearance of water in a range ofsituations as evaporation
Recognise everyday examples of evaporation.Describe where the water has gone. | Give the example of leaving a drink on thewindow sill over lunch and then your drink had disappeared ClassProblem!!!! Someone has drunk Miss Owens juice!! Wet handprint onthe whiteboard. Ask children what happens to puddles in theplayground when it stops raining and to wet washing when it is putout to dry. Discuss their ideas with them. Illustrate evaporationeg chalking round the edges of puddles at intervals as theyevaporate or by showing children a container of water left in theclassroom for several days on which the original water level wasmarked. Talk with the children about where the water has goneand introduce the term evaporate. Ask the children to set uplittle Petri dishes around the room and wait to see what happens tothe water. Pour some air freshener and perfume in a saucer and askthe children what do our senses tell us about the liquid in thesaucer? How does the smell get to our nose? So we can smell the gasgiven off as the liquid is evaporating. What other liquidsevaporate and give off a strong smell? | Think of different examples of evaporation e.g.washing drying, drinks left out etc and ask the children to drawdiagrams and explain 3. 3 examples of smelly evaporation!!
BA - Supported by adult just have to drawpictures to match the statements given.
Sing a song written about evaporation!! | Share examples as a class.
Ask the children where has the water gonethen?? Turned into a gasdoes anyone know how I couldget the water back??
Traffic lights.
Time permitting Testbase questions onevaporation!! | Petri dishes. Prompt cards. Drink on the sill.
IWB flipchart. |
2 | Investigate evaporation.
Understand that different conditions effect therate of evaporation. | Discuss our findings on evaporation lastsession. Introduce the terms gas and vapour. Be clear that theymean more or less the same thing. Liquid, solid, melt freeze,water, ice and in groups ask the children to produce concept mapsusing these words and the links which they think are between them.Establish that the gas that water turns into is called vapour. Ifsteam is mentioned explain that this will be discussed later. AAintroduce flow, solidify, shape, cool and warm. Steam comes fromboiling. Water bubbles when boiled and the energy within them causesteam, which is tiny water droplets suspended in air. It is theresult of vapour in contact with cooler air. Ask does water have to boil to evaporate?Place water in a saucer and ask what will happen based on lastlesson. Discuss that it could take a long time. Ask the chn toremind each other of real life examples of evaporation. Discuss what conditions are needed forevaporation. Show the children several containers with water. Askthem what will make evaporation speed up/slow down? Give children some contextualised questions?What conditions will make a difference discuss. Talk about thereal life examples what will make them dry quicker? Explain to the children that they are going tocarry out their own enquiry using a question which they devisebased on the conditions required for evaporation. Discussquestions. Ask the children in groups to choose one. What do weneed to change/keep the same/measure/make a prediction/recordresults and what happened? | BA- Teacher/TA support. Pairs to work and given a booklet forplanning with sentence starters and a questions chosen by theteacher. A In pairs groups planning sheet given. AA Independent. Option to do experiment 3 times to find an average.Write up investigation on their own.
Set up a class investigation with salt in thebottom of the dish what do you think will be left? Will the saltevaporate even though it has dissolved?
Group to write songs using key vocab familiartune!! | What happened? What did we find out? What do youthink will be the optimum conditions for evaporation?
| Flipchart.
Resources: thermometer, stopwatches. |
3 | Understand the relationship between condensationand evaporation.
Understand that condensation is the opposite toevaporation.
| Discuss the findings from the last lesson.Establish that evaporation can speed up, slow down and even stop.Prompt the class with further questions to help them with the writeup if their conclusions. Evaporation is assisted by: large airspaces and heat. Discuss water in a sealed bottle with little airwithin it. The amount of water exposed to air makes a difference.Give out resource sheet 3.1 wet or dry. Children have to cut outeach picture and explain whether or not the conditions are good forE to take place. Write captions. AA to use real life examples e.g.washing drying and write an explanation of good/badconditions. Introduce to the children a picture on the IWBwith steamed up windows, mirrors, taps and a steaming bath. Arethese good conditions? Many will say yes but discuss the fact thatthe vapour only has so far to go and then it hits a surface. Whathappens? Explain and introduce condensation. Demonstrate with akettle and a piece of metal/mirror. Discuss the fact that there is water vapour inthe air from lakes, rivers, puddles etc.
Give the children resource sheet 3.2 to answerquestions based on conditions for condensation and writecaptions.
| A Children supported by myself.
BA - match pictures to explanations written bythe teacher.
A/AA Independent complete sheet. | What have we learned today??
Traffic lights how do we feelabout what we have done?
If time Testbase questions basedon condensation. Children to answer on whiteboards.
| Kettle, water, mirror etc.
Flipchart. |
4 | Understand different changes of state.
Understand that different processes can causesolids, liquids and gases to be interchangeable with somematerials. | Discuss findings over the past 3 lessons. Giveeach child a partner. Give them each a table for results and agraph. Ask them to sit on the carpet in science room and discussboiling. What do we boil? How? Put water in and measure thetemperature. Record. After 1 minute, record the temperature, recordkeep going for approx 10 mins. What do you predict will keephappening? Discuss!! Ask the children what is happening. Discussboiling point/degrees and what happens when something reachesboiling point does it continue to get hotter? No, the energy makesthe water evaporate. Ask the children to plot the findings in agraph. What is the approximate increase of temp per minute? AA can your work out an average?
Independent: Give out cups of luke warm water do this with the children form kettle and tap water. Allow eachchild to read the temp. Instruct a child from each group to getseveral ice cubes. Why has the water temp fallen? Remind them thatthe water is helping the ice to melt and that the melting of theice results in a change of state from a solid to a liquid. Explain to the children that they are going todevise their own investigation on melting ice. To measure thechanging temp of water with melting ice in it! Discuss whatto record, predict, keep the same etc and how they are going tostart their investigation. | AA write out their prediction, changes, same,measure variables.
A just record their results and graph andverbally say prediction. #
BA Working with a AA group but only completingtable and graph under instruction by teacher. |
Share ideas.
Traffic lights how do we feelabout what we have done?
What did we find? Discuss eachothers findings from the mini investigation.
| Investigate planning sheet.
Ice cubes
Whiteboards and pens. |
5 | Understand the water cycle.
Understand that the water cycle is based on theconcepts of evaporation and condensation. | This lesson can link in with the schoolpersonalised curriculum as this terms topic is Our World. Issuessuch as pollution, acid rain etc can be discussed in line with thisarea of science so that children understand the impact of the waywe live on the environment. Give a child a 1 coin. Then change it for 2 50ppoins then change back and keep going until the children establishthat the change I make is reversible. Ask for other life examplesof changes that can be made but how the end result can be back asit was to start with. Discuss changes which are reversible andirreversible e.g. eggs frying cracked, chocolate melting, waxmelting, candle burning etc. Organise them into Reversible andIrreversible. Establish that cooking, baking and burning result inirreversible changes and melting and freezing, condensation andevaporation result in reversible. Draw diagrams to illustratethis.
Shared reading of the water cycle. Cycle to bedisplayed on the board too. Discuss findings/information about thepurpose of the sun, rivers, clouds etc. Give out Resource Sheet 5.2 Water on the Move. Ask the children to add arrows, pictures andcaptions to the cycle on the picture.
| Picture to be differentiated by with captionsetc included for BA and totally empty for AA to completeindependently. A to have teacher support. | Share examples as a class.
Create a real example of the water cycle. Use atray with water, sand, lamp etc and cling whathappens.
Traffic lights.
Time permitting Testbase questions onevaporation!! | Pictures
IWB flipchart. |
6 |
Assessment using a variety of questions fromtext base on IWB. Children to work on their own whiteboards.