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NameA day in the life of an RSPCA inspector
Descriptionadditional unit 1 week 1 RSPCA
File 1172_LITERACYst planning spring 2 week 1 additional unit 1.doc
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Additionaltext-based unit 1 A day in the life of an RSPCA inspector


Year 1 TERM:Spring 2 TEACHER: Mrs Fazackerley CLASS: Year 1

UNIT:Additionaltext-based unit 1 A day in the life of an RSPCAinspector

WEEKS: 1 and2




Check that childrencan already:

listen attentivelyto recounts and are able to recall some details including thecorrect ordering of events

Ask relevantquestions and are confident to speak about their ownexperiences.



Tell stories anddescribe incidents from their own experience in an audiblevoice

Group discussion andinteraction

Explain their viewsto others in a small group, decide how to report the group's viewsto the class

5. Wordrecognition: decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling)

Recognise and usealternative ways of pronouncing the graphemes already taught

Recognise and usealternative ways of spelling the graphemes already taught

Identify theconstituent parts of two-syllable and three-syllable words tosupport the application of phonic knowledge and skills

Recogniseautomatically an increasing number of familiar high-frequencywords

Apply phonicknowledge and skills as the prime approach to reading and spellingunfamiliar words that are not completely decodable

Read more challengingtexts which can be decoded using their acquired phonic knowledgeand skills, along with automatic recognition of high frequencywords

Read and spellphonically decodable two-syllable and three-syllable words

6. Wordstructure and spelling

Spell new words usingphonics as the prime approach

Segment sounds intotheir constituent phonemes in order to spell them correctly

Recognise and usealternative ways of spelling the graphemes already taught

Use knowledge ofcommon inflections in spelling, such as plurals, -ly, -er

Read and spellphonically decodable two-syllable and three-syllable words

7.Understanding and interpreting texts

Identify the mainevents and characters in stories, and find specific information insimple texts

Recognise the mainelements that shape different texts

9.Creating andshaping texts

Convey informationand ideas in simple non-narrative forms

Create short simpletexts, on paper and on screen, that combine words with images (andsounds)

10.Text structureand organisation

Write chronologicaland non-chronological texts using simple structures

11. Sentencestructure and punctuation

Compose and writesimple sentences independently to communicate meaning


Use the space bar andkeyboard to type their name and simple texts


Children can listento a recount and ask questions to support theirunderstanding.

Children are able toprepare questions which focus on the reasons for characters'actions.

The children'sresponses show an understanding of the characters' thoughts andfeelings.

Text: A day inthe life of a RSPCA inspector



Main activity


Tell stories anddescribe incidents from their own experience in an audiblevoice

Group discussionand interaction

Explain their viewsto others in a small group, decide how to report the group's viewsto the class

Compose and writesimple sentences independently to communicate meaning

Recognise the mainelements that shape different texts

Convey informationand ideas in simple non-narrative forms

Create short simpletexts, on paper

Phase 1 Engagement with the context, response to information (2days)

In shared reading,discuss children's understanding of the RSPCA. What do they know?What can they tell you about the organisation? Make links to AnimalHospital and Pet Rescue TV programmes with which they should befamiliar. Look at the website what can we find out about theRSPCA?

Discuss the role ofthe RSPCA and wide role and responsibility, including the fivefreedoms. Ensure the meaning of the word 'prevention' is exploredand discussed stress 'prevention', not 'protection'. Discuss thedifference between the two concepts.

Introduce the filmclip 'A day in the life of an RSPCA inspector'.

Share the film withthe class, allow them to discuss responses in general terms, andthen watch the clip again.

Discuss the role ofthe RSPCA inspector; record the children's responses on theinteractive whiteboard (IWB) above the image of Brian, theinspector. Link back to prevention role, using the dog Tyson as anexample. The dog was given to the RSPCA because the five freedomsare not met.

Group work -Children to write what the five freedoms are. Illustrate it in theform of a poster.


Look at thechildrens posters

Resources: literacybooks , Video clip

Five freedomsreminder


Video poster layoutbullet point


Main activity

OBJ: Speaking

Tell stories anddescribe incidents from their own experience in an audiblevoice

Group discussionand interaction

Explain their viewsto others in a small group, decide how to report the group's viewsto the class

Rewatch the sectionof the film from the call to the RSPCA inspector until Tyson isready for re-homing. Scribe the different activities that takeplace, drawing from the children's ideas from talk partners. Usethe photos to sequence the correct order. The sequence is:

  • phone call
  • sign off of the dogby the owner
  • taken to the animalcentre
  • checked over byvet
  • vaccinated
  • given akennel
  • ready to bere-homed.

This could then bere-enacted, using drama techniques or small-world play to embed thesequence. Digital photographs could be taken of the groups actingout the sequence and used to sequence the process on IWB or onpaper.


Groups share theirown versions of the sequence andothers comment.

Resources videophotos to sequence camera

Vocabulary: actplay sequence order events


Main activity


Tell stories anddescribe incidents from their own experience in an audiblevoice

Group discussionand interaction

Explain their viewsto others in a small group, decide how to report the group's viewsto the class

In a shared session,get the children to hot-seat both the RSPCA inspector and Tyson'sowner. Encourage the children to ask 'why' questions.

Tyson's owner

  • Why did you give upyour dog?
  • Why didn't you wantto keep him?
  • Why did you givehim to the RSPCA?
  • How do you feel?Why?
  • Why did you get himin the first place?
  • Would you getanother dog? Why?


  • How do you feelwhen you are asked to take a dog away?
  • What do you thinkwould have happened to Tyson?
  • What would you tellsomeone who was thinking of getting a dog? Why?

Try to encourage twodifferent attitudes for Tyson's owner: a positive model from thechildren, then perhaps teacher models a more negative response toshow two different perspectives.

Groupwork splitinto groups of Mixed Ability. The children will take it in turns tohot seat using the questions on the board to help promptthem.


Role-play, withTyson in role and hot-seated by the rest of the class using keyquestions. Discuss the fact that Tyson cannot really talk and sohis voice has to be represented by people, including the RSPCA,demonstrating the need for the organisation.

Resources keyquestions role play costumes so that the children feel in role.Masks for those who would like to wear them.

Vocabulary questionhot-seat pretend act feel


Main activity


Tell stories anddescribe incidents from their own experience in an audiblevoice

Group discussionand interaction

Explain their viewsto others in a small group, decide how to report the group's viewsto the class

Compose and writesimple sentences independently to communicate meaning

Use the space barand keyboard to type their name and simple texts

Put up a picture ofTyson on IWB.

Introduce theconcept of what Tyson would say if he could talk and put his pointof view. Ask the children to suggest some key questions they wouldlike to ask Tyson if he could talk. Teacher scribes on the IWB arange of questions from the children for Tyson.

In groups, childrenwrite a response to specific questions from Tyson's viewpoint. Thiscould form the basis of a display if responses were recorded inspeech bubbles. Children will use the computer word processingpackage to type up their answers that they think Tyson would give.They will do this in a speech bubble.


Read through someof the children responses to the questions we thought of in themain session.

Resources: IWB indvcomputers per child. Computer suite

Vocabulary: feelspeech bubble questions response imagine



OBJ: 9.Creating andshaping texts

Convey informationand ideas in simple non-narrative forms

Create short simpletexts, on paper and on screen, that combine words with images (andsounds)

10.Text structureand organisation

Write chronologicaland non-chronological texts using simple structures

11. Sentencestructure and punctuation

Compose and writesimple sentences independently to communicate meaning


Use the space bar andkeyboard to type their name and simple texts


The children willimagine that they are Tyson. They will write down how they arefeeling as Tyson and why they are feeling sad. They should telltheir new owner what they could do to help them feel better andlook after them better. The five freedoms.


Discuss the successcriteria that we thought of as a class and what they could havedone to make their writing better. Read through a partners andtell them 1 thing they could have done to make their writingbetter.

Resources:picture of Tyson picture of a new owner big writing books andpencils

Vocabulary feelingsimagine prevention