Name | Narrative Unit 2 - traditional stories, myths, ledgends |
Owner | charmed one |
Level | 5 |
Topic | Literacy |
Unit | Narrative Unit 2 |
Description | Traditional Tales |
File 1 | 164_Unit 2 Traditional stories, fables, myths, legends.doc |
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Class: |
Year5 | Narrative Unit2 Traditional stories,fables, myths,legends |
Term:Spring1 |
WeekBeginning: 07/01/08 | |
Makereflections on performances; write a new version of a myth,identifying their audience and adapting their writing to suit thisaudience; reflect critically on writing, edit and improve it(marking and feedback against agreed success criteria).
Objectives 1.Speaking Tell astory using notes designed to cue techniques, such as repetition,recap and humour 2.Listening and responding Identifydifferent question types and evaluate their impact on theaudience 4.Drama Reflecton how working in role helps to explore complex issues Perform ascripted scene making use of dramatic conventions 6. Wordstructure and spelling Toexplore spelling patterns of consonants and formulate rules: llin full becomes l when used as a suffix 7.Understanding and interpreting texts Makenotes on and use evidence from across a text to explain events orideas Comparedifferent types of narrative and information texts and identify howthey are structured Explorehow writers use language for comic and dramatic effects 8.Engaging with and responding to texts Comparethe usefulness of techniques such as visualisation, prediction andempathy in exploring the meaning of texts 9.Creating and shaping texts Reflectindependently and critically on their own writing and edit andimprove it Experimentwith different narrative forms and styles to write their ownstories 10. Textstructure and organisation Experimentwith the order of sections and paragraphs to achieve differenteffects 11.Sentence structure and punctuation Adaptsentence construction to different text-types, purposes andreaders Punctuatesentences accurately, including using speech marks andapostrophes 12.Presentation Adapthandwriting for specific purposes, for example printing, use ofitalics Use arange of ICT programs to present texts, making informed choicesabout which electronic tools to use for different purposes
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Read widerange of myths, legends, fables and traditional stories. Discusscommon themes. Identify features of particular fictiongenres. Readseveral different versions of same story, for example retellingsfrom different times or countries, film versions. Draw out evidenceof changing context and audience. Discussand look for evidence of narrative viewpoint in particular stories,for example looking at the way that characters are presented. Inferthe perspective of the author from what is written andimplied. Plan andtell stories orally. Show awareness of audience and use techniquessuch as humour or repetition. Plan andwrite a new version of a myth. Identify audience and adapt writingaccordingly. Revise to produce polished version of at least onestory.
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Checkthat children can already:
Identifyfeatures of different genres of fiction texts. Commenton performances, discussing effects and how they areachieved. Plan,tell and write complete stories with a clear sequence of events andshowing how one event leads to another. Organisetexts into paragraphs.
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Phase 1 approx 3 days
Read andanalyse features of the text-type. Make comparisons betweendifferent versions of the same myth. |
Phase 1Learning outcomes
Childrendemonstrate that they can classify features of different fictiongenres. Children candescribe similarities and differences between different versions ofthe same story and support their opinions by referring to evidencein the text.
Resources GFW35/36 Various Greek mythsDifferent versions ofthe same story for different audiences Readingjournals Examples oftraditional stories Bonesof Pandoras Box and The Garden of Eden for sequencing StoryMountainsheet Audioversions of myths Question cards
Phase 2 approx 6-7 days
Childrencontinue familiarisation with the text-type. Discuss andinvestigate the effect of different techniques used by the author.Work in a group to explore and empathise with characters throughdrama activities. Children use a reading journal to recordinferences and demonstrate understanding of characters by writingin the first person.
Phase 2Learning outcomes
Childrencan identify different features of myths. Childrendemonstrate that they can identify and comment on narrativeviewpoints. Childrencan compose and manipulate more complex sentences within a givencontext.
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Phase 3 approx 5 days
Makecomparisons between oral and written narratives. The teacherdemonstrates effective note-taking techniques. Children make noteson visual and oral performances before working in small groups toprepare and present an oral retelling of of a myth for an audio ordigital video file.
Phase 3Learning outcomes
Children canmake simple notes. Children canretell a myth orally, using their own notes to support them. Childrendemonstrate use of techniques to engage and interest their audiencewhen retelling a myth orally.
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Phase 4 approx 5 days
Childrenevaluate their oral performances against agreed success criteria.The teacher demonstrates how to write a myth, transferring oralstorytelling skills into writing. Children work collaboratively towrite the myth, exploring how to transfer the visual and oral textto a written narrative. |
Phase 4Learning outcomes
Children canreflect on their own performances. Children canwrite a new version of a myth, identifying their audience andadapting their writing to suit this audience. Children canreflect critically on their own writing and edit and improveit.
| Objectives | Group SharedSession
| Guided andIndependent Activities each day | SuccessCriteria (Revisit inplenary) | |||
Days 1 3 Immersion and comprehension of text | Tuesday
To explorespelling patterns of consonants and formulate rules: - ll in fullbecomes l when used as a suffix Toidentify the features of different story types (revision)
| Spellings:To explore spelling patterns of consonants and formulate rules: -ll in full becomes l when used as a suffix
Discusswith the children what they understand by the term traditionaltale. Discuss some examples, such as The Hare and the Tortoise.What was the key message in this story? (It doesnt pay to cheat.)What other traditional stories do the children know? For example,King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table; Robin Hood. Discussthe content and how they might have originated, for example Arthurbased on fact and the story changed over time. The Hare and theTortoise is a Greek fable that carries a message. Explain that theUnit is going to cover myths in some detail to link with Greekwork. Discuss the features of each of the story types. Read In theBeginning and Pandoras Box, check understanding. | Guided:full stops read a myth. What were particularly good words?Why? Independent:Children reread the myth, highlighting the main features ofmyths. | Can thechildren identify the main features of the myth? Hero:temptation/test: gods/goddesses etc | |||
To comparedifferent versions of the same story Toidentify how writers adapt writing for different readers andpurposes by changing vocabulary, tone and sentence structures tosuit, eg simplifying for younger readers; | Read adifferent version of Pandoras Box list similarities anddifferences between the two versions. Which was better? Why? Givereasons for choice. Does the 2nd version still have allthe features of a myth? Refresh features. Look atanother example of a traditional tale Little Red Riding Hood (3different versions) Read all versions, discuss each one, lookingfor similarities and differences, in terms of vocabulary, sentencestructure, content. GFW 35 | Guided:!readingother creation myths, lookingfor similarities/differences. List what was created in theEgyptian myth (looking for common and proper nouns)
Independent:Children match up the 3 story versions with the correct audience(written on board children see for the first time) discussion onvocab etc Fullstops with RW
| Thechildren can compare and contrast 2 versions of the samestory. Thechildren can correctly match up the 3 versions with the 3 audiences must explain why | ||||
Tounderstand how the writer uses language for dramatic effect
| Throughshared reading, identify the different techniques the author hasused to show the characters of Epimetheus and Pandora. Discuss theeffects of the choice of vocabulary on the reader. Explore how thetext would sound with different adjectives or phrases that are lesspowerful. Ask the children to discuss the images the words createin their heads as they are reading them.
| Guided;? reading other creation myths, looking forsimilarities/differences. List what was created in the Egyptianmyth (looking for common and proper nouns)
Independent:Provide children with copies of the extract. Ask them to underlineall the words or phrases that describe the box; find three phrasesthat show what Epimetheus is feeling; find five examples that showthat Pandora is curious about the box. How were the evil thingsdescribed?
| Can thechildren identify the words and phrases that describe the box, showEps feelings and Ps curiosity? Which words in particular stoodout for them? | ||||
Evaluation and notesfor next sessions
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Days 4 10 Text analysis and gathering content | Friday
To comparethe structure of different stories
| Providechildren with Bones of the story Pandoras box and Bones of thestory Garden of Eden. Explain that these are two creation storiesthat have been chopped up into sections. Ask children in pairs tosequence each of the stories in the order that they think makessense so that they have a clear chronology of events in the twostories. Work together looking for words that link thesections. | Guided;Commas reading the Bones texts and sequencing looking for theclues in the text that tell us what comes next - connectives
Independent:Complete comparison chart looking at similarities in each story eg,setting, characters, temptation consequences
| Can thechildren make comparisons and list differences between differentstories? | |||
To explorespelling patterns of consonants and formulate rules
To compareand identify the structure of different stories
| Spelling double the consonant before adding ing. IWB
UseBones of the story Pandoras Box to help children identify thestructure of the story in pairs. Copy enough of the sheet and cuteach statement into a strip so each pair has a set. Ask thechildren to reduce the statements by two so that the story stillmakes sense as they read the statements together. Repeat this eachtime so that eventually each pair is left with six statements thattell the bare essence of the story. Discuss with the childrentheir decisions for discarding certain statements and how the onesthat remain are really relevant. Use the Story mountain to discusswith the children how the statements could be organised in heightso that they reflect the differing levels of interest, excitementand tension of the story. | Guided;Target group looking at punctuation within texts full stops,commas, link to phrases/clauses
Independent:Repeat activity with the Garden of Eden
| Childrencan double final consonant before adding ing
Childrencan identify structure of a myth | ||||
Tounderstand how empathy and role play can explore complexissues
| Return toPandoras Box Extract 1 and re-read it with the class, this timefocusing on the differences between the characters and theirrelationships with each other. In the text look for key differencesbetween the characters, for example Epimetheus explained patiently the adverb tells the reader how he is feeling aboutPandora. Explain tothe children that they are going to interview the two charactersEpimetheus and Pandora. Encourage them to think of the types ofquestions that they might want to ask. Choose two children to bethe characters and conduct the interview. Read withthe children Pandoras box Extract 2 and look for clues that showthe relationship between the two characters. | Guided;
Independent:ALL Set up paired role play for the children where they explore theconversation and behaviour between the two characters the morningafter Pandora has opened the box. Encourage the children to developa small piece of dialogue that develops the characters and showstheir feelings.
lowerability to have set questions to include
| Childrencan work in role to discuss another characters motivations | ||||
Toidentify key parts of the story and characters motivation
| ReadPandoras box Extract 2 with the children the point where Pandoraopens the box. Discuss howthe writer shows that the box is irresistible to Pandora, forexample the use of rhetorical questions, the description of theboxs behaviour and so on. Remind the children of the Storymountain and to identify which part of the story structure thisextract is from. Then ask: What are Pandoras choices? How do weknow that her need to open the box is greater than her need to obeyEpimetheus? Useconscience alley . Explain to the children that they are going toexplore Pandoras thoughts at two key moments in the story. Onejust before she opens the box and one at the point when the box isopen.
| ALL:Independent: Use conscience alley. Explain to the children thatthey are going to explore Pandoras thoughts at two key moments inthe story. One just before she opens the box and one at the pointwhen the box is open.
CM withRW description of Pandora and her behaviour using adjectives (tobe able to justify choices)
| Childrencan identify key parts of the text and charactersmotivations | ||||
Evaluation and notesfor next sessions
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Days 10 -15 Planning, oral rehearsal and writing | To makenotes and use evidence from the text to justify ideas
| Using Pa ndoras Box, discuss whether Pandora was right to do whatshe did. Remind the children what the world was like prior to thebox being opened and what it was like after. Have a briefdiscussion about what the effect of letting Hope out of the boxmight have and how it changed things. Use the text to trackPandoras thoughts through the text. Does she feel responsible forwhat she did? Is there any evidence for her regretting it? Brieflymake notes of the board to show what her thoughts are. Explain tothe children that they are going to re-interview Pandora to discusshow she justifies what she has done. In ability pairs, ask thechildren to think of questions to ask, record on whiteboards.Discuss briefly how they may have to ask an open question first andthen a follow-up question to get the answer they want - reviseprevious work. Then ask the children to carry out the interview intheir pairs, with one child acting as Pandora.
| Guided;
Independent: Explainto the children that they are going to write a letter from Pandorato the Gods, explaining and justifying what she did. They are goingto plan this today and write the letter another day. She is goingto argue that she was right. Children should plan the letter usingworksheet Pandoras justification. (will write letter in coupleof days)
| Childrencan use evidence from text to justify views | |||
To revisework on dialogue rules and conventions GFW unit36
| Revise theuse of direct and reported speech. | Guided; Independent:Using direct/reported speech examples from GFW, children sort into2 categories, match up pairs and discuss changes made from directto reported and vice versa.
| Childrencan understand the difference between direct and reportedspeech | ||||
To work inrole and use different narrative forms
| Spellingsoft c sound Usingthe notes made on Pandoras justification, remind the children ofthe key points for what she did. Stress the importance of making akey point and then elaborating on it. Explain that they are goingto write the letter from Pandora to the God Zeus arguing that shewas right to open the box. Use shared writing to model part of theletter to the children. Ask the children to identify key aspects ofthe narrative you have drawn on to enhance the argument, forexample: the strength of the box pulling her to do it, hope beingreleased and so on. Show the children how paragraphs can enhanceand structure the writing. Draw attention to how the voice ofPandora can come through the letter, for example defiant. Discusshow punctuation can help the writer convey how she feels. Model theuse of reported speech. | Guided;Target group paragraphs make a point in first sentence thenback up with supporting evidence Sometimeschooses vocabulary for effect from Suffolk
Independent:All children to write the letter as if they were Pandora
| .Childrencan write a letter in role as Pandora, justifying heractions Childrencan write in paragraphs 1 per argument Childrencan use reported speech | ||||
Toexperiment with the order of paragraphs in writing | Use anexample of the childrens text to discuss the order of the pointsmade in the letter by Pandora. Show the children how by rearrangingthe paragraphs as a starting point the text can convey a differentargument and create a different strength. Deepen the discussionwith the children by showing them how to write a paragraph wherethe sentences develop and extend an idea. Show children how eachsentence in a paragraph can start in a different way. | Guided; develop arguments using strong vocabulary Independent: Returnto the letter from Pandora that they wrote yesterday. They shouldchoose a paragraph that they feel they have not developed enoughand rewrite it, using the ideas modelled in whole-classsession.
| Childrencan see and understand how the order of paragraphs can affect thereader | ||||
To compareaudio and written versions of myths
| Tell thechildren that myths are embedded in an oral tradition ofstorytelling and that different versions of the story will havedifferent events and will emphasise different things. Listen to theaudio of Jason and the Golden Fleece then read the text version anddiscuss the difference between the two. Discuss the visual picturesthat children get in their heads as a result of listening, forexample what does Jason look like? What is the ship he is sailinglike? Ask the children to note their ideas. Show the children theimage and listen to the audio file again. Ask the children: IsJason the same as the picture you had of him in your heads? Talkabout some of the storytelling techniques that have been used onthe audio version, for example difference in tone of voice. | Guided;! write about characters in Pandoras Box using descriptivelanguage to give the reader a clear picture in their heads Independent: Providethe children with copies of the two extracts of Pandoras Box. Askthem, in pairs, to choose an extract and rehearse orally how theywould tell the story as if for radio. Ask them to identify wherethey would change their voices and add sound effects. Remind thechildren that the story they tell can be different to the extract.A written story cant be changed, but in oral retelling it can bealtered. Make it clear to the children they can change the order ofsome of the events because they are telling the story aloud. LA tohave prompts available key things to include HA puttogether a prompt sheet of main events with one word as a promptfor storytelling | Childrencan identify the differences between oral and written myths Childrencan use voice changes and add sound effects whereappropriate | ||||
Evaluation and notesfor next sessions
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Phase 4 Days 16+
Toidentify good language features from the text | Explain tothe children that all good writers have learned about effectivewords and phrases from texts they have read. Use the extractsArthur High King of Britain and Pandoras Box Extracts 1 and 2 toidentify effective words and phrases with the children byhighlighting them. Discuss with the children what made the wordseffective and what images or pictures they create in the readersmind. | Guided;Target group - using prompt sheet of effective key words andphrases from Pandoras Box, children change to alternatives Sometimeschooses vocabulary for effect from Suffolk
Independent: Askthe children to create their own list of good storytelling wordsand phrases from the text extracts or from other texts that theyare currently reading. Thechildren should then categorise the words and phrases that describecharacters actions and feelings at certain points in the story.Ask them to look for connectives that join paragraphs and eventstogether.
| Childrencan list good storytelling woand phrases | |||
Toidentify the characteristics of monsters
(Shortsession Literacy moved to last session back from swimming about2.50/2.55pm, might need to move parts forward to nextsessions) | Explain tothe children that over the next two lessons they are going to planand devise their own myths which include a quest theme andchallenges for the hero. Talk aboutthe types of beasts these characters have to fight: minotaurs etc.Draw my own version of a monster on the IWB, label with excitingadjectives and similes, explaining why as I do so. Ask children ifthey could improve on my descriptions and justify why. | Guided;Target group describing my monster using wow words, similes.Move on to their own monster.
Independent:Create Mythical Monster sheet encouraging the use of similes oradjectives to describe its feel/smell/sound/features etc Ifnecessary, complete for homework.
CMwith RW
| Childrencan identify the characteristics of their mythical beast
, - totry to use similes ?! using similes/possibly metaphors
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Toidentify the characteristics of heroes/heroines To planown myth using modelled strategies
| Discuss thekey aspects of different ancient Greek super heroes, for exampleJason, Pandora, Hercules, Achilles and so on. Discuss theircharacteristics and strengths. List on IWB. Create heroiccharacter male or female. Use shared writing to devise the storyof the myth. Explain that this is a quest story similar to Jasonand the Golden Fleece. Explain that there should be threechallenges that the superhero has to overcome before bringing backthe prized object. Discuss what the prized object could be. It isessential, at this stage, to make clear what the prize is, where itis kept and who it is guarded by. Identify the purpose of thequest. Who has told the superhero to go and get the prize? WhichGod? What will the superhero receive as a reward? Remind thechildren that their planning should be only simple statements ofwhat happens and not a whole story. | Guided:commas help structure myth referring back to teacherframework
Independent: Givethe children copies of Story framework. Remind them to refer totheir characters devised yesterday as they plan their myth, usingthe strategies modelled.
CMwith RW (beginning, middle and end on framework) DD support ? ! and | Childrencan identify the characteristics of their mythicalhero/heroine Childrencan plan their own myth using modelled strategy | ||||
To beginto write own myth
Use sharedwriting to model the start of the myth. Provide the context for themyth modelling, for example which God has commanded that the prizebe found. Refer back to framework completed in the whole-class workyesterday Use this in the writing. As model, show the effects ofdirect and reported speech, and direct the childrens attention tothe language features using, for example punctuation, subtleconnectives and characterisation. Model only the first twoparagraphs.
| Guided;? use of direct/reported speech Independent; Usingtheir plans from yesterday, ask the children to write their ownmyths. They should consider which paragraphs require more detailthan others. Remind them to apply techniques such as spellingrules, punctuation conventions and dialogue layout. Only want themto write up to the end of the second challenge (the battle) CMwith RW
| Childrencan begin to write own myth including:
!? -Direct/reported speech, adjectives/adverbs. VCOP
. and , -direct speech, punctuation, adjectives
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To reflectcritically on own writing and edit/improve | Choose anexample of a childs writing to discuss in class. Look at the orderof the events. Identify with the children where more descriptionand events could have been added to maintain the readers interest.Re-draft the paragraph, showing the children how to start sentencesin different ways, for example not always starting with Then he,but using different connectives. | Guided:sit and support target group. Independent: Askthe children to select their own paragraph to work on. They shouldread this to a response partner who can identify what they wouldlike to know more about in the story. The children should then usethese responses to redraft their paragraph.
CMwith RW | Childrencan edit and improve own writing
, canimprove description by choosing better adjectives/add more detailif appropriate ?! asabove but can also use different ways to start a sentence.
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Tocomplete myth
| Return theclass to the modelled plan made for the story and remind thechildren that the third part of the challenge is the climax of thestory as this is the one that enables the hero to go through tocollect the prize and return victorious. Discuss with the childrenhow to end the story devised together. Use shared writing to writethe climax and ending of the story, applying the techniques taught,for example use of good story-telling phrases, description andstrong authorial voice. Challenge the children to identify the keylanguage features using, for example direct and reported speech,story-telling connectives and descriptive words and phrases. | Guided:! Encourage use of wow words, adventurous vocabulary. Findadjectives and improve encourage use of thesaurus
Allchildren to continue writing their own version of a myth.
CMwith RW | Childrencan complete their myth using appropriate success criteria forgroup
Completefor homework if necessary | ||||
Evaluation and notesfor next sessions
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