Name | Adventure Mystery Planning - Egypt related |
Owner | elf |
Level | 3 |
Topic | Literacy |
Unit | narrative - adventure, mystery |
Description | Egypt Adventure / mystery unit |
File 1 | 155_adventure mystery |
File 2 | 155_planning grid.doc |
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Unit: Narrative unit3 Adventure and Mystery (3week block) | Date: 14thJan 2008 | Year group:3 |
Session/date | Shared learning andteaching | Independentlearning (highlight guidedlearning) | Plenary | Assessmentcriteria | |
| Spelling / punctuationfocus Teacher to say thefollowing: I would, I have, they have,she will, there is, where is, here is, they are.
With a partner, ask pupilsto contract these verbally with a partner, feed back to class thenwrite words using whiteboards making use of an apostrophe. Eg.Id.
Model how to make use ofthese shortened words in speech, ask pupils to insert speech marks.Refer to instead of said poster. | HA Pupils to match words egthey have theyve. Write a conversation between two people makinguse of speech marks in writing books.
MA Pupils to match words egthey have theyve. Complete cloze procedure conversation,inserting wheres its and Id. Extension: Write aconversation between two people making use of speech marks inwriting books.
LA Pupils to match words egthey have theyve. Complete cloze procedure conversation,inserting wheres its and Id.
| Choose 2 pupils to performa piece of dialogue which teacher scribes it on the smart board.Choose pupils to add speech.
Introduce spellinghomework, hand out spelling lists. | Accurate use ofapostrophe. | |
| Comprehensionactivities
HA (Mr Papes group)-Comprehension book 3 pupils to readcomprehension and answer questions in a full sentence.
MA - Comprehension book 2Uninvited Ghosts, pupils to read comprehension and answerquestions in a full sentence.
LA - Comprehension book 1Mog the Forgetful cat, pupils to read comprehension and answerquestions in a full sentence.
SEN /less able to completeBig Dog and Little Dog go to the Moon from Key ComprehensionStarter book.
| Look for elements ofadventure / mystery within the stories read. |
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Brainstorm togetheralternative words for said, such as: gasped, concluded,exclaimed, explained, boasted, congratulated Why is it better to use oneof these words instead of said.
Look at further examples on
Pupils to write sentencesin books HA - Pupils then to createown sentences making use of apostrophes and speech marks. Refer toinstead of said list. MA Sentences to beinitially dictated by teacher and then checked together. Pupilsthen to create own sentences making use of apostrophes and speechmarks. Refer to instead of said list. LA Simple sentencesdictated by teacher. Concentrate only on use of speech, capitalletters and full stops. | Choose a child to read oneof their sentences while another writes it on the board. Dochildren agree? | Apostrophes and speechmarks used correctly. | |
| Using Lonely Planet images,put one picture on the smart board. Ask pupils to comment on thepicture using all the senses. Teacher to demonstrate howto record ideas in note form. | Speaking andListening Mixed abilitypairs. Pupils to look at aselection if picture cards showing images of Egypt camel trader,night market, spices, exotic hotel, pyramids, driving through thedesert, underwater diver, Egyptian museum. etc. In pairs discuss the image,jotting key thoughts in jotters. Begin with the image used by thewhole class then the rest of the images. | Look at a selection of theimages. Pupils to feedback their thoughts / notes. What feelings /atmosphere do these images evoke? Could we tell an interestingstory with these cards? | Descriptive languageused.
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| Speaking and Listening/Mixed ability pairs
Provide pupils with Egyptpicture cards again. This time, ask pupils to begin to tell a storymaking use of the picture cards. Whole class : Choose some pupils tofeedback their story ideas and make note of any interesting ideas.In which order have people placed the picture cards? Tell children that theywill now begin to create an adventure story about an EgyptianDiscovery. Imagine finding a new tomb of a pharaoh that nobody knewexisted. Ask pupils to verbally tella story using picture cards as a stimulus. Write a list of questionsfor pupils to think about:
Ask pupils to make jottingsin rough to help themselves remember ideas. | Teacher to scribe pupilsresponses to the questions. Compare ideas and draw upon anydescriptive language. |
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Remind pupils of the storycards and questions that they looked at in order to begin toconstruct an adventure story.
Create a spider diagram foreach question, encouraging pupils to describe their ideas in somedetail, thinking about sights, sounds, smells, tastes, feelings.Record each different response and stress that each story can bedifferent. | Pupils to record (neatly)their responses to the 7 questions above allowing them to thinkabout the sequence of their story. Record in literacybooks. HA Detailed responsesinvolving all the senses
Mrs Youngs set to workusing writing frame:
MA Some detailed responsesinvolving all the senses LA Simple one sentenceanswers, Mrs Watson to support.
| Read a selection of variedresponses. Which of these do pupils think would be effective in anadventure story? |
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| Teacher to recall some ofthe story ideas pupils created in session 5. Choose a pair torecall their ideas. Teacher to model how to complete a planningsheet. Look at beginning (Q. 1 and 2), and model how to transferthis onto the planning sheet. | Whole class: Pupils to tella talking partner the beginning of their story in sequence. Independent task: Begin to transfer ideasonto a story board style planning template which will highlightbeginning, middle and end. Pupils to produce a simple drawing andcaption to show the sequence of their story, focus on the beginningof the story. Refer to questions completed yesterday. LA pupils work in a smallsupported group, developing the same story idea. HA set carry on to middleof story if time allows.
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| Teacher to model the restof the story plan, carefully model the middle of the story,focusing on problems and resolutions. Refer to completed questionsheet from session 6. | Continue planning sheet,carrying on with the middle of the story. Encourage children tosequence ideas logically. LA set: Include one problem andresolution HA set: Include twoproblems and resolutions | Ask the children to explaintheir problems and resolutions to the class. |
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| Teacher to model the restof the story plan, carefully model the end of the story, focusingon what was discovered and what happened to it? Refer to completedquestion sheet from session 6. Write in the first person. | Continue planning sheet,carrying on with the end of the story. Complete story plan and readthrough to ensure the story makes sense and is in a logicalorder. | Pupils to explain theirstoryboard to their talking partner. Does the order of it makesense? |
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| 15 minutes Model writing on the smartboard, using word. Explain that we are going to complete the storybeginning today, and that it needs to be detailed. Illustrate howto add description. Make use of speech and illustrate use ofpunctuation exclamation marks, full stops, speech. Highlight when to start anew paragraph. Ask pupils for ideas.Demonstrate how to read through work and edit eg choosing betterwords for said, adding adjectives, exclamation marks. |
Timed independentwriting: 35 minutes to completeintroduction of story. Stress pupils must only complete theirintroduction, not the whole story.
LA set: Teacher to supportgroup 4 DW to supportgroup 5.
| Pupils to proof read theirwork and make any improvements to vocabulary andpunctuation. | Use of speech andillustrate use of punctuation exclamation marks, full stops,speech. Highlight when to start anew paragraph. Ask pupils for ideas.Demonstrate how to read through work and edit eg choosing betterwords for said, adding adjectives, exclamation marks. | |
| 15 minutes: Model writing on the smartboard, using word. Explain that we are going to complete the middleof the story today, and that it needs to be detailed, containingproblems and resolutions to add excitement. Illustrate how to adddescription. Make use of speech and illustrate use of punctuation exclamation marks, full stops, speech. Ask pupils for ideas.Demonstrate how to read through work and edit eg choosing betterwords for said, adding adjectives, exclamation marks (link tospellings). |
Timed independentwriting:
45 minutes to completemiddle of story. Remind pupils to make use of their story planninggrids and ensure their problem and resolution is clearlyexplained.
LA set: Teacher to supportgroup 4 DW to supportgroup 5.
HA set: To include two ormore problems and resolutions. | Demonstration ofunderstanding through answers. | ||
Extended writing
Pupils to continue theirstories, making use of their planning grid. As above. | ||||
| Look at an enlarged copy ofone pupils story. Discuss what is good about the story. Can pupilsidentify what could be improved? Check for sense, punctuation,vocabulary and make improvements together. | In talking pairs, pupilsshould read their finished story to their partner. When readingaloud, do pupils notice any sentences that do not make sense / haveomitted words? Could some words be improved eg said?
More able pupils to checkparagraphing and accurate use of speech marks. | Ask pupils to feed backwhat improvements they have made and how this has effected theirwork? |
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Spelling test other wordsfor said. | Comprehension activity la Comprehension book1 MA Egypt comprehension(teacher focus) HA Egyptcomprehension Remind pupils to read thewhole text first and to answer questions in sentences. Finish off in Historysession if required. | Look at the correct answerstogether. Have we learnt anything new from the text? |
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Objectives:Year 3, Term 2: T1,analyse the language used to open stories and create atmosphere.Year 3, Term 3: T1, T3 and T5 identify first and third person;discuss characters' feelings, behaviour, relationships withreference to the text; retell and compare stories orally; T12 writea first person account, using first/third person consistently; T22experiment with recounting the same event in a variety of ways,e.g. story, letter, news report; T10 and T13 plan by plotting asequence of episodes: logical sequence of events withconflict/climax and resolution; write more extended stories set outin chapters or paragraphs.
3.Group discussion and interaction
7.Understanding and interpreting texts
8.Engaging with and responding to texts
9.Creating and shaping texts
10.Text structure and organisation
11.Sentence structure and punctuation