Brenden is Teaching


NameThe Very Hungry Caterpillar
UnitThe very hungry caterpillar
File 1153_clld 10.03.08.doc
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Early Years Foundation Stage

Early Years Foundation StageNursery 36 -60+ months Adult Directed Activity PlanCLLD

Week beginning 10.3.08


What dochildren know & understand?

What doyou want children to learn?




What arethe next steps in learning?





Ch know this story.They are beginning to understand simple sentence structure butstill need guidance. They can make some phonetic attempts atwords.

To understand simplebook/story structure, join in with repeated refrains.


The HungryCaterpillar-Guided reading-read the story with the children.Talking about the names of the different parts of thebook-front/back cover, title, author, illustrator, title page,blurb, etc. When reading discuss each page (picture/story) with thechildren and point to the words with pointer to model tracking.Encourage ch to join in with repeated refrains.


The Very HungryReception Class.

Ch write a sentence(guided) for the class book.

On Monday/TuesdayRyan ate1 banana.

Bananas-as agroup.

Order the story what happens first, next, later. Ch to retell story checking it isin order.

1. Children topaint

a picture ofone of the foods the caterpillar ate and label by

segmenting andblending the word.


2. To retell thestory using the book and props.


3. Play gamematching food to numbers.







To useknowledge of familiar texts to re-enact or re-tell toothers,

recounting the mainpoints in correct sequence.


To expectwritten

text to make senseand to check for sense if it does not.

Write a listof the days of

the week. Askclass to talk in pairs and remember what the caterpillar ate onMonday. Take feedback, encouraging the children to reply insentences. E.g. On Monday he ate 1 apple. Model

writing thesentence emphasising use of phonics to segment and blend forspelling. Repeat for Tuesday s meal..


The Very HungryReception Class.

Ch write a sentence(guided) for the class book.

OnWednesday/Thursday Molly ate 2 pears.

Strawberries-individuallyand label some of the fruits with phonetic attempts.

Order the story what happens first, next, later. Ch to retell story checking it isin order.






To useknowledge of familiar texts to re-enact or re-tell toothers,

recounting the mainpoints in correct sequence.


To expectwritten

text to make senseand to check for sense if it does not.

Re-read thesentences you

wroteyesterday. In pairs recall what the caterpillar ate on Wednesday,take feedback and write the sentence. Continue in the same way forto complete sentences for Thursday and Friday.


The Very HungryReception Class.

Ch write a sentence(guided) for the class book.

On Friday/SaturdayOwen ate 3 plums.


Order the story what happens first, next, later. Ch to retell story checking it isin order.





To useknowledge of familiar texts to re-enact or re-tell toothers,

recounting the mainpoints in correct sequence.


To expectwritten

text to make senseand to check for sense if it does not.

Using thepicture as a prompt, encourage the children to join in reading allthe things the caterpillar ate on Saturday. Encourage the use ofinitial letter cue and the phoneme ch. Suggest some differentthings that

the caterpillarcould eat. LA-cvc words. E.g.bun, jam, ham.








To retellnarrative outline using language, which

signals a timesequence.

Using thepictures and labels

from theprevious day decide on the order the caterpillar eats the food andagree time language to retell the sequence. E.g. First he ate abun, next he ate a fig etc. Look back to your sentences beginningOn

Monday.. etc.In pairs discuss alternative beginnings. E.g. On the first dayThe next day A week later


On Sunday Miss Lewisateticklist.


Ch write lists offood making phonetic attempts to spell words.

Remind ch of thefeatures of lists.

On Sunday Mrs Hunterateticklist.


Ch write lists offood making phonetic attempts to spell words. Remind ch of thefeatures of lists.