Name | Black History Year 1 Activities |
Owner | Wendells |
Level | 1 |
Topic | History |
Unit | black history |
Description | |
File 1 | 146_Black History Week Plan for Year 1.doc |
File 2 |
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Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
| Literacy | PE | Freeze frame activity childrento say how they would feel if they were a slave. Draw a picture ofhow they would look/feel if they were free. | Literacy |
| PE | Numeracy | Numeracy | RM Maths/Music |
| Numeracy | Literacy | ARTIS | Numeracy |
Tell chn that this week isdedicated to Black History and the abolition of slavery.
Read children the storyof
In Mixed Ability groups childrenwill role play their favourite part of the story. Begin AntiSlavery posters. | Talk to chn about slavery whatit is and why it existed. Discuss how slaves united themselves bysinging slavery songs. Practise singing slavery songs.Look at some examples of anti slavery posters and begin to createtheir own. | Music Specialist
Share some examples of Africandancing and chn to practise some moves. | Black HistoryActivity.
Tell the chn about Harriet PowerStory Quilts. Show them some examples and chn to say what the storycould be about. Begin to design a quilt. Draw ideasfirst. | Black HistoryActivity.
Re-cap on Harriet Powers quilts.Chn to print their quilts or decorate with tissue paper,etc. |
Black History Week Short TermPlanning 1G and 1L