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NameOS Mapping
DescriptionA short unit of work designed to introduce OS maps to Y7
File 185_Y7 Spring - Cycle Rally.doc
File 285_Geography

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Geography Unit Plan Cycle Rally

UsingOrdnance Survey Maps Tour de France


Key Expectations forunit:


Most Children:willunderstand how to use an Ordnance Survey map of the local area.They will be able to use a key, understand the use of scalemarkers, and be able to both give and interpret six-figure gridreferences. They will be able to identify and describe contourlines and will describe a given route. They will produce anOrdinance Survey-style map which demonstrates their understandingof symbols, use of colour, and understanding of contourlines.


More able:willbe able to use Ordnance Survey maps effectively, and recognise anduse keys, scales and contours. They will both give and interpretsix-figure grid references with OS letter markers. They willproduce an Ordnance Survey-style map, showing their understandingof symbols, contours and scale markers. They will interpret theirmap, including questions which demonstrate their understanding oftheir map


Less able:willuse Ordnance Survey maps to describe simple routes. They will usefour-figure grid references and will understand many symbols usedin a key. They will begin to understand the purpose of contourlines as representing varying topography. They will produce anOrdnance Survey-style map including a number of standard symbols torepresent features, and may be able briefly to describe aroute.





Children tolearn:

1 x 80 minutes

Using OS maps with gridreferences

   Tobe able to use a key on an Ordnance Survey map

   Tobegin to use 4- and 6-figure grid references on an Ordnance Surveymap

1 x 80 minutes

Understand and use contourlines

   Tounderstand and use contour lines

1 x 80 minutes

Following a route using OSmaps

   Tofollow a set route, describing features, directions anddistances

   Toreinforce acquired skills, e.g. key, scale, grid references &contours

1 x 80 minutes

Creating a map in the OSstyle

   Toreinforce acquired skills, e.g. key, scale, grid references &contours

1 x 80 minutes

Creating an OS-style map, andinterpreting for another user

   Toreinforce acquired skills, e.g. route description, scale



5 weeks x 80-minute lessons(+ homework as appropriate)

Number inbrackets indicate number of resource on CD-ROM; items in italicsare optional







To be ableto use a key on an Ordnance Survey map


To begin touse 4- and 6-figure grid references on an Ordnance Surveymap

S:Introducesome obvious symbols using PowerPoint presentation (01), site, followed by more unusual, e.g. gardens

M:Using Symbols & Grid References Sheet (02), children to fill ingaps to say where symbols can be found, and what theymean

Discusswhere a Youth Hostel can be found (Littlehton, TQ 025019) andproblems of describing location. (e.g. its near the river, but upa bit.) Use grid on PowerPoint to demonstrate construction ofreference. Chn. to add grid references for symbols found

P: UseMemory Map Go To button to type in a grid reference to checkchildrens results


1:25000Ordnance Survey maps of the local area


From StaffResources:

PowerPointPresentation (01)

SymbolsWorksheet (02)

OS Keysheet (03)

Loop Cards(from template, 04)



2c to useatlases and globes, and maps and plans at a range of scales,including Ordnance Survey 1:25000 and 1:50000 maps


2e to drawmaps and plans at a range of scales, using symbols, keys and scalesand to select and use appropriate graphical techniques to presentevidence on maps and diagrams, including the use of ICT

Support:will haveidentified all the symbols given, and found the symbols for thedescriptions given on the worksheet; will have begun to find4-figure grid references for some items.


Core:will have completed all the missing symbols and descriptions andbegun to find 6-figure grid-references for these


Extension:will have completed all of the above, and found some symbols oftheir own, described them and found accurate 6-figure gridreferences for them.

Tounderstand and use contour lines


S:Play loopcard game for map symbols

M:Askchildren to find grid reference TQ095096 on their maps (BlackpatchHill near Findon). Show same scene on Memory Map. Discussrelevance of black height marker (170m), and then of figures aroundthe hilltop (as marked on contours). Eventually identify thepurpose of contour lines. Teachers may choose to demonstrate howlines link points of identical height by use of a model,e.g. papiermch, potatoes,or pebbles. Children should complete describing contours sheets7/8. More able can look at Contour Graphs (9)

Children cancomplete sheets for homework.

P:Use MemoryMap to find examples of contour patterns given on sheets, anddemonstrate reality using tracks with 3D fly-throughs.

1:25000Ordnance Survey maps of the local area


From StaffResources

Loop Cards(from template, 04)

DescribingContours (07)

DescribingContours 2 (08)

ContourGraphs (09);

High Society(10)

2c to useatlases and globes, and maps and plans at a range of scales,including Ordnance Survey 1:25000 and 1:50000 maps


Support:willrecognise that contours do not appear equidistant when viewed fromabove; will have begun to link contour gaps to steepness


Core:will have completed both Describing Contours sheets and will beable to explain relevance of gap between contour lines


Extension:will have completed all of the above, and begun to draw the shapeof a cross-section using Contour Graphs sheet

To follow aset route, describing features, directions and distances


Toreinforce acquired skills, e.g. key, scale, grid references &contours


Incl:Homework: children to work on geography project over nextweeks.

S:Brieflyrevise contours work from last week; review closer lines means,etc. Use examples given on Flipchart presentation, includingvolcano. (11).

M:Share copies of non-OS map (12). Ask children to identify whatwould need to be changed to make into an OS-style map (e.g. campsite, museum, station symbols, colour for roads, etc.) Showcompleted OS map on flipchart. Children to complete information onroute description sheet (starting at the school)


Introduceletter from Tour-de-France, explaining what is required for aBritish stage. Explain how these might be included in a map, alongwith other tasks required (e.g. directions, grid references,etc.)

Childrenbegin to plan, in draft, their cycle route.

P:Review progress so far; use suitable examples to demonstratesuccessful planning, and inclusion of features.

1:25000Ordnance Survey maps of the local area


From StaffResources

Preparedflipchart (11)

Non OS-stylemap (12)

Routedescription sheet (13)

Letter fromTour-de-France (14)

Prepared OSgrid template (15)


2c to useatlases and globes, and maps and plans at a range of scales,including Ordnance Survey 1:25000 and 1:50000 maps


Support:will havecompleted route description cloze procedure, and begun to designown map using given OS-grid template


Core:will havecompleted cloze procedure and will have begun to draft own map ofroute, incorporating some of the key features required


Extension: willhave completed close procedure and begun to have drafted own map,including all key features, and representing an appropriate scaleand reality.

Toreinforce acquired skills, e.g. key, scale, grid references &contours


S:Remind oftasks set, and ideas for successful completion; review inclusion ofcertain features, with reference to them in context, e.g. stationsbeing attached to railway lines, etc. (use Memory map to show thesefeatures)

M:Childrenworking to complete a designed route incorporating allfeatures

P:Discuss howthe route should be described, including need for an OS-style gridto make grid references, and to include an appropriatescale

1:25000Ordnance Survey maps of the local area


2e to drawmaps and plans at a range of scales, using symbols, keys and scalesand to select and use appropriate graphical techniques to presentevidence on maps and diagrams, including the use of ICT

Support:will havecompleted a broadly useable route, including the majority ofrequired features (except contours)


Core:will havecompleted a route incorporating most key features


Extension:will havecompleted a route incorporating all required features and willbegin to construct a grid-referencing system

Toreinforce acquired skills, e.g. route description, scale


S: UseOS maps to describe a route to partner, e.g. from school toLibrary, or similar. Consider what is passed, roads used, anddirection of turn (particular when travelling South). Link toprevious route description work. You can follow a childsdirections together using Memory Map

M:Individualsto complete drawn maps, adding grid for referencing.

All pupilsshould complete a key to accompany their map; most should alsocomplete a full description of their chosen route, noting therelevant features. Some pupils will incorporate an appropriatescale. Extension pupils may create questions (and answers), whichcan be answered from their map, e.g. What is at grid reference055477?

P:All workshould be compiled into a single file, with map, route & key at thefront, backed up by their earlier research, e.g. contour & routeplanning worksheets. Opportunity for self-assessment against unitcriteria.

1:25000Ordnance Survey maps of the local area

Unit criteria(16)

2e to drawmaps and plans at a range of scales, using symbols, keys and scalesand to select and use appropriate graphical techniques to presentevidence on maps and diagrams, including the use of ICT

Support:will havecompleted a broadly useable map, and accompanying key, showing mostfeatures. Should include a four-figure grid reference for thestarting point.


Core:will havecompleted a route & accompanying key, and a description which canbe seen to link to some of the features of the map, although theremay be some minor errors; will include at least one six-figure gridreference


Extension:will havecompleted a route, accompanying key, and a route description guidewhich reflects the majority of features accurately