Name | The Senses |
Owner | littlemissallen |
Level | 1 |
Topic | Science |
Unit | senses |
Description | Topic plan for the Senses |
File 1 | 136_autmun term 1st half mt plan.doc |
File 2 |
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The Senses | ||
ELG/NCref PSED1. Continue to beinterested, excited and motivated to learn. 2. Be confident to trynew activities, initiate ideas and speak in a familiargroup. 3. Maintain attention,concentrate, and sit quietly when appropriate. 4. Have a developing awareness of their own needs, views and feelingsand be sensitive to the needs, views and feelings ofothers. 5. Form goodrelationships with adults and peers. 6. Works as part of agroup or class, taking turns and sharing fairly, understanding thatthere needs to be agreed values and codes of behaviour for groupsof people, including adults and children, to work togetherharmoniously. 7. Select and useactivities and resources independently. K + U1. Investigate objects and materials by using all of their senses asappropriate, 2. Find out about, and identify, some features of living things,objects and events they observe. 3. Askquestions about why things happen and how things work. 4. Buildand construct with a wide range of objects, selecting appropriateresources, and adapting their work where necessary 5. Findout about and identify the uses of everyday technology and usecommunication technology and programmable toys to support theirlearning. 6. Findout about their environment, and talk about those features theylike and dislike. PD 1. Recognisethe changes that happen to their bodies when they areactive 2. Handletools, objects, construction and malleable materials safety andwith increasing control 3. Usea range of small and large equipment. CD
1. Respond in a varietyof ways to what they see, hear, smell, touch and feel. 2. Use their imaginationin art and design, music, dance, imaginative and role-play andstories. 3. Explore colour,texture, shape, form and space in two or threedimensions. 4. Recognise and explorehow sounds can be changed, sing simple songs from memory, recogniserepeated sounds and sound patterns and match movements tomusic. 5. Express andcommunicate their ideas, thoughts and feelings by using a wideningrange of materials, suitable tools, imaginative and role-play,movement, designing and making, and a variety of songs and musicalinstruments.
Art NC ref1. Recordfrom first-hand observation, experience and imagination, andexplore ideas 2. Ask andanswer questions about the starting points for their work, anddevelop their ideas 3. Investigatethe possibilities of a range of materials and processes 4. Try outtools and techniques and apply these to materials and processes,including drawing 5. Reviewwhat they and others have done and say what they think and feelabout it
ScienceNC ref 1. That animals,including humans, move, feed, grow, use their senses andreproduce 2. To recognise andcompare the main external parts of the bodies of humans and otheranimals 3. About the senses thatenable humans and other animals to be aware of the world aroundthem. 4. Ask questions [for example,'How?', 'Why?', 'What will happen if ... ?'] and decidehow they might find answers to them 5. Use firsthandexperience and simple information sources to answerquestion 6. Explore, using thesenses of sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste as appropriate,and make and record observations and measurements
Geog NCref 1. Askgeographical questions express their own views about people, placesand environments 2. Usegeographical vocabulary 3. Use secondary sources ofinformation 4. Identifyand describe what places are like
ICT NCref 2. Enterand store information in a variety of forms review what they havedone to help them develop their ideas | ||
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Key Vocabularly | ||
SensesSight Taste Smell Touch Hearing Sweet Salt Bitter Sour Rough Smooth See Hear Feel Like Dislike | Body partsArm Leg Head Face Nose Eyes Ears Mouth Tongue Hands Fingers Shoulders Knees Feet Elbows Stomach Toes | OtherAnimal Various animalnames Seasons Autumn Winter SpringSummer Weather Rain Sun Cloud SnowWind Hail Ice Frost Fog Hot Cold Self Portrait Draw Observe Look Pencil Shape Music Sing Instrumentnames
Date andTheme | Activities | ELG/NC ref |
4thSeptember Intro Week | Intro Week 4th September Senses Challenge play sounds lotto, whats inthe bag? Whats that smell? Tasting challenge match close ups toobjects - ask chn what they already know about senses and theywould like to find out about them Sing head shoulders knees and toes Make mini mes for welcome display Label picture of the body Make Zippys | ELG Psed 1-7 KUW1,2 |
10thSeptember Sight | Sight -10th September Discuss importance of sight, blindness wearingglasses Find out about daily lives of blind people Guide Dogs???? Look at and label the parts of the eye Howdo I know what the weather is like? Start weather diaries recordweather and what senses told them about the weather thatday Talk about weather in our country andidea that it is different in otherparts of the world Look for the first signs of autumn make treespinners Look through kaleidoscopes, binoculars, prismsetc what can you see? Design and make own glasses Blindfold partner around a simple obstaclecourse Self Portraits close up drawings of certainparts of the face What can I see inside a church? Where do otherpeople worship? Welly walk to opticians Friday 11thSeptember (10.15 11.15) | PSED 1-7 KUW1,5,6,3 CD2,3 PD2,3 |
| Smell -17th September Smelly box game smell item and match topicture Discuss and record smells like/dislike Discuss how smells can warn us ofdanger Design and make own smelly play dough Smelly Welly Walk smell trail around schoolgrounds Look at a selection ofportraits talk about what features of face are important MakeSpicy self portraits Spice farm What can you smell in a church? Incense sticks introduce Hindu Puja Weather Look at weather inAccra how is it different? | Asabove plus ArtNC 2 KUW2 |
| Taste 24thSeptember Discuss tastes like/dislike Look at friends tongue and discuss tastebuds Experience tasting four different foods salt,sweet bitter and sour Safety talk about tasting unknownitems Make rainbow mints think about how colouraffects our taste- predict what think each colour might taste likefirst Taste food from other cultures link to other cultures in the class??? What do people taste in church and why? Hindu talk about offerings to God what would you give to someonespecial? Paint a friend 3 min obs take photo of chnand match to painting Weather Look at weather inclass countries Portugal and India |
Asabove plus ArtNC 3,5 SciNC 2,3 |
| Touch1st October Discuss variety of textures Look at clothing for different weathers whatwould it feel like? Why would you wear these things? Make a word bank and use to match word and pic ofthat texture Make a feely board - add together to make atouching wall Outdoor activity sensory garden and sense boxes Guess whats in the box. Trytouching things with different parts of body eg elbows, kneesfeet. What is the most sensitive part? Make self portrait collage Welly walk - Autumnal objectcollection What do people touch in church? | Asabove plus ICTNC 1,2 |
| Hearing8th October Discuss various sounds Identify sounds on a tape play soundslotto Sound pots- which two pots sound the same? Matchpots to pic of what think is inside pot. Play Honey bear Discuss how some sounds alert us to danger-Identify these sounds Usetape recorder to record sounds of weather this week Find out how far sound travels what is thefurthest away I can hear a sound? Welly walk compare sounds heard on field and inschool Find out about people who have difficulty inhearing or are deaf Learn sign language for twinkle twinkle littlestar Look at portraits by Picasso and matisse make acopy of one of their self portraits Music from other cultures include music listened to in a Church and Mandir Design a gift to make for someone special including one of the senses. | Asabove plus ArtNc 1,4 |
| AnimalSenses 15th October Look at pics of different animals identifytheir sense organs Discuss what it would be like to touch a varietyof animals Group animals by how they would feel totouch Listen to animal sounds and imitate them howwould you write the sound down? Find out how animal makes its distinctsound Look at the position of animals eys and howanimals see things differently Find out how animals protect themselves againstcertain types of weather. Welly Walk Visit to St Matthewschurch | Asabove plus SciNC 1 |
Extension Activities
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International Learning Activity
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Key Questions
Assessment Opportunities/Activity
Enhancement of basic provision
Involment of parents/carers
Welly walks