Name | Persuasive Writing Week 3 |
Owner | nickywin |
Level | 5 |
Topic | Literacy |
Unit | Persuasive |
Description | Persuasive Writing Week 3 |
File 1 | 55_Persuasive Texts Week 3.doc |
File 2 |
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Week beg: 28th January 2008 | Term: Spring 2008 Persuasive TextsWeek 3 | Teacher | |||||||||||||
Objectives: Speak and listen fora range of purposes on paper and on screen Strand 1Speaking Respondappropriately to the contributions of others in light of differingviewpoints. Strand 2 Listeningand responding Comparethe different contributions of music, words and images in shortextracts from TV programmes. Identify how talk varies with age, familiarity, gender andpurpose. Read for a range ofpurposes on paper and on screen Strand 7Understanding and interpreting texts Explainhow writers use figurative and expressive language to create imagesand atmosphere. Strand 8 Engaging andresponding to texts Interrogate texts to deepen and clarify understanding andresponse. Write for a range ofpurposes on paper and on screen Strand 9 Creating andshaping texts Developand refine ideas in writing using planning and problem-solvingstrategies. Summarise and shape material and ideas from different sources towrite convincing and informative non-narrative texts. Showimagination through language used to create emphasis, humour,atmosphere or suspense. Chooseand combine words, images and other features for particulareffects. Strand 11 Sentencestructure and punctuation Clarifymeaning and point of view by using varied sentence structure(phrases, clauses and adverbials). Strand 12Presentation Useword-processing packages to present work and continue to increasespeed and accuracy in typing. | Key Vocabulary I like, because,dont, think, thought And, so but,because First, last, now,then, sound | ||||||||||||||
| Whole class mental/oralstarter | Whole class introduction | Groupactivities | Plenary | Remember to: |
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Lower | Middle | Higher |
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Mon | To introduce thislast Phase, talk about the work the children have done so far onplanning their own trailers. Ask them to recall the features of apersuasive text and how they used these as criteria when planningtheir own trailer for Watership Down. Tell the children thatduring this Phase they are going to write and present a final draftof their trailers. Discuss the elements of a trailer, for examplevoice-over, sound effects, music, images. Using a selection ofthe childrens chosen key moments from the film, ask them to helpyou prepare a written draft or storyboard. Invite them to use thesticky note method to identify where to increase the persuasivenature of the trailer. Which clips do the children think need avoice-over? | In their groups, ask the children to examine their clips as youhave demonstrated, to identify where to increase the persuasivenature of the trailer and where voice-overs would be mosteffective. Remind them to work collaboratively; taking turns toexpress their opinions.
T with FLSgroup TA asrequired | At the end of the session, bring the children back together. Ask aspokesperson from each group to share their work. Encourage peerappraisal.
| Give reasons foropinions Appraise each otherswork | |||||||||||
Tues | Remind the childrenof the work they did yesterday. Remind them of the importance ofusing voice-over, sound effects, music and images appropriately totrigger the required response in the viewer. Using key moments ofyour choice from Watership Down, model how to write avoice-over for a proposed trailer. Encourage the children to makesuggestions. Take the opportunity to focus on the use of statementsand questions as persuasive devices. Invite the children to suggestlanguage that implies that Watership Down is a must seefilm, using informal language and contractions to create aninformal tone. Point out the need to use connectives to create abridge across time lapses between their proposed clips in theirstoryboards.
| In their groups,invite the children to write their own voice-over scripts to theirstoryboards, following the model done earlier. If wished, they mayuse photocopiable page 166 Trailer information to helpthem.
T and TA asrequired
| Refer to the languagefeatures of persuasive texts identified by the children earlier inthis Unit. Invite them to evaluate their work under the differentheadings. Allow time for them to change their work asnecessary.
| Work collaboratively,listen to and respect others ideas Review work using ownassessment criteria | |||||||||||
Wed |
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Thurs | Ask the children toreview their preparations so far on the proposed trailers forWatership Down. Point out that for the remaining three daysof this Phase, they will be drafting the ICT text. Model how to draw and scan visual images from a storyboard into thecomputer. Insert the images into presentation software. Remind themto listen carefully to your instructions but to ask questions ifthey are unsure of any processes. Spend time after youhave modelled this process to discuss with the children what youhave done. | Invite the childrenin their groups to draw and scan their own images from theirstoryboards into the computer. Remind them that this presentationis to be rough pitch of an idea to a client and not a fulltrailer. Point out that because of this it does not have to beperfectly presented.
Support children whenscanning images.
T and TA asrequired
| At the end of thesession, ask the children to assess the task. How many found ithard to achieve? How many coped well? Provide additional help forgroups who found this task difficult. Invite all the groups toexamine their drawn and scanned images to check that they are inthe right order as per their storyboards. | Communicate with yourteam Review work using ownassessment criteria. | |||||||||||
Fri | Word work |
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Abbreviations: TA TeacherAssistant T - Teacher
| WeeklyEvaluation |
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Childrennot reaching objectives | Children exceedingobjectives |
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SEN Notes:
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