Name | Persuasive Texts |
Owner | nickywin |
Level | 5 |
Topic | Literacy |
Unit | Persuasive |
Description | Week 1 Persuasive writing |
File 1 | 55_Persuasive Texts Week 1.doc |
File 2 |
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Week beg: 14th January2008 | Term: Spring 2008 Persuasive TextsWeek 1 | Teacher | |||||||||||||
Objectives: Speak and listen fora range of purposes on paper and on screen Strand 1Speaking Respondappropriately to the contributions of others in light of differingviewpoints. Strand 2 Listeningand responding Comparethe different contributions of music, words and images in shortextracts from TV programmes. Identify how talk varies with age, familiarity, gender andpurpose. Read for a range ofpurposes on paper and on screen Strand 7Understanding and interpreting texts Explainhow writers use figurative and expressive language to create imagesand atmosphere. Strand 8 Engaging andresponding to texts Interrogate texts to deepen and clarify understanding andresponse. Write for a range ofpurposes on paper and on screen Strand 9 Creating andshaping texts Developand refine ideas in writing using planning and problem-solvingstrategies. Summarise and shape material and ideas from different sources towrite convincing and informative non-narrative texts. Showimagination through language used to create emphasis, humour,atmosphere or suspense. Chooseand combine words, images and other features for particulareffects. Strand 11 Sentencestructure and punctuation Clarifymeaning and point of view by using varied sentence structure(phrases, clauses and adverbials). Strand 12Presentation Useword-processing packages to present work and continue to increasespeed and accuracy in typing. | Key Vocabulary
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| Whole class mental/oralstarter | Whole class introduction | Groupactivities | Plenary | Remember to: |
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Lower | Middle | Higher |
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Mon | During sharedreading, look at paper-based persuasive texts, including postersfor films, and adverts in magazines and newspapers focusing oninformation about the loss of animal habitats through climatechange, human intervention and so on. Discuss the purposeof the texts and how they are intended to make the reader feel,angry, worried and so on. Display Save OurBirds! from the CD-ROM. It is a poster about the effects ofclimate change on bird habitats (particularly nature reserves).Read the poster together. Spend time discussing its contents.Invite the children to express their opinions about the emotionsthe poster provokes, for example worry, pity. Annotate the posterby circling or underlining the features (both pictorial andwritten) identified by the children. Record the findings on theboard. | Hand out copies ofphotocopiable page 163 Advertisement showing an advert by a localbird-support group. Ask the children to mark and annotate features(both pictorial and written) that provoke emotion.
LA TA -usedifferentiated version of Save Our Birds! MA Interrogate textto deepen and clarify meaning and response, justify choice. FLS T Shared writing of a leaflet for VIP using a mixture ofdemonstration, scribing and supported composition.
| Analyse some of thechildrens work. Did everyone choose the same features? Did anyonemake different choices? Ask them to give reasons for theirchoices.
| Give reasons for youropinions | |||||||||||
Tues | Remind the childrenof the work they did yesterday. Ask them to recall the purpose of apersuasive text. Encourage all the children to participate. Return to the sharedtexts by looking at Save Our Birds! from the CD-ROM and byasking the children to re-examine their completed copies ofphotocopiable page 163 Advertisement. Point out that you aregoing to test these key features to see if they apply to a filmtrailer. Display the Polarbear film from the CD-ROM. Discuss the purpose of the trailer andthe emotions it is intended to provoke in the listener. Spend timediscussing the film and its similarities with the poster andadvertisement texts. | Put the children intomixed ability of 3/4 groups. Ask them to compare the trailer withthe poster and the advertisement texts. Do they think that they allprovoke the same response? Encourage them to participate fully inthis discussion. Invite one child to act as scribe to record thegroups findings in note form. T and TA movebetween groups, ensure LA taking part in discussion. | At the end of thesession, ask the scribes to make a report of their groups findingsusing their notes as reference. Did everyone have similarfindings?
| Listen to each otherand respect everyones ideas. | |||||||||||
Wed |
Literacy covered inHistory Topic |
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Thurs | Talk about the workdone over the last few days. Ask the children to recall thefeatures of a persuasive text and the different types of persuasivetexts they have seen and read. Re-watch the filmtrailer from the CD-ROM. Together identify its differentcomponents: soundtrack, voice-over and moving images. Discuss theimportance of each of these features in making up the wholetrailer. | Divide the class intotwo sets of two jigsaw groups. Ask each group to discuss one ofthe trailer components (voice-over and moving images) and how it isused to persuade us to see the film. Allow them 15 minutes for thistask When the time is up,bring the groups back together. Invite the groups to share theirfindings. Remind the children to take turns while others in theirgroup are speaking. | Make notes about thegroups findings on the board. At the end of the discussion, sum upthe childrens findings referring to the notes on the board assupport. | Listen to each otherand respect everyones ideas. | |||||||||||
Fri | Word work SpellingBank Year 4 objective 5 pg 21(22?) double consonants In ICT suiteuse |
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Abbreviations: TA TeacherAssistant T - Teacher
| WeeklyEvaluation |
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Childrennot reaching objectives | Children exceedingobjectives |
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SEN Notes:
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