Name | SC1 part 2 |
Owner | hennups |
Level | 2 |
Topic | Science |
Unit | SC1 |
Description | SC1 planning for Autumn Term 2 |
File 1 | 53_Science unit of work autumn 2.doc |
File 2 |
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Unit: Science SC1
Date: Starting31/11/07
Year group: Year 2
Session | Sharedlearning and teaching | Independentlearning | Plenary | Assessmentcriteria | I canStatements |
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1 | Getting MuddledUp Show chn thequestion on the board Which cardboard bridge is the strongest?Ask the chn how I go about planning this investigation? Show themthe picture instructions and start discussing them, putting them upin the wrong order. Chn should correct me, thus clarifying theirown plans. | Chn will work attables to re-order a plan for the question: Which tights stretchthe most? BB/BA Largepictures, lots of discussion and large piece of paper to stickon. MA/AA Indtsheets. | Discuss thesequence of the plan and any discrepancies between theirplans. | To help thechildren clarify their plan. | I can sequence aplan of an investigation. |
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2 | MyPlan Show chn theflow chart again and discuss the Plan and Predict sections. UsingDiscovery Dog and the plan materials included there, chn are toconsider one of the investigations. As a whole class, use the largeversion of Discovery Dog laminate to go through the steps with theclass. Discuss how important it is to do it all in sequence. | Chn will have theworksheet Activity Sheet 9 to work on, either in groups withadults or independently. They dont have to put something in eachbox and can add extra bits on if needed. Important bit is theprediction today. | Discuss the plansthe chn have created and any differences between them. Discusstheir predictions. | To help childrenthink ahead. | I can plan aninvestigation in the right order. |
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3 | Making it a FairCompetition Review with thechn how to make an investigation fair key point is that you haveto keep something the same and change just one thing at a time.Remind them of the ramp exercise. Good way is to have every childin the small group do a different change, thus making it fair.Discuss it now in terms of it being a competition between the chnin the group. In this way they will get an understanding of how ithas become fair. | Chn are to workin Literacy groups. They will have a large sheet of paper with atable prepared for them. They are to consider the question seeSkill Activity 10 sheet with examples. They are to decide which oneaspect they are going to change in order to keep the test fair andthen decide on the factors they will each take control of. BB/BA Withadults | Share some of thetables the chn have created and discuss. | To help chnunderstand fair testing by turning the investigation into acompetition. | I can considerhow to make an investigation fair. |
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4 | Deliberatelymaking it unfair Do a demo whereI purposefully make things unfair. Use example on Skill Activity 11 Which dissolves first, soft brown sugar or granulated whitesugar? Ask the chn to call out the words Thats not fair!whenever they spot you going wrong. When they identify somethingunfair, ask a selected child to explain why its not fair. Chn areto discuss their reasons with a partner and then feed back to thewhole class. | Feedback to theclass the chns own ideas. | To enable chn tospot when a test is unfair. | I can spot when atest is unfair. |
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5 | Fairtesting Demo to the chnusing a small Orange squash ice block and a larger water ice block.Show them to the chn and put the orange one near the radiator andthe water one on the table. Am I being fair? I wont change the iceblocks but should everything else be the same for each? Yes.Because we only have one thing different in aninvestigation, that is our one difference. Show the chn a blown upversion of the top half of Skill Activity sheet 12. They shouldalready have spotted 2 unfair things. Diff size blocks and theradiator factors. | The chn are towork at tables on the Skills sheet. Lots of discussion aboutwhat they would do to make it fairer. BB and BA groupswith TA on one table on an A3 version. MA groups Indtas a whole group on A3 AA With teacherworking on their own versions on A4. | Feedback to theclass the chns own ideas. | To distinguishbetween a far test and an unfair test. | I can distinguishbetween a fair test and an unfair test. |
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6 | Stop! Explain to thechn that we always have to consider how to do things safely. Theycan cause huge risks to themselves and others when doing practicalwork. Teachers are always around to look after them but they needto be aware of the possible dangers. Show chn on the board adifferent danger to those on the sheet and discuss and show themhow to record. Explain the worksheet and the examples onthere. | Using SkillActivity 13 sheet in RR groups, chn are to consider what the dangeris in each case and tell the child what they need to Stop! BB With teacheron own sheets BA With TA onA3 sheet. MA/AA Indtwork on sheet | Feedback to theclass the chns own ideas. Chn are to call out STOP! for eachexample before giving their reasons. | To identifypossible risks in practical work. | I can identifypossible risks in practical work. |
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