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Weekly LiteracyPlanW/B:25/02/08




Unit: Poetry 2 (Shape Poetry &Calligrams)




Early MorningWork


Whole class: sharedreading and writing


Whole class: phonics,spelling, vocab and grammar


Whole class: Speakingand Listening, Drama











Reading and Analyzing





Display words on board with air sound missing.Children to complete words, then think of their own words.

Give children a copy of The Sound Collectorone between two and ask them to highlight the features of poetrythey remember. Ask them to look for any words that describe asound. Explain that this is called onomatopoeia. Why might we wantto use this in a poem?

Reading focus What alliteration andonomatopoeia can you find?

Display some lines of poetry on board. Childrento discuss in pairs whether there are any words that could beimproved. Change poem as a whole class to make it moreinteresting.

Whole class teaching paired discussion ofpoems

Group discussions in guided reading.


Read 2 short onomatopoeia poems: Bounce theBall, Sounds Familiar.

Look at sounds evoked by words and suggestonomatopoeia words to describe e.g. a car engine, water going downplughole.


Read Windy Nights and Weather. Children tolook for alliteration and onomatopoeia in poems. Group discussionof reading focus.







Read The Boneyard Rap, The Music Lesson Rapand J is for Jazz Man. Children to look for alliteration andonomatopoeia in poems. Group discussion of reading focus.



Children to share onomatopoeia words they havefound in their poems. Create a class collection. What sounds arethese words describing?


Explorehow different texts appeal to readers using varied sentencestructures and descriptive language.


Composesentences using adjectives, verbs and nouns for precision, clarityand impact




Sentence level

Display words on board with are sound missing.Children to complete words, then think of their own words.

How does a poet grab attention? Show the poemWaves on board and use spotlight and screen shade to look atparts of the poem. Ask the children what they notice about eachpart. How has the poet decided what font to use for each word?Explain that this is called a calligram.

Recap how a thesaurus is organized and what itis used for. Ask children to find an interesting adjective in theirthesaurus, working in pairs. What does it mean? Can they write itin a sentence? Show some ordinary verbs on board. Ask children tofind powerful alternatives. Create a whole class list of powerfulverbs.

Word level paired use of thesaurus

Children to be given sentences written about apicture. Underline words they could improve and write a moreinteresting alternative.

MUST use a thesaurus to find more interestingwords.




Children to be given sentences written about apicture. Underline words they could improve and write a moreinteresting alternative.

SHOULD use powerful verbs andadjectives

Children to be given sentences written about apicture. Underline words they could improve and write a moreinteresting alternative.

COULD add a clause to make a complexsentence


Children to choose their favourite word from thelesson and write it as a calligram on a whiteboard. Which are goodcalligrams and why?


Identifyfeatures that writers use to provoke readers' reactions.


Composesentences using adjectives, verbs and nouns for precision, clarityand impact







Display words on board with ear sound missing.Children to complete words, then think of their own words.

Recap onomatopoeia. Show a photo of a trafficjam. Children to write down as many onomatopoeia words as possibleon individual whiteboards. Discuss in pairs which ones fit thissituation and write around photo. In pairs, children to think ofother adjectives and powerful verbs that could be used to describethe traffic jam.

Model beginning of handwriting card 10 using2handwrite. Children to copy joins on individualwhiteboards.

Whole class teaching paired discussion ofappropriate word choices

Plenary paired discussion of poems

Children to answer retrieval questions based onMondays poems.





Children to answer retrieval and referralquestions about Mondays poems.





Children to answer retrieval, referral andinferral questions about Mondays poems.


Children to look for powerful verbs andadjectives in the poem. Discuss in pairs what their favourite wordis. Why did the poet choose this word?


Selectand use a range of technical and descriptive vocabulary.





Writewith consistency in the size and proportion of letters and spacingbetween words, using the correct formation of handwritingjoins



Speaking andlistening


Handwriting card 10

Show photo with word ideas from yesterday.Explain that they are going to write a poem like Waves about thisphoto. Children to discuss in pairs what the title could be. UseWaves to identify success criteria recapping onomatopoeia,alliteration, similes, powerful verbs and adjectives, must makesense, doesnt have to rhyme.

CC Link Geography

Model end of handwriting card 10 using2handwrite. Children to copy joins on individualwhiteboards.

Whole class teaching paired discussion ofpoem

Paired work in main part of lesson andplenary

Children to work in pairs to fill in the gaps inthe poem with appropriate words about traffic. List of successcriteria stuck in book.






Children to work in pairs to create a firstdraft of the poem about traffic. Copy of Waves as a startingpoint.

List of success criteria stuck in book.



Children to work in pairs to create a firstdraft of the poem about traffic. Copy of Waves as a startingpoint. List of success criteria stuck in book.

Children to work in pairs to check their poemagainst the success criteria, ticking the items on the list theyhave included. Identify a target to improve on tomorrow.


Selectand use a range of technical and descriptive vocabulary.




Writewith consistency in the size and proportion of letters and spacingbetween words, using the correct formation of handwritingjoins


Sustainconversation, explain or give reasons for their views orchoices.






Handwriting card 10

Show a variety of calligrams on board.

Children to underline words in their poem thatcould be written as a calligram. Look back at target from yesterdayand discuss with partner how any identified parts of the poem canbe improved.

Show words on board with silent letters.Children to identify the silent letters and group words accordingto letter pattern. Can they think of any more words with silentletters?

Whole class teaching paired discussion of howpoems can be improved

Children to write up poem using appropriatefonts for word choices. For display.




Children to write up poem using appropriatefonts for word choices.

For display.




Children to write up poem using appropriatefonts for word choices.

For display.




Children to walk around class, looking at eachothers poems. Leave comments on post it notes.


Uselayout, format, graphics and illustrations for differentpurposes.


Spellunfamiliar words using known conventions including grapheme-phonemecorrespondences and morphological rules