Name | Sandwich Snacks and Healthy Drinks |
Owner | shelleymccuk |
Level | 3 |
Topic | Design Technology |
Unit | Sandwich Snacks and Healthy Drinks |
Description | Year 3 DT - Sandwich Snacks & Healthy Drinks |
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D&T1st Spring Term 2007 MrsMcClean
Sandwich Snacks & Healthy Drinks | D&T Class 3 | ||
Childrenlearn basic food preparation techniques and ways of combiningcomponents to create simple food products for a particular purpose.They develop their designing skills by using their own experiencesand evaluating existing products to develop ideas. Throughdiscussion, they develop criteria for their design proposals andsuggest ways to proceed. They develop their making skills bylearning to combine components according to taste, appearance ortexture to create a product that contributes to a healthy diet.Through this activity children develop an awareness of health andsafety and learn that the quality of the product depends on howwell it is made and presented. This unitcan be adapted by using an alternative context for the childrensdesigning and making assignment e.g. snacks, pizzatoppings. | |||
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It ishelpful if the children have: learnt that food products are made of severalcomponents learnt that there is a need for a variety offoods in a healthy diet learnt about personal hygiene when working withfood This unitbuilds on Unit 1C Eat more fruit and vegetables. It alsobuilds on Science Units 1A Ourselves, 2A Health and growth and3A Teeth and eating. Inaddition, it builds on IT Unit 3C Introduction todatabases. | In thisunit, children will use words and phrases relating to: designing e.g. texture, taste,appearance, healthy, preference, criteria, cost, questionnaire,data, frequency diagram making e.g. cut, mix, spread, slice,blend, grate, chop, chopping board, knife, grater knowledge and understandinge.g. sandwich, filling, ingredients, fridge, food groups,hygiene, high risk, healthy eating, balanced plate, thick,thin - sensory e.g. sweet, sour, bitter,salty | pictures/images of sandwiches andfillings a selection of different types ofsandwiches a variety of breads ingredients suitable for spreads andfillings plastic table covers, antibacterial cleaner,hand-washing and washing-up facilities, aprons tools and equipment e.g. knives,chopping boards, graters, plates, bowls, plastic film access to oven | |
EXPECTATIONS at the end of this unit | |||
most childrenwill: | have usedinformation from an evaluation activity to select and prepare arange of sandwich ingredients for a purpose, combining theingredients to create an appealing sandwich; have considered howwell their sandwich meets the original purpose; have anunderstanding of the balanced plate model for healthy eating andwill have applied this to ideas about how the sandwich contributesto a healthy diet | ||
some children will nothave | haveprepared a range of ingredients that they have selected, withassistance, to create a sandwich; have discussed how well theirsandwich meets the original purpose | ||
some children willhave | havecompetently prepared a range of ingredients that they have selectedbased on information they have gathered; have been able to offersuggestions for modifications and improvements to their originalidea | ||
SANDWICH SNACKS Week 1 Investigative, Disassembly & Evaluative Activities(IDEAs) | |||
* That there are a variety of sandwiches(structure and content) * That people have different preferences * That databases are useful for holding surveyinformation * That sandwiches can form part of a healthydiet * That different combinations of ingredients canaffect the taste and texture of the product * To use appropriate language related to foodproducts | * Discuss thecontribution of sandwiches to a healthy diet. Introduce thebalanced plate model of food groups. Ask the children to identifydifferent foods in the groups. Encourage them to look at their owndiets. * Ask the children to evaluate a range of boughtsandwiches, recording opinions on appearance, smell, taste andtexture. Record this information on a database to find the mostpopular choice. (Ask the children to make their comments onappearance and smell before the sandwiches are cut up. Provide cupsof water for the children to rinse their mouths between tasting.) *Give the children a selection of breads that can be used forsandwiches to taste e.g. rye bread, pitta bread, flat bread, breadrolls, French stick, sliced and unsliced loaves. * Ask them to identify each one and explain whatit can be used for. | * Have an understanding of what a sandwich isand how to make one * Can record their opinions on a tablecommenting on taste, appearance, smell and texture * Identify the different food groups in thebalanced plate * Put commonly eaten foods in their correct foodgroups * Have a sound understanding of appropriateterms used in food preparation and food products | Explain to the children the difference betweentasting and eating.
Make a list of words to describe appearance,taste, smell and texture. This will help children when choosingwords to express their opinions.
Ask the children to make their comments onappearance and smell before the sandwiches are cut up. Provide cupsof water for the children to rinse their mouths betweentasting. |
SANDWICH SNACKS Week 2 FocusedPractical tasks (FTPs) and Design & Make Assignment(DMA) | |||
* Know about the importance of hygienic foodpreparation and storage * That combinations of ingredients, preparationand cooking can affect the end product * To identify a purpose for their sandwich e.g.for a summer picnic and establish criteria for a successfulproduct * To plan the order of their work beforestarting | * Show PowerPoint presentation Food safety(from the British nutrition Foundation website). Whilst watchingdiscuss the information presented, particularly the importance ofpreparing a food area, wearing aprons and personal hygiene. Discusswhy some foods are high risk and should be kept in a fridge. * Discuss the function of each ingredient in thesandwich e.g. bread - to hold filling, spread - to bind togetherand moisten. * Children to make a model sandwich, decidingfirst on a purpose for their sandwich and the ingredients it willcontain. * Children to develop a clear sequence formaking their sandwich. * Children to take home a letter explaining thatthey will make a sandwich in school next week and to remind them tobring in their ingredients. | * Can identify important aspects of personalhygiene before handling food e.g. washing hands, keepinglong hair tied back, wearing an apron * Can identify which foods should be kept in afridge and why some foods are high risk |
SANDWICH SNACKS Week 3 Design &Make Assignment (DMA) | |||
* To use tools safely and effectively * That combinations of ingredients, preparationand cooking can affect the end product * That they can modify their designs byevaluating as they are making * That the quality of their product will dependon their skills, accuracy and care * To evaluate their product against originaldesign criteria | * Remind the children of the importance ofpreparing a food area, wearing aprons and personal hygiene. Discusswhy some foods are high risk and should be kept in a fridge. * Discuss the function of each ingredient in thesandwich e.g. bread - to hold filling, spread - to bind togetherand moisten. * Explain that children will need to develop aclear sequence for making the sandwich, emphasising that thequality of the finished product can be ensured through accurate useof tools and careful presentation.
Class to be split into two groups: one group makesandwiches whilst the other group writes up their work sequence &evaluation. Swap over. | * Can apply what they have learnt throughIDEAs/FPTs in their designing and making * Can work through a sequence of tasks toproduce a sandwich, making appropriate modifications * Can show that they have worked safely andhygienically in their preparation and finishing to ensure a qualityproduct * Can evaluate their sandwich and othersagainst their original design criteria | Healthand safety Whencarrying out a risk assessment for this activity, teachers willneed to consider the materials, tools and equipment beingused. Inaddition, the following points should be noted: parental permission should be sought beforetasting sessions in order to identify any dietary or culturalrequirements for consideration e.g. nut allergy hygiene practices should be observede.g. surfaces cleaned down and wiped with antibacterialcleaner; a plastic table cover kept for food activities and used tocover wooden/old tables; aprons provided for food preparation;access to hand-washing and washing-up facilities and appropriatestorage facilities for food children should be taught safe practices inrelation to equipment e.g. the oven, knives |
DRINKS Week 1 Investigative,Disassembly & Evaluative Activities (IDEAs) | |||
* That there are a variety of drinks * That people have different preferences * That different combinations of ingredients canaffect the taste and texture of the product * To use appropriate language related to foodproducts | * Tell the class that they will each bedesigning and making a healthy drink for a particular person their consumer. * Discuss: - What sort of cold drinks do you and yourfamily drink? - Do you buy cold drinks? Which ones?Why? - Do you make cold drinks? Which ones?Why? - What is fruit juice? - What are healthy ingredients? * Ask the children to evaluate a range ofdrinks, recording opinions on appearance, smell, taste andtexture. * Complete a survey - each child to interview afriend about his/her preferences, special requirements and ideasabout drinks. * Use the information from the survey to groupthe children according to the type of drink they are going to make- milk-based, yogurt-based, fruit-based or water-based. * Children to write a specification for theirhealthy drink. * Children to take home a letter explaining thatthey will make a healthy drink in school next week and to remindthem to bring in their ingredients. | * Can identify a range of healthy ingredientspresent in drinks * Can record their opinions on a tablecommenting on taste, appearance, smell and texture * Can use the outcomes of a survey to write aspecification for a healthy drink
| Point out that water, although necessary forhealth, is not a food, and that sugar in moderation is notunhealthy as it gives energy.
It is important to find out ifthere are children in the class who are sensitive to certain foods.Send home a list of all the ingredients to be used so that parentshave an opportunity to warn of any potentialproblems. |
DRINKS Weeks 2 & 3 Design & MakeAssignment (DMA) | |||
* Know about the importance of hygienic foodpreparation and storage * That combinations of ingredients & preparationcan affect the end product * That they can modify their designs byevaluating as they are making * That the quality of their product will dependon their skills, accuracy and care * To evaluate their product against originaldesign criteria | * Divide the class into 3 groups two groupsmaking drinks, the other constructing bar charts of the lastlessons survey results. * Make the drinks according to thespecifications written during the previous lesson one groupworking with Mrs Walsh, the other with myself. * Once drinks have been made, each child to pairup with his/her partner from the interview session and ask theconsumer to taste and evaluate the drink. * Child who made the drink to evaluate it bycomparing the drink they actually made with the one that they hadplanned to make. Discuss these questions with the children: - Was it easy to follow thespecification? - Did you have to make changes to the drink youhad planned? Why? - Did your consumer like the drink? - Was there anything that surprised you when youwere making the drink? * In week 3, groups to change over so that everychild has made, tasted and evaluated a drink. | * Can apply what they have learnt in theirdesigning and making * Can work through a sequence of tasks toproduce a healthy drink, making appropriate modifications * Can evaluate their healthy drink and othersagainst their original design criteria